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Five months later...

" What do you mean he hasn't left cloud recesses in five months." The wine seller whisper shouted at his customers.

" It is true. Wei Wuxian, hasn't left jingshi in five months let alone go outside to the garden. He hasn't even left his chambers." The woman said handing him over two silvers.

"No wonder why things have been so gloomy inside the cloud recesses." The customer said the wine seller just nodded handing him three bottles of emperors smile.

"My son who happens to be their disciple said that the boy cries everyday." The man gasped listening to this whole ordeal.

" He is so young , he doesn't deserve to go through such sufferings." The man with a frown on his face said. "If someone from the sect heard us. They might have our head's. " The woman said with a hushed out voice they just nodded and went on their ways.

In the cloud recesses.

"What's he upto now." Lan qiren asked xichen frowned when he heard his uncle's strained out tone. "We don't know , uncle there are talismans all over his chambers." Xichen said lan qiren felt blood rush throughout his whole body.

' that idiot.' he cursed internally because he knew if he cursed In front of the disciples he might make a wrong impression in front of them.

"Explains why jingshi reeks of resent." He murmured under his breath.

" It's been five months. He has to come out." Lan qiren looked at lan Zhan who happened to walk behind them.

"What's he upto wangji." Lan Zhan showed his uncle a flag sort of thing. It was black and triangular on its end.

"He crafted a spirit attraction flag." Lan Zhan said handing it over to his uncle. Lan qiren looked at it with a questioning look. He had to agree that he was quite impressed by the craft.

"H-how did you get that?" Lan qiren thought lan Zhan was kicked out of jingshi five months ago. "Threw it out of the window." Xichen smiled when he Heard those words.

"Wanyin is coming to gusu today. Looks like the rumour got all the way over to yunmeng." Lan qiren just nodded touching his Slightly longer beard.

" I don't know what you can do. But, he needs to get out of there by tomorrow." Lan qiren told his nephew who just nodded.

" Why did he kick you out again wangji." Xichen asked as if he was curious but in reality he was just teasing his brother.

Lan zhan's ears turned red when he heard his brothers teasing tone.

"Because I tried using the sleeping spell on him." He remembered the day all those months ago.

Wei ying had almost killed him with his scary face he had tears trailing down his eyes to add on top of that the dark look he had on his face.

He swore the whole cloud recesses must have heard his soulmates angry screams.

Since that fateful day wei Ying hadn't left jingshi at all. His food was served outside the doors of jingshi nobody knew of he was eating it or not.

Jiang cheng had shown up after a week after the incident. He left thinking that his brother was in seclusion.

"Are you sure he's fine?" Lan Zhan didn't answer his question he started walking towards jingshi. Wei ying has to come out today.

"Last straw." Lan Zhan darkly said under his breath.

The talismans were Weaker than before lan Zhan thought as the resent didn't affect him as much as before.

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