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"how long till we reach yunmeng?" Wei Ying asked for the tenth time, even lan xichen was starting to get irritated of the boy's antiques ," A few more hours" lan Zhan blankly replied handing him the loquat to eat.

"I should have stayed back with wen ning." Wei Ying sighed sitting back on the boat. " Wen ning hasn't learnt how to control himself yet. It can be dangerous A'xian ," Lan xichen said , lan Zhan nodded agreeing with his brother.

"I am-" before wei Ying could complete his sentence lan Zhan silenced him with the silencing spell making wei Ying roll his eyes.

' you do that even when you fuck me lan Zhan!' wei Ying said inside his mind as he knew if he said something now it would come out as a muffled noise.

Lan Zhan looked at him and just nodded acting as if he understood everything wei Ying thought right now.

They were currently heading towards yunmeng for a cultivators conference something which wei Ying had grown to hate at this point so much that he had to be dragged out of jingshi by his dearest shidi, jiang wanyin.

"Behave wei Ying." Lan Zhan sternly said pulling a very hyper active wei Ying towards him. He paid no attention to his words and just skipped around happily slightly limping at times because of the harsh punishment he had received yesterday for getting drunk.

On the other side lan qiren stared at the crowd in absolute disbelief,

Not in a hundred years of his life lan qiren had seen so many cultivators present for such a small convention. "Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying nudged his shoulder trying to get his husband's attention towards him.

"Mn?" Lan zhan replied turning to look at his soul bond who had a mischievous smile on his face.

"Can we stay here in yunmeng for a few more days after the meeting is over?" Wei Ying asked lan zhan already knowing what the answer was.

" One day." Lan Zhan said wei Ying happily nodded and kissed his cheeks. Jiang cheng on the other side made a disgusted face after looking at their romance.

"Fucking romance." He mumbled and walked away from the couple. It had been over two weeks since they had gotten married how come they still hadn't gotten over the phase!

Wei Ying sat down next to lan Zhan before the meeting was going commence , along with jin ling in his arms. Jiang cheng walked inside and stared at his brother for a second before taking a seat on his lotus like throne.

After a few minutes jin guangshan made a dramatic entrance clad in his golden robes and expensive jewels along with his peacock of a son.

The clan leaders paid their respects to the yunmeng jiang sect leader for his hospitality and thanked him for the invite.

Wei Ying rolled his eyes and waved at jin ling who was now being taken away by the jin sect disciple. He looked around and saw how the fellow cultivators were actually paying attention to what his brother was saying right now.

"Song lan and xiao xingchen." Nie mingjue said , when the topic of fierce corpses was taken again. The cultivators agreed with them , they had been thinking of inviting the pair for quite a while now.

"Lan Zhan? Xiao xingchen as in the one who my grandma trained?" Wei Ying felt a wave of excitement go through his spine. This man might have known his mother!

"Mn" lan Zhan replied noticing the excited look on his face. 

The woman who had been watching this from the corner felt sweat forming on her forehead and looked down at the bottle in her hand.

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