"will A'xian ever forgive me." Yanli asked her brother with teary eyes. "Jiejie, I'm so sorry" jiang cheng said with a wistful tone. It's not like he hadn't tried at all the main reason he brought jin ling to the cave today was to try finding a reason to get his jiejie and Wuxian back together and reconcile.
"I will try my best jiejie." Jiang cheng said holding her hands for support. Xichen on the other side had seen all this, not knowing what to do he just left with a frown on his face.
With that jiang yanli and jiang cheng bid goodbyes. Yanli had gone to her husband and left for lanling meanwhile jiang cheng was going to spend one last day in gusu for night hunting with , sect leader lan.
"Lan Zhan" wei Ying was currently bickering with his soulmate who had been paying no attention to him.
"lan Zhan."
"Hanguang jun."
"Lan wangji!"
"Lan er gege!"
" I will go back to burial mounds and live there forever if you don't pay any attention to me!" Wei Ying exclaimed with his eyes wide open Making him look like he was a flustered bunny.
Lan Zhan's eyes twitched when he heard those words, with a straight emotionless look on his face lan zhan looked at wei Ying and said
"you won't"
"I will tie you up." Lan Zhan stated with his usual cold tone sending shivers down his spine. Wei Ying pouted and stared outside at the snow fall.
"Why does that guqin have that I don't. " Wei Ying let out a whine when lan Zhan wrapped his hands around his waist and rested his head on wei ying's shoulders.
"Peace." Lan Zhan said staring at the snow outside. Wei Ying pinched lan zhan's hands trying to get out of his hold. But, the man budged at nothing the hold on his waist just got tighter.
"Let me go you fuddy duddy." Wei Ying whined trying to get out of the iron hold the man had on him. "no." That's all that came out of him. "go talk to that guqin which gives you peace!" Wei Ying spat feeling jealous of a mere guqin. Lan Zhan's deep voice chuckled a little wei Ying could feel the vibration travelling down his chest.
"Wei ying is the one I like more." Lan Zhan confessed pressing a gentle kiss against his cheeks. " That's more like it" wei ying huffed like a kid shaking his head like a child. "I wanted to go the town but I'm too tired Today." Wei Ying said sitting down near the window sill admiring the view of snow.
Lan Zhan had built him a small lotus pond with a lot of lotus pods in it, along with a small garden to look at when he is inside jingshi. Even though the lotus pond is frozen right now it's beauty was indescribable.
"When did you make the pond for me lan zhan?" Wei Ying shifted closer to his chest feeling the warmth of his soulmate made him purr in satisfaction.
"A while ago." Lan Zhan said caressing his soft hair he started braiding it in the process. "Looks like you love my hair now lan Zhan." Wei Ying grinned saying that sentence. Lan Zhan nodded and continued braiding his hair.
"I love everything about wei ying." Wei Ying laughed when he said. " Are you sure about that lan Zhan." Wei Ying whispered near lan zhan's ears.
" Yes."
"Very well then." Wei Ying said settling himself on lan zhan's lap. "Can you believe that by this time next month we will be married lan Zhan." Wei Ying said staring the stars shining above their heads. Lan Zhan's face showed a tad bit of emotions when he realised that he was going to be married to the love of his life in a few weeks.

«To Tame The Untamed»
FanfictionLan Wangji felt tingles and happiness when he first saw the soulmark on his wrist. He was finally going to find his soulmate, he was going to find his light in his dark life devoid of any semblance of emotions in it. Despite how Wei Ying failed to...