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"stress is bad for the baby Jiang cheng!" Wei Ying argued with his brother who was currently arguing with him about some porn magazines, something very dumb but, jiang cheng had just wanted to make some small talks with his brother.

"Who's the baby?" Jiang cheng asked trying to find the baby with squinty eyes.Wei Ying huffed and stomped his feet against the ground and said “I am the baby Jiang cheng!” He was so loud that the sound of zither being played all over the cloud recesses was cut covered with his shrill tone.

"Don't scream now, I get it" Jiang cheng said rolling his eyes at the overdramatic man who was on the verge of having his seventh breakdown of the day. Wei Ying just nodded and sat down flaunting his huge baby bump, which jiang cheng was tempted to touch but the man standing behind him was ready to separate his head from his neck.

"I got something for you" jiang cheng said nervously as he looked at the little cloth in his hands. Wei Ying raised his brows and held his hands forward assuming that it was loquats, but he gasped when jiang cheng handed him a bag with some clothes in it.

"I had them specifically made in yunmeng jiang , so that my nephew or niece knows that it belongs to the yunmeng jiang sect too" Jiang Cheng staked his claims at the child even before it was born. But, wei Ying paid no attention to his words and looked at the little onesies in awe and she'd a few tears when he noticed the purple color stitched along with the lotus symbol.

"They're so good!" Wei Ying exclaimed showing them to lan Zhan who was as shocked as Wei Ying was but not for the same reason , lan Zhan was shocked when the man staked his claims at his child.

"Ofcourse the baobao belong to yunmeng! Don't they lan Zhan?" Wei Ying sniffled , Jiang Cheng looked at lan wangji with shit eating grin and smirked he very well knew that lan wangji would never say no to Wei Ying that was exactly why he had used those words to piss the already angry man off.

"Yes" Lan Zhan replied back to Wei Ying taking the loss this time because he definitely did not have a death wish. Jiang cheng smirked jn victory and hugged his brother before he left for yunmeng.

If the truth was to be told , lan wangji never disagreed to the fact that the baobao also belonged to the yunmeng jiang , and the fact that he had also liked the little onesie's the man had given to Wei Ying.

Time had passed by pretty fast , wei ying's birthday had passed by with little celebration and more sadness , the now nineteen year old had spent his birthday mostly crying in the ancestral with lan Zhan accompanying him. According to the disciples of gusu that had been the saddest day of all the past eight months they had seen or been around wei wuxian.

Now that Wei Ying was eight months pregnant, the cloud recesses had been on high alert not because the man was going to give birth any time soon well partially but also for the fact that the boy was as fierce as a wild animal.

"You better stop kicking!" Wei Ying exclaimed as he sat in the middle of the main hall listening to the awfully shrill tone which was being played for him and the baobei.

"Silence" lan Zhan said and both the baobei and wei Ying stopped at once, Wei Ying took a deep breath and continued to listen to the shrill tune with a bored look on his face.

According to the healer music was good for the baobei since it could hear everything now. Nowadays instead of their everyday session at night lan wangji would play a tune for him and the baobei.

"I want to sleep" wei Ying said and got up with the help of lan Zhan and walked away from the shrill tone.

"I don't feel so well" wei ying whispered and closed his eyes to get some sleep just to end up restlessly moving around. This had been his usual ritual for the last one month since his baby had gotten very big. The poor man couldn't even stand he just had to sit around looking at the disciples and his husband practicing their blades.

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