Chapter 22

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Today is my due date and I am going be going to the hospital to just be on watch.

Dealing with my dads death really did affect my baby and that makes me feel horrible but I am so happy I snapped out of it and got myself together as much as I could.

I realized my dad would not want me in this funk. I just wanna continue to make him proud.

Rae is mad at me for the whole court situation and she got some shit going on with her and her marriage and I have nothing to do with that. She has did a whole flip like now she thinks my dad beat my mom and all this stuff and she was on Facebook like an old ass lady talking about fuck my dad and all this other shit not knowing my dad was an uncle to Koby and Ryan and Bryan. They work for my dad and everybody respected him and when I say everybody I mean when my dad died it hit the whole city. Some people that I didn't even know knew me from my dad and they tell me stories. Little did I know my dad got cops watching over me like bodyguards and have had them my whole life and he got people around me on go for me that I didn't even know. Like it'll be the most strangest people to and then some guy came up to me in the Walmart parking lot and somebody came up and stop him from what ever it's just been like my dad always had me protected. I didn't even know.

"You ready?" I smiled at Bryan and he nodded.

"I love you so much man I love you so much and thank you for everything." He hugged me.

"I love you and thank you for everything baby." I kissed him. "I love you baby." I kissed him a again

"What I tell your ass about kissing me like dat." He pulled away and closed his eyes.

"I am sorry baby." I laughed and he smiled and rubbed my stomach.

"What his name again?"

"Elijah Lance Blacko." Bryan smiled.

"Yeah I fuck with that."

I choose to give Elijah my dads name just to pay respect. My dads dad couldn't choose what to name him so they named him Philip Elijah and I know that is ghetto and he used to hate that shit so much. I already told him I was gonna name my son Elijah but now it means way more than it already did.

"My vagina is starting to hurt I don't think I am ready for this shit." I whined and the nigga gone reach hi hands in my pant and start rubbing my vagina. It was actually soothing but then his sneaky ass kept accidentally rubbing my clit. "Just pick one because they both feel good." I laid my head on his shoulder.and he started rubbing my clit and I was feeling it.

"Mmm." I moaned softly in his ear and he went faster in Circular motions and I felt the feeling building up and I bit his ear and I cam on his hand. "Shit." I groaned and he pulled his fingers out and sucked them and kissed me and I was ready to just give it to him right there but we said we will wait a little while long just to be on the safe side.

We made sure we had everything in the car and we started our way to the hospital.

"I am so excited and scared like I gotta feel my coochie tearing." He cringed

"What the fuck?" He looked at me. "I thought y'all vagina stretch."

"Shawna said it still rips though." I laughed at his facial expressions.

"No baby I don't want it to rip I need that." He sighed. "Now what am I gonna do?"

"It is going go back to square one if I let it heal properly. If not you can pay to get it tightened."

"You can pay to get it tighten? What the fuck y'all got going on!? Y'all motherfuckas are magical. That's tuff." I laughed.

*sorry y'all I know I'm not the only one falling in love with So🤪*

"Yeah and then you can get that bitch pretty and shit." He frowned up his face.

"Nah I love the way your pussy is. We gone let her pretty self heal and we gone pray over it and then boom she back at one." He grabbed my thigh.

"This bitch feel like it's gonna explode." I throw my head back.

Why motherfuckas don't tell you that your coochie is gonna hurt this bad and it's only gonna get worst.

We pulled up to hospital and check in and stuff they lead me to the room and sat me up.

"We were thinking about actually breaking your water and getting this show on the road or you can wait for it's to break its self?"

"She'll wait." Bryan nodded and she nodded and walked out

"Why babe she cou-"

"I don't trust these white motherfuckas they find new creative ways to kill our babies fuck them. I am gonna make sure they do everything right. We don't need them to do no extra shit."

Y'all would be surprised to find out Bryan's is a non medicine or vaccine type of parent. He feels like a cup of herbal tea a day will fix all the world's problems. He is very strict on Rockells health. Becca is not allowed to do certain things and it not to be controlling it's to be safe so I am also gonna do the same shit. Bryan is like smart as fuck like really smart as fuck.
He is a natural alpha male.


After about and hour my water broke and it was instant pain. Like that shit was nothing I ever felt. These contractions was on 10 my body was in pain and I dont know why my nipples were hurting.

"Bryan this shit hurts so ducking bad bro."

"The fuck you just call me?" He chuckled.

"This shit is not funny I am gonna fucking snap." He got up and grabbed my hand. " you just sitting there all peaches and cream like you got me pregnant and now I'm the one ripping in half." I cried.


"Give me one more big push mommy." I did as told and the bitch started counting so slow.

I felt a feeling of relief and I hear the cries.

"Oh shit." Bryan kissed my forehead.

"Fuck I am not doing this shit again." I cried.

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