Chapter 9

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Ang in MM


"Angie baby get up." I felt somebody shaking me and I blink a few time and saw it was Bryan and I damn near jumped out my skin.

"Bryan what are you doing here?" I sat up and he shushed me.

"Go get ready we going out."

"Bryan it's early as fuck why can't we wait for everybody else to wake up." I felt Christian's tighten his arm around my waist. He sat up and look at me then at Bryan.

Christian moved his arm from around me.

"Can y'all be quite, a nigga tryna sleep. If he tryna take you somewhere go because you going anyway." He groaned and I got up and grabbed my towel.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see. Pack a bag with extra clothes and soap and stuff." He walked out the room.

Christian sat up and I instantly fault bad because once he wakes up he is not going to sleep.

"I apologize Christian." He waved me off.

"It's fine." He laid back down. "When you leave I am going go back to sleep because I won't have no distractions."

"Okay." I went in the bathroom and got in the shower.

How do this nigga always get in our room when we lock the door. This nigga is crazy as fuck.

I got finished in the bathroom and walked out to meet this nigga sitting on my bed and Christian was sleep again.

He looked up at me and laughed.

"You tryna stay in this house or something because now my dick hard." I blushed and laughed and walked over to him and kissed him and he gripped my ass and kissed me sloppily and I figured we could end it there.

I pulled away and got dressed to fit the weather which was surprisingly cold. I just threw in a trench coat to match his. Pack my bag knowing this nigga he probably got another hotel to fuck in and I am down.

"Come on." I put my hand out and he grabbed it and we walked out the house and it was a car waiting for us.

"You looks so beautiful." He said helping me in the car.

"Thank you, you complete my look." He laughed and ran around and hopped. "What you didn't wanna take your other rental?"

"I wanted us to be flashy this morning." I nodded.

It was a really nice car like really nice.

"What type of car is this?" I wipe my fingers across the dashboard.

"BMW I8" he started it up and the cars roar just hit different. "With a little add ons."

"How much did you rent this for."

"80,000 and I gotta pay another-"

"Wait so this is your car." He nodded.

"Yeah I just brought it this morning you know a real hustler can never sleep when there is money to be made." He shrugged.

"This is so freaking cool." He smiled at me.

"Yeah but you mineswell get comfortable this is a long ass ride." He pulled off.

"Where are we going?"

"We gone go do something real quick and then we going to nice."

"Where is that?"

"Don't worry, you trust me?" I nodded. "Okay just relax."

I nodded and he turn on soothing music and we rode for like 10 minutes and we pulled over.

"Come on."

I realized we were at the love locks bridge.

"What are we doing here?" He pulled out a lock and I instantly smiled.

He started writing on it and handed it to me and I wrote my name on it.

"So you lied to that girl." He laughed.

"No I really didn't buy one for her. I don't love that girl I am just chilling with her until you ready and that is said with no pressure." I laughed at his face. "Before we put this on there I really want you to hear me. I love you so much it freaks me out. I honestly don't know what I would do without you and Rockstar's love in the back of my mind. At this point you are the only other person I am living for. I love y'all so much everything I do I think about y'all. Every drop or every shoot out or every nigga i even just think about killing, when y'all come to mind it changes everything. Honestly I love you so much and I need you and I want you." He looked into my soul.

"Awe baby." I wiped my tears and he kissed me. "I love you so much and I love everything about you and Bri is my world and I am glad a met you. I love you so so much." I kissed him and we locked out lock on the gate.

we had a whole 5 minute make out session. The backseat is no longer available so that is annoying but I can wait.

"Come on." I rubbed the lip gloss of his lips.

We got back in the car and he started driving and after about 30 mins I fell a sleep.

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