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"Who sent you?" The spine chilling tone sent shivers down the man's spine , he had never thought that he could get caught considering how perfect his so called plan was.

Lan wangji shot the man a venomous glare and signalled the disciples to get the answers from the man as soon as possible by hook or crook.

He had decided not to raise his hands or create bloodshed inside the cloud recesses since wei Ying and his uncle had been watching them from afar.

"Answer or get ready to get the beating of your life!" Jiang cheng spat and showed the man who was already beaten to pulp his spiritual tool crackling with rage ready to land on his back.

The said man who they were talking to had been the one who was serving wei Ying and the gusu lan sect disciples their breakfast every morning.

The man who was currently getting beaten to pulp had added a lethal potion in wei ying's bowl of congee and had served it to him without any remorse.

Lan Zhan had thanked god when he was told that lan xichen had come to wei ying's protection right on time and threw the bowl of congee away. The liquid was so lethal that it had even burnt the carpet of jingshi Almost setting it on fire.

"Bold of you to a-assume that I'm the only one who's trying to kill that spawn and that brother of yours"

Jiang cheng no longer held his anger in anymore feeling rage bubble inside of him he cracked zidian right on his back knocking him out in the process.

"Don't kill him jiang wanyin!I want to use him as a bait during night hunting!" Wen qing exclaimed throwing a piece of loquat at him.

The sect leader groaned and shot the woman a glare asking her to back the hell off. Wen qing just rolled her eyes and turned to look at wei Ying who was still in a daze but with a loquat in his mouth.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Wen qing sat down next to the younger and looked at his face which had a blank look.

"What would have happened if I had actually consumed the food?" Wen qing clenched her eyes shut and smacked wei ying's head.

"Stop thinking so hard, nothing like that happened!" Wei Ying hissed in pain and swatted wen qing's hands away. He rolled his eyes and continued eating his loquats watching the man getting beaten up at the same time.

Lan Zhan on the other side had grown frustrated when he had still not received any answers from the man. Looking down at the mud filled ground completely frustrated and groaned walking away from them.

The number of people trying to kill wei Ying were increasing day by day. The attacks started off with just people sending gifts with crackers inside and slowly it had gone from venomous snakes in the cloud recesses to poison in his food.

It wasn't as if wei Ying was not able to protect himself, his brave husband had fought back with each and every single one of them flawlessly.

But, how could he have ever seen that poison in his food.

And today was absolutely the last straw! Now that the culprit was caught he would get all the answers he had needed and erase the culprits name from the cultivation world.

"Lan Zhan,let's head back" wei Ying said and pulled the angry man away from the pavilion.

Lanling jin sect

"YOU CAN'T DO ONE SIMPLE THING CAN YOU!" Jin guangshan spat kicking his servent off the curb and lodged the knife at his neck sliting it open in the process.

"The lid was supposed to be dead!"

"I GAVE YOU TWO MONTHS!" Jinlintai was turned upside down. His throne was broken into pieces along with the curtains completely burnt.

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