Chapter 13

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"Mommy! Auntie! Daddy!" Nala ran up to us and I gave her a big hug.

"LaLa I missed you!" I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I miss you too. I love you okay?" She looked into my eyes.

"Okay. I love you too."

"Don't be sad okay."

"I am not sad." I smiled. "I am happy to see your beautiful face." I kissed her all over her face til she started laughing.

"Give me my baby I missed her so much." Rae carefully took her from me.

"Thanks for the ride. Ain't nobody wanna ride with they mad asses. Bryan play to much he be acting like he gone drive off the road and shit." Koby shook his head.

"Real shit and then when he hit 120 on the highway." I laughed. "He is such a mad ass bitch."

"I know that girl scared as fuck right now. I hope they are not arguing." We laughed.

"He is a fucking weirdo."

* Stop cursing girl*
"Deja de maldecir niña." My mom walked out her kitchen with a apron on.

* hey mommy I missed you so much*
"oye mami te extrañé mucho." I hugged her and she squeezed me.

* I missed you too*
"Yo también te extrañé." She pulled away and popped me in my mouth.

"Ouch mommy." She hugged koby.

"Hey baby boy."

"Hey mom."

"Do you do the proposal?"

"Yes he did and mom it was so beautiful and awesome." Rae said walking in the room. "Look." She showed my mom the ring and they started squealing.

"It way better then I remember."

"Yeah I had got some thing added and pulled." She nodded.

"It is amazing." She admired it.

"I can wait to plan the bachelorette party." I danced.

"Are you the maid of honor." My mom looked a me sideways and then Rae

"I never even asked."

"Oh I already told shawna she was."

Now I feel salty.

Why would you ask shawna and I am your sister like... I am not even gonna go there.

"Well it don't matter because We all gone do it together." I shrugged and they nodded. "Okay I am gonna go to dads house." I hugged them goodbye and left on my way to my dads house.


"Maybe shawna is her bestfriend. You know just cause you are her sister doesn't mean it get that spot. You uncle Ed was my favorite brother but boss man as my best man. So don't take it to heart baby girl."

"But dad when did they get that close like they must hang out with out me or something like... I would have definitely made her my maid of honor."

"But that's you and not everybody think like you. They probably do it's plenty of times you canceled plans with them for your own reasons." He shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe I am just salty right now but I feel like as her sister I should be her maid of honor." I shrugged and he sighed.

"Well she doesn't... what you gone do be mad and ruin it for her?" I nodded my head and he laughed.

"I am not gonna do that but I was so excited I just knew I had that place in her heart." I sigh and he past me a cup of whatever on ice. "I guess I don't." I sipped my cup.

"I don't even know what to say. You still will have a place in her heart it's not about that. I honestly cannot make up a reason she picked shawna but she had a reason." I sighed.

"I was planning shit since they got proposed and all that shit just went down the drain. Damn dad what the fuck is in here?" I looked at the cup and he laughed deeply.

"Oh yeah you youngsters don't drink that real drink. You what so weak as nasty ass vodka?" I laughed.

"No I am fine I ain't no pussy. What this jack and fireball."

"Oh so you know a little something something." I nodded.

"Yeah. I don't drink thought it's not my thing but I can never pass up a drink with you."

"So what else happened on this trip?" He sipped his drink.

"I made a guy bestfriend, he is gay." He nodded. "I had to stop things with Bryan because I felt like I was just making another victim to his game. I know exactly how it feels to be in her seat and I felt it was wrong to keep helping him hurt her. It was cool while it lasted but I'll see about him when he get his self together. You and him are the only people I genuinely never second guess. So was mom and Rae but after tonight I don't know?"

"What did you dumb ass mom do?"

"I don't know I think she knew because soon as I said something about the bachelorette party she was like 'she ask you to be maid of honor' but she said it like oh that wasn't apart of the plan" he nodded.

"Trust she did. Your mom and Rae talks about any and everything." I nodded.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I lost my man and my sister in one week."

"Stop being so dramatic." He laughed and I pouted. "You better not..."

"Well this is sad to me." I cried and he hugged me. "I thought we got over all our problems. If it was for me her and shawna would even fucking mnow eachother. I am so stupid to even think she forgave me."

"You are overthinking this whole situation. Just relax it is not that serious. She did forgive you and she love you so much." He rubbed my back.

"Then I don't have my man anymore because my dumb ass wanna do the right thing like what does the right thing get me instead of lonely bored and single. Everybody is married and having families and starting their life and I am still a bipolar lonely difficult SINGLE retard. When am I gonna get where I wanna be and I don't even know why she picked Shawna when Shawna made Becca her Maid of honor and Shawna couldnt even be in the same room with Becca for more then thirty damn minutes. She is her sister like why wouldn't she." I wiped my face and he sighed and took my drink and poured it out.

"It's okay life is not always gonna be exactly how you want it so just move accordingly. Okay and stop letting shit make you so angry and upset. Stop dropping you vibration so fast and stop giving your energy away so easily." I nodded.

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