The sect leaders and the ladies had finally come to conclusion that they will take chances to feel the babies kick after the little war they had outside the main hall.
Everytime someone placed their palm on his baby bump the baobei would kick almost as if it was letting them know that it was there or greeting the person back.
"Lan Zhan" wei ying croaked out kicking lan zhan who was trying to get a good night's sleep.
"Do we need the healer?" The man woke up in an instant and turned around to look at, Wei Ying who seemed to be annoyed for some reason.
"The baobei hasn't stopped kicking yet" wei ying cried out and pointed at his tummy where he could see the imprint of the little legs every now and then without a break.
"It'll stop eventually" lan Zhan said rubbing his the baby bump soothingly.
"Easy for you to say, it hurts so bad!" Wei Ying whined and curled up into a foetal position trying to make the kicks coming so strong.
"Are all lan babies like this, or is it just you Hanguang jun?" Wei Ying hugged lan zhan's strong arms and pulled him closer.
"Differs" lan Zhan replied massaging Wei Ying's tummy , wei ying sighed in relief when the kicks stopped coming in strong, that did not mean that they stopped.
"What are we going to name out baobei" Wei Ying asked lan Zhan who was now wide awake.
"Surprise" lan Zhan replied back having a few names up his sleeves already.
"Better tell me soon lan wangji" wei ying threatened and winced once again when the baobei kicked much harder than before.
"Ouch~! The baobei got angry when I threatened you" wei Ying whined when lan Zhan just smiled and rubbed his tummy where the baobao left an imprint of it's leg.
"Be good" lan Zhan whispered to the baobei making Wei Ying gasp as the baobei actually stopped at once.
"It's listening to you!" Wei Ying exclaimed as a pout was painted over his face, lan Zhan nodded and just kissed wei ying's not so small bump.
"The baobei is going to gang up with you in the future and bully me!" Wei Ying cried out as actual tears left his eyes. Lan Zhan panicked and moved his hands away from his tummy so that wei Ying stops crying.
"Waah~y-you suck lan Zhan!" Wei Ying wailed trying to kick his legs in the air failing miserably because of his heavy baby bump.
Lan Zhan panicked and caught wei ying by his legs and stopped him with a sharp glare.
"The stupid spell isn't goi-!"
"Sleep" lan Zhan whispered as he stared into wei ying's teary orbs. Wei Ying on the other side felt something go off inside his mind and closed his eyes as he felt them get heavy when lan Zhan casted the spell over him.
"Fuck you lan wangji" Wei Ying whispered before he closed his eyes.
The next morning,
"How could you do that to me!" Wei Ying wailed louder than before as he threw his pillow on lan zhan's face but before it could hit his face lan Zhan gracefully caught it in his hand and dropped it on the ground.
"I warned you not to use that spell on me!" Wei Ying cried louder turning jingshi upside down in an instant with his demonic powers.
"Calm down" lan Zhan tried to walk ahead just to be glared by a very angry wei Ying whose eyes were on tue verge of turning red due to his vengeance.

«To Tame The Untamed»
FanfictionLan Wangji felt tingles and happiness when he first saw the soulmark on his wrist. He was finally going to find his soulmate, he was going to find his light in his dark life devoid of any semblance of emotions in it. Despite how Wei Ying failed to...