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Being five months pregnant had proved to be no cake walk since ,Wei Ying's moods swings had been completely horrifying lately, according to the gusu lan sect disciple the young master was laughing at his bunnies happily when he had suddenly started crying out of nowhere, scaring the absolute life out of him.

Lan Zhan had gotten a peek of it when wei Ying had kicked him out of jingshi, his own house late at night for not agreeing with him for something.

That wasn't all! Wei Ying had almost cooked his rabbits yesterday as an act of revenge when lan Zhan hadn't brought him any mooncakes since it was the moon festival yesterday.

"Waaah~!" Wei Ying cried out looking at the ants on the white sand moving out of the anthill.

"They are so cute lan Zhan!" Wei Ying sniffled trying to form more words to praise the ants which were barely visible on the sand anymore.

"Mn" lan Zhan agreed not wanting to upset his already weeping husband anymore.

The mood swings weren't the only thing which had disrupted the second young Master lans life. There were cravings too!

"I want some spicy dumplings with sliced apples on top , some mooncakes filled with cold noodles and cold noodles with a lot of vinegar" wei Ying ordered the tavern owner with a straight look on his face, the owner who had thought that the young master was joking let out a horrified gasp when he realised that he was being serious.

Lan wangji was the one who had suffered the most out of it. After all he was the man who had knocked up wei wuxian.

Lan wangji could be seen outside jingshi walking towards the kitchen pavilion at an untimely hour of the night to get wei Ying whatever he had desired to eat.

Thanks to jiang wanyin the man had sent three cooks from yunmeng who knew what exactly wei Wuxian liked and even cooked for him in the middle of the night.

At times Wei Ying craved fruits which were nowhere available near the gusu lan sect, which would make him knock at the doors of the farmers house in the middle of the night.

' just four more months to go lan wangji, keep calm'

' you can teach him a lesson later.'

The older would tell this to himself everyday, when his grumpy soulmate did something he shouldn't.

"Lan Wangji, fuck you! And that insufferable dick of yours!" Wei Ying cried out unable to walk at all since lan Zhan had taught him a lesson early in the morning for not listening to him last night.

"Bring me my food now peasant!" Wei Ying screamed into a pillow when the pain in his ass got just worse.

' peasant?'

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying one last time and walked outside jingshi to get his dearest husband some food so that he doesn't get kicked out of jingshi once again.

"A'xian and his hormones wangji?" Lan xichen chuckled at his brothers disheveled look, lan Zhan nodded and just walked away not ready to talk with his brother at all.

When lan Zhan entered Jingshi he stopped in his tracks when he got a peek of wei ying's milky white skin on his back , covered in his marks and Wei Ying who seemed to be curious about something.

"Ouch~fuck!" Wei Ying hissed in pain when he felt something familiar. Lan Zhan immediately put the tray down and rushed to wei ying's aide.

"What happened?" Lan Zhan bent down on the ground and pressed his ears against his baby bump. Wei Ying chuckled and ruffled his husbands silky hair.

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