Alone In This Together

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Another school year has come, but this one was different. This year there was only one Malfoy at Hogwarts. Since Cameron and Brianna have finished Hogwarts last year, T.J. is the only Malfoy Slytherin at school. At firt he was happy to start a new school year as the only one at Hogwarts because he could build his own reputation. Until now he had always felt like he had to live up to pranks of his older twin siblings if he wants to prove himself. The only thing was that it was easier said than done. He suddenly felt lonely passing the hallways to Slytherin common room. Usually he would either be accompanied by one of his siblings or he would meet them. They were the only ones with whom he felt at home.
At home he would always pull some kind of prank on his sisters with his twin siblings or he would go with his mother and youngest brother chasing a story, shopping or just exploring the muggle world his mother grew up in. She always liked to act like a tourist in his own town. He found that idea silly but he liked exploring London with her. She always knew a lot more about places than it was written in a broshure. When he felt homesick and missed his mum, he would visit his oldest sister Lyria who was like a replica of their mother. When Lyria left Hogwarts, Brianna was the person to go to. She might not be the person to talk to when you miss your mum, but she can always make you smile. Brianna had the gift to make everything more fun and make everything that bothers you go away for some time. Also Brianna maybe wasn't a replica of their mother on the menthal level, but she looked almost exactly like her. Now when Brianna is somwhere in the world finding herself and what she wants to do in life, he has no one to turn to. Rosalie still has a year until she comes to Hogwarts next year. T.J. was just wandering through the hallways thinking about his family. He didn't expect to suddenly feel so homesick. There were times, but much less when his siblings were around. He didn't even notice his best friend pass him by.
He was in his thoughts when he heard his best friend calling him.
"T.J.! T.J.!", Albus called. "Hey, mate! Wait up!", Albus ran after him. "Hey, what's going on? You've been distant this two months since the school has started. You barely talk with anyone. What's going on?", Albus asked.
"Oh, Albus. Hi. I haven't even noticed you. How are you?"
"You ask me how I am?! Well then, if you want to know, I'm not so good."
T.J. didn't even hear him. He was daydreaming about one time about two years ago he, his dad and his two brothers had a great guy time, while the girls were shopping. They were playing with little Bradley and trying to get him on his broom. Hermione always stated he was to young for that so they took the oportunity to try and put him on a broom. Bradley was levetating on the broom alone for a few seconds and than he was with Draco on his broom flying. T.J. and Cameron were on their brooms and were flying besides them. They had so much fun.
"Ahm, sorry what? Did you say something?", T.J. snapped from his daydreaming.
"Jesus T.J. You didn't hear a word I said. You ask me how I'm doing and when I try to tell you, you stop listening. You are unbeliveable."
"Sorry, Albus. I just don't feel good."
"I have noticed. You don't act like yourself. For the past two months you have been just wandering the hallways alone. And the weirdest thing is that you haven't done any prank sonce we got here. Is it because you were suspended at the end of last year?"
"Oh, no. It's not that. It just doesn't feel right doing it alone. I feel alone and homesick. Lyria is somwhere with mum   exploring the myteryies of our world, Cameron is in the States studying, and Brianna is who knows where doing who who knows what. I just feel alone here. I have no one to do pranks with. I have no one to prank. I have no one to turn to when I feel homesick, no one to help me out. Hogwarts suddenly feels empty. It doesn't feel like home anymore."
"T.J. why didn't you tell me? Haven't you noticed that James is gone too. Lilly comes next year with your sister, so I'm alone too. I don't feel as homesick as you do but that's probably because I don't have 5 other siblings. You live in a manor that is always full of life."
"I completely forgot James left too. I'm sorry Albus. I didn't think about that."
"No worries mate. I get it. I really do. But the one thing is that we are alone together. When you feel homesick come to me and I'll come to you. We can relive all our gatherings with our whole families, laugh at our fathers hating each other while our mothers are besties for life. We can write them letters together."
"I didn't think about that. It is actually a great idea. Albus you really surprise me. Sometimes I also think you shouldn't have been in Slytherin, but in Hufflepuff", T.J. laughs.
Albus hits softly his hand and laughs with him. "You are really unbeliveable Taylor James Malfoy. I here am trying to cheer you up and you are making fun of me."
"I love you too Albus Severus Potter. You are the best, mate."
They hugged and went together on the quidditch court to clear their minds flying and play their favourite game. Quidditch is the best way to make ypur day better and the two of them really needed that.

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