The Prophecy

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"Oh, shit", Draco whispered looking around him. He saw dead witches and wizards who worked at the Ministry.
"I can't believe it's happening again", Harry said as he looked at dead Kingsley Shacklebolt's head. He remembered when he saw Snape die and tears started forming in his eyes.
"What do we do?", Draco asked him but Harry didn't response. He was still thinking about the Battle of Hogwarts when he saw Snape die.
"Are you alright?", Draco started waving his hand in front of Harry.
"What?", Harry snapped out of his flashback.
"Jesus Potter, what are we going to do?"
"I don't know Malfoy." As he said that a green spell came from behind them and almost hit them.
"Great", they looked at each other.
"Run!", Harry said and started running with Draco just a little behind him. They were spotted and deatheaters started chasing them.
"Where are we going?", Draco asked while running.
"I don't know, just run!", Harry responded.
They turned around the corner to the left and got to the room Harry recognised from somewhere.
"Where are we?", Draco asked.
"I remember this room, but I didn't know it was here", Harry answered.
"You work here. How didn't you know it was here and what is it?"
"I don't know. It just looks familiar."
They entered and found them self surrounded by a lot of bookshelves, but they weren't filled with books, but some kind of cristal balls.
"The prophecies. Now I remember. In 5th year we fought your father and his fellow deatheaters here. Sirius lost his life"
"Well, it is nice you remembered, but we don't have time for a trip down the memory lane. We have to move. Hide", Draco pushed Harry in one row and he went to hide in the other row.
They heard deatheaters coming in. They started shooting spells all across the room causing cristal balls containing prophecies to fall and break.
Draco started moving fast through the rows. He knew he had to escape, but how. And he couldn't leave Harry behind. As he was avoiding balls from falling on his head he bumped into Harry who was doing just that.
"So what's the plan?", Harry asked.
"I don't know Potter. You've been through this."
"Shit. I don't know. Last time I had DA with me."
"Who were all still kids then. Now you are a head auror for crying out loud. Deal with this."
"If only Hermione were here", Harry whispered.
"Yes, I wish she were here too, but on the other hand I'm happy she is safe. Can we apparate from here?"
"No, we have to get to the doors and once we get out of the room we can apparate"
"Great plan", Draco said and he started moving to the end of the row when one cristal ball started glowing.
"What's this? It will give us away", Draco whispered.
"It seemes you are somehow connected to this one. Take it and let's go", Harry whispered back. Draco took it and they got to another row. No luck there. A deatheater was in that row so they had to shoot spells fast. The deatheater shot the killing curse at them, but they ducked and Harry shouted his signature Expeliarmus.
"You don't know any other spell, but this one?", Draco asked.
"Shut up Malfoy!", Harry hissed.
"Sectumsempra!", Draco yelled and hit the deatheater. They passed him and got to the next row. They only had this one to get to the door put as they got into that last row a group of 6 deatheaters was waiting for them. They started shooting killing curses and Draco and Harry were tyring to avoid them.
"Not so good at aiming, are we?", Draco asked mockingly.
"Zip it!", Harry said and cast Expeliarmus spell once again.
"Confringo!", Draco yelled and blasted 3 of the deatheaters flying and hitting the wall behind them.
"Petrificus totalus!", Harry cast at one deatheater.
"2 to go", Draco said and cast Stupify sending one of the 2 remaining deatheaters flying.
"Sectumsempra!", Harry hit the last one and they ran towards the door. Once they got out of the prophecy room they apparated to Lavander's.
"Dad!", Lilly exclaimed and ran into Harry's arms. He hugged her tight.
"Draco!", Hermione stood up from the couch and ran into his arms. The kids followed. "You are hurt", she said as she put her finger on his forhead where a cut was.
"It is nothing. It could have been worse."
"I am just glad you are alive. What has happened?"
"The Ministry has fallen", Harry said exhausted. "Kingsley is dead and so are Wood, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Flint and others. We barely escaped"
"Which reminds me", Draco said and pulled a cristal ball out of his pocket.
"A ball!", Bradley said trying to take it out of Draco's hand.
"No, son. It is not a toy.", Draco said but got interrupted by Hermione saying "a prophecy".
"Yes, it glowed when I got close to it. He said", he pointed at Harry," that it is somehow related to me"
"Let's hear it", Harry said.
The cristal ball glowed again, but this time much brighter. A scarry deep voice started saying:
"When a lion fell in love with a serpant
Two became 8
The Golden Girl did her twirl and smilled bright,
And the follower of the dark came back to light.
The founding four,
In one family can end the war.
Turn the sneeky fox into a mindless fly
Brew the potion in 3 nights.
The mighty potion to make,
They only have one take.
Across the globe they will spread
To find this 7 and stop the bloodshed:
To find a unicorn one will have to find what it eats, fairy plum is what you need.
Unicorn will have to give its tear
And to take the pheonix's feather, one will face his greatest fear.
To enhence the potion's power,
In the dark forest you he will find the bloomix flower.
The whole world one will see
Take the water of 3 greatest seas.
The task may not be light,
Indigo colour one shall find.
To finish the potion and cast the spell,
A famous person one should duell.
A deathly hallow one out of 3
Take it and the Wizarding world will be free"

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