Who Is He?!

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It was a peaceful monday at the manor. Draco and Lyria went to the WizCorp earlier in the morning. Hermione had an interview later that day so she took the chance to sleep longer.
When try got to the firm, Draco went in his office where his best friend and Draco's right hand man in business, was already waiting for him. Lyria went to her secretary desk in front of his office. She and her boyfriend Tom both worked with their fathers at WizCorp, only she got a better job as a secretary as big boss' daughter. He worked at their biggest hotel on the reception desk where Draco's office was so he could visit her in his free time.
"So what's new today, Blaise?",Draco asked his right hand man.
"Well, I have here some documents that need your signature as soon as possible" he gave him a pile of papers. "And the Americans called. They want a meeting with us about the Vegas property"
"Well, I'll give them a call and we'll arrange a meeting." Draco started signing the documents. He stopped looking at one.
"Hm, what is all this about? It says one of our hotels isn't doing well. Why is that?"
"Yeah, the one in Bruxelles. It seems they had less tourist this year, so we haven't had many guests. If you ask me, I think we should lower our prices in the smaller ones, because there we haven't had much traffic."
"Let me see the budget. Lyria, honey, can you come her for a minute?", he called out of his office.
"Yes dad, what do you need?"
"Bring me our finances report and the chart of guests per night per hotel."
She nodded and went to get the papers. When she came back, on her desk in front of his office was a packet for Draco. She went in his office.
"Here it is. Dad, there is a packet for you on my desk. Do you want me to bring it to you now or later?"
"I'll pick it up later. Now I have to deal with Bruxelles and Vegas."
"Alright, I'll take a quick break so I'm going with Tom out on lunch break. I'll be back in half an hour."
"Sure thing, honey", he told her and got back to his papers.
"Oh Lyria",Blaise stopped her. "Can you tell my son to meet me after work in the hallway?"
"No problem." She left the room.
"You know, you have one hell of the secretary",Blaise said.
"I know. She is just like her mother. She does everything perfectly", he smilled thinking about how Hermione and Lyria are similar.
"I think we have enough budget to invest in Vegas deal, but also to invest in renovating the smaller hotels. What do you think?"
"I think we need to renovate those in Bruxelles, Berlin and Budapest, and maybe expand those in Paris and Amsterdam. They are smaller than those in New York, Los Angeles and Vienna, but have more international guests."
"Well then, I'll cut the budget for Vegas, and invest more in those",Draco said and gave Blaise all documents now signed.
"Come here in an hour. Until then I'll have a meeting arranged with the Americans. We have to go through the details."
When Blaise left, Draco had a few minutes to take a look at the packet for him. He took it from Lyria's desk and opened it. Inside were pictures. He didn't understand why would somebody send him pictures, but when he looked closer he noticed his wife on them. He looked to see if there is a name of sender, but there was nothing.
"Is this a joke?", he asked himself.
He looked through the pictures and noticed the same man on them with Hermione, but he didn't know him.
He stopped looking at one picture on which Hermione was hugging this mysterious man and kissing him on his cheek. He was furious. "Who is this man and who does he think he is hugging my wife?", he thought to himself. He had to get his mind off of that picture, so he called the Americans to arrange the meeting on Wednesday here in London at 12. When he heard Lyria got back from her break, he stormed out of his office carrying the pictures with him. He throwed them on her desk.
"Lyria, do you know this man?"
She looked at him. "Let me see."
She looked at the photos and recognised the man her mum told her about, but she had to keep quiet like she promised her, so se played dumb.
"No, dad. I have never seen him. Maybe you should ask mum. I'm sure there is a reasonable explaination. Don't jump to conclusions." She gently touched his hand to calm him down.
"Maybe you're right. I'll deal with this later. Now, get Blaise and come with him in my office. We have work to do."
Later when he came home, Hermione was still working, so he sat on the couch in the living room waiting for her. Rosalie and Bradley were with their Grandparents in the zoo, so he had a house to him self to think about everything.
An hour later, Hermione got back from work, carrying Bradley in her arms, with Rosalie next to her.
"Draco, honey, are you home?"
"Yes, love. I'm here in the living room."
"I picked up the kids from my parents on my way back." Rosalie ran towards the living room straight into Draco's arms.
"Daddy, you have to know how great it was at the zoo. We saw this huge yellow animal with dotts.", Rosalie started retelling him their zoo adventure, but he stopped her.
"Rosalie honey, can it wait until dinner? I have to talk about something with your mother, so be good and take your brother upstairs." She hugged him and took Bradley from Hermione's arms.
"What's wrong, dear?", she asked him gently.
"Who is this?", he got straight to the point and showed her the pictures.
She looked at them closely. Her face expression showed she was thinking about something, but it didn't show any sign of fear or confusion.
"It is photoshop. It is fake. I do know this man. I interviewed him for my article, but we have never hugged. And I most certainly did not give him a kiss on a cheek. You have to believe me."
Draco looked at her face. He was trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or not. Her voice was saying yes, but he looked deep in her hazel eyes seeing there is something she isn't telling him.
"Hermione, I'm serious. Did something happen between you and this man? I can see it in your eyes that you aren't telling me the whole truth."
"Draco, I'm telling the truth when I say nothing happened between me and that man. You don't have to worry. I'm yours and only yours. I love you more than anything and I would never, never, cheat on you. I think I had much experience with cheeting to know not to do it."
He looked in her eyes. He knew she was telling the truth about her feelings and that nothing happened between her and that man, so he let it go, for now, because he still had a feeling that there is more to the story.

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