It had been a few months since the twins had been born, and to say that the couples life was hectic would be an understatement. The lan sect people were woken up early in the morning after the cries of the little twins echoed throughout the silent atmosphere.
It had been two weeks since wei Ying had gotten a good night's sleep and lan wangji being the only one who was fit to be called alive would take care of wei Ying when the twins were asleep. Just when wei Ying is about to fall asleep on lan zhan's lap the twins would wake up ready to get their clothes changed or to get fed by none other than their Papa.
Lan wangji had to go as far as to move the cradle next to their bed just so him and wei Ying could get up and lull their children back to sleep.
The news of Jin guangshan's death had come into light after a week the twins' first month celebration, to the cultivation world the man had died of untimely causes but only the lan sect , jiang sect and the current leader of lanling jin knew that it was no accident or illness. To hell with it! Jin zixuan was there along with his brother to witness their fathers death which was very well deserved.
The man had ruined so many people's life, and to say that jin zixuan was happy would have been an understatement, the man had not been fazed a little when he saw his father dying. He had just said that he deserved it for ruining his and other many innocent people's life.
Wei Ying had not been fazed a bit when lan Zhan told him the news he just inquired how it happened which lan Zhan had dodged easily by just saying that it was an accident. The man was never going to tell wei Ying that he had been the reason behind that monsters death, nor was he ever telling him that it was him who had attacked wei ying all those month's ago endangering his own and the twins' life.
"Wen ning hold Sīzhuī like this" wei ying said pointing towards his arms in which held Jīngyi protectively in a bundle of silks and cotton. Wen ning had the exact same bundle in his hand too but with Sīzhuī in his arms.
"If you drop him I won't spare you" Wei Ying darkly said freaking out his son in the process, just when the twin was about to throw a tantrum wen ning came to the rescue and whistled wangxian completely surprising wei ying.
To his surprise the twins actually calmed down and giggled at their uncle happily holding onto his robes tightly, Jingyi trying his level best to pull on his uncle's robes. Wen ning nervously looked down at the baobei and felt warmth for the first time in months when he noticed that his nephews were actually giggling at him, which encouraged him to continue whistling wangxian.
Whilst Sīzhuī liked to be held in his father's strong arms pretty much everyday, Jīngyi liked to be hidden under his Papa's robes safely cocooned under it. Sīzhuī would always giggle when his father carries him to sect meetings in his strong arms whilst chewing on his forehead ribbon eagerly, and Jīngyi liked to hide under his Papa's robes and pull his father's hair a lot.
"Don't bite, I'm going to cry" wei ying said acting as if he was sniffling from the pain of his children biting his already sore nipples. "I don't have anymore, how about peach mush!?" Wei Ying nervously asked his twins who started squirming around with a pout on their faces after they realised that their papa had no milk!
"Lan wangji! This is happening because of you!" Wei Ying exclaimed shooting his husband a venomous glare, lan Zhan looked at his husband with an innocent look and walked outside to get the twins some peach mush.
"When I said you could taste I didn't mean suck me dry!" Wei Ying cried out when the twins once again latched onto his nipples sucking him dry.
"I have wronged them" lan Zhan agreed holding the twins in his arms. Sīzhuī had his face scrunched up in disgust and Jīngyi chewed on his father's forehead ribbon like he had wanted to fight him.

«To Tame The Untamed»
FanfictionLan Wangji felt tingles and happiness when he first saw the soulmark on his wrist. He was finally going to find his soulmate, he was going to find his light in his dark life devoid of any semblance of emotions in it. Despite how Wei Ying failed to...