Chapter 2

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"DanDan." I heard his mom call from downstairs.

Oh yeah that what I didn't wanna tell y'all. He is a fucking mommas boy. She has a key to our house and a key to his car and everything.

"Oh shit." He hopped in and and put on his briefs. "Babe get-"

"I know I know." I sighed. "I know the routine."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She walks in here like its her house every damn day or every other day and I gotta wake up at what-" I looked at my phone. "Six forty fucking five! You have to be shitting me."

"Come on Baby once we get married this won't happen."

"Marriage! Marriage?" I argued. "I told you I don't wanna get married and you telling me that's the only way this is gonna stop."

"What do you want me to-"

"DanDan I know damn well you hear me!"

"I am coming momma!" He yelled throwing in a shirt. "What do you want me to do?" He whispered

"Set some motherfucking boundaries like we been arguing about this since we moved in together!"

"DanDan!" She yelled at getting.

"Fuck this." I hopped up and grabbed my stuff to get in the shower. "You fucking ugh."

"Babe I am-"

I walked in the bathroom and slammed the door.

* he's so fucking stupid and acting like a fucking bitch. I'm fucking ugh fuck it! and her!*
"es tan jodidamente estúpido y actúa como una puta perra. ¡Estoy jodidamente ugh que se joda! ¡y ella!" I shouted. "Just calm down. Don't do this we can't do this." I tried to calm down but the ticking kept going.

"Hello." He groaned. "Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Bryan you wanna go somewhere?" I wiped my face.

"Go where at 6:55 in the morning?" I heard shuffling.

"I don't know anywhere just not here."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing I just wanna see you. Not for sex or anything I just wanna see you."

"Alright bring your ass and hurry up." He hung up.

"How fucking rude." I rolled my eyes.

I hopped in the shower and got myself together.

Where you about to go Danny stepped infringe of me.

"To talk to my dad." I walked around him and he grabbed my arm.

"Baby I am sorry about earlier it was really inconsiderate of her and I know that I should be more of a man and set boundaries." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah make sure you do that." I gave him a hug and walked out the door.

He is bullshitting he dead ass says that everytime we argue about her and I have no time to be wasted on this situation.

I pulled up to Bryan house and knocked on his door and he instantly opened it.

"Wussup babygirl." He pulled me into a hug. "Where you wanna go?" He grabbed his coat and keys.

"Let's ride around." He grabbed my hand and walked out and locked his door and helped me in the car and hopped in and we pulled off.

I just watch out the window. It was still a little dark but you could see the light.

"What's wrong?" He grabbed my hand.

"I don't know. I just feel like I love him but he isn't for me. He doesn't fulfill me while as far as sex or like he is just soft. I know that is ridiculous to say but it's true. He is an awesome guy and he makes me happy in many many many ways I can't take that away from him. He absolutely loves and adores me. He has his hoes I mean I don't really care for them as long as he keeps them in line which he does. The only hoe who is not in control is his mom." Bryan laughed and kissed my hand.

"What you mean?"

"His mom is a very very very important person in his life. He doesn't have any boundaries for her. She comes in and out of our house anytime. One day she came into our house at four thirty in the morning with his sister baby talking about she has to show me of to be a house wife and a mother. She literally made me cook and clean and take care of a baby and you know me I am just tryna be respectful and nice so I did it. This nigga slept to 3 in the afternoon and that bitch got so mad at me because I didn't wake him to eat breakfast. I ironed his clothes and this and that like bitch I cleaned the whole house and cooked breakfast and made his lunch and prepped dinner all while taking care of a crying ass baby while you were down my fucking back not fucking helping and fucking complaining and everything to get me to punch you in your fucking mouth." I felt myself getting so pissed just thinking about it.

"Relax Ang." He sighed.

"Then he acts weird when I argue with her about how she has to respect me bury let her tell me to respect her this is like wHilE SHe Is my MOm" I mocked him.

"While maybe you and his mom need to sit down and have a mature conversation."

"I already tried that and she always end up tryna argue and raise her voice and then I just excuse myself like a fucking pussy." I felt myself about to cry. "I never let a bitch of any age play with me and I feel like she is testing me. She keep tryna son me and I ain't pussy. Everybody around me- bro!" I was crying because of multiple things

"Hey hey... take a breath and then talk."

I did.

"Everybody around me know how I am and I feel like I am being pussy. I don't like feeling like a fucking punk and I'm letting myself the fuck down." He pulled into an empty parking lot and turn towards me and wiped my face and kissed me.

"What by not beating up an old lady." He starred at me and We bust out laughed.

"It sounds so crazy but yes." My laughing deal down.

"Listen I am only gonna say this when ever you want me to. I love you and you are awesome. You are working on a better you and I am amazed. You are beautiful and I love your everything literally I love everything about you and I know anyone that comes in contact with you will love it and they have no choice." He spoke softly and moved my hair out my face.

"I love you too. I really do. Thank you." I kissed him.

We sat in the parking lot and talk for about two hours talking about nothing and everything.

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