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"let's go troublemakers, I really want to go outside today!" Wei Ying exclaimed picking up the twins in hos arms who were just saying bye to their granduncle and their uncle's. The twins nuzzled closer to wei ying's neck and held onto his hair when wei Ying struggled a bit with their plump little butts.

"What would the children like to eat in caiyi today?" Wei Ying asked as he walked into the town where people seemed to notice him and the young master's of gusu lan. "..'umplings!" They exclaimed after they exchanged a knowing look with eachother. Wei Ying nodded and started buying whatever he had wanted fast so that he could buy whatever the twins wanted.

"Your papa really is rich" wei ying whispered looking at the qiankun pouch lan zhan had tied around his wrists before he left for the town. Wei Ying stopped in front of the tavern doors when he saw a familiar woman in golden robes along with her sect members.

"Mama?" A'yuan tapped his back a little when his mama froze just in the middle of the tavern. "There he is!" The man exclaimed as he watched wei Ying bolt outside with the twins in his arms.

"Make sure you bring him back to me!" The woman spat angrily sending the men out to follow him.

"Shit! A'yuan where did you put mama's dizi?" Wei Ying whispered in a frantic tone as he hid behind the empty cart with his children. "papa took it away" a'yuan whispered in a guilt filled look on his face. Wei Ying groaned pressing a kiss on both the twins' cheeks and put them down getting rid of the forehead ribbon off their foreheads to make sure that nobody recognises them.

"Mama what happen?" Jingyi asked almost in tears when he saw his mama clutching onto his tummy in pain. "Nothing little baobei, mama just got hurt a little on his stomach." Wei Ying said as he giggled through his pain.

"Listen up kids, remember how mama taught you the way back to home a few weeks ago?" Wei Ying asked pulling them behind when he saw a man from lanling with a sword in his hand. The twins nodded choking on their sob when they looked at their mama in pain.

"Tsk~ mama is fine, now here's what you have to do alright? You run as fast as you can back to cloud recesses and tell papa or your uncles that mama is hurt" wei ying instructed removing one of the five layers of their lan sect robes. The twins immediately nodded and ran towards the huge mountains where the gusu lan sect was located.

"Gaah~!" Wei Ying hissed picking out the little piece of mirror that had stabbed his tummy when he was hiding with the twins. "I caught him!" The jin sect disciple annouced pulling Wei Ying out of the backside of the cart. The man held Wei Ying by his hair and dragged him into the tavern which was situated in a secluded area since there was nobody in the area who could save him.

"Walk or I call them out, and they have their way with you in front of all those people you see over there." The jin sect man whispered in a dangerous tone into wei ying's ears who he now held by his hair. Wei Ying struggled a bit before he nodded letting the man dragging him into the empty tavern.

"aah~! There you are dear wei!" The woman who went by the name of Madam Jin exclaimed with a grin on her face. "I came here for food but I have found gold! Now there, there where are those little brats you had in your arms." The woman spoke in a sadistic tone signalling the men to beat the life out of the boy who she held captive right now.

"What do you want?" Wei Ying asked in a strained tone clutching onto his stomach protectively. Before he could go any further one of the men threw him across the table breaking it into half. "argh~!" Wei Ying screamed when his body collided with the table. Madam Jin laughed maniacally and looked at the jin sect iron brand in her hands.

"Hurt him a little more I should have my chance too" Madam Jin spoke heating the iron brand even hotter than it was. The men nodded and threw punches on wei ying's face , with his left hand completely broken now wei Ying could do nothing to summon the fierce corpses, good God the man did not even have enough spiritual energy because of a certain something.

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