Chapter 21

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We was sittin in court for my mom and I was dreading this moment. I don't want my mom to go to jail. I am loosing the both of them over a careless mistake.

"Case number 101901." I sighed as my mom came out and she looked at me and i couldn't help but cry.

She looked away and they say her down.

They started talking I wasn't paying attention. I just didn't want to be there.

"Your honor this is a classic case of a man getting caught cheating and it went wrong" my moms lawyer said and that didn't sit right with me.

"What?" I said louder then attended.

"Ma'am keep you outburst to yourself or be escorted out." The judge looked at me.

"That is actually his daughter well their daughter." My dads lawyer said and the judge frowned up her face.

"Could you move her up closer please." The lawyer walked over the me and helped me up carefully and move me up closer.

It felt like everyone was staring at me.

"I just wanna start by saying sorry for you lost and at such an sensitive time and this is the time we all want our dads." She said to me and I nodded. "I am so sorry for you so sorry. I knew your dad and he used to come in here and be like I changed my life around for my babygirl. I remember him and your mom were here for something long ago and she was pregnant with you and he was the happiest man in courtroom and I didn't understand why he was so excited to go to jail." Everyone laughed quietly. "He said one thing and I let him go. He said... I am having a little girl. His smile was just so pure and it change my life I used to think about the energy he brought into this room that day and just smile. This case is so close to my heart because I watched your dad grow up and mature all because of you. I know you are hurting because the way he talked about you I know you were his bestfriend." I shot her a smile.

"Yes." I tried to hold myself together because I was in front of everyone.

"What are you having?"

"A boy." She nodded.

"You need anything? Something to drink?" I shook my head and she nodded.

They sat me down and I listen to them got back in forth until it was time for her sentencing and they left and then came back and they put my mom on the stand.

"Any last words?"

"Yeah- I am so sorry Angela I didn't want you to know this but your dad used to beat me and I was scared he was gonna-"

"Don't you dare lie on my dad like this. You cheating miserable bitch. How could you ruin my life and sit here and lie. My dad loved you with everything in him EVERYTHING. He last word were he loved you. YOU BITCH HOW COULD YOU. You already killed him don't you dare disrespect him. He gave you everything, he took everything you put out and held it in and never even called you out of your name or raised his voice. When everyone told him to leave your cheating ass he said no and look at him now DEAD. I lost my best friend my world my hero and you are gonna sit here and say some dumb shit like this?" I looked at her and she dropped her head and started crying. "Keep your sorry I already forgave you however you know my dad would never so don't you ever in your life fix you nasty ass lips to say anything negative about him okay? NEVER!" I yelled and I sat back down and cried to myself.

"Do you have anything else to say Mrs. Poss." She shook her head and my grandma came outta no where and sat next to me and hugged me.

"Sorry I was late baby. I am here for you okay?" I nodded and she wiped my face.

"We find Rosilia Rose Hernandez-Poss guilty of first degree murder. She is sentenced to serve 105 years without chance of parole." The judge read and people started cheering:

It didn't matter to me it all hurted and I didn't want my mom to got to jail. I definitely didn't want my dad to die.

I got up and walked out the court and I could hear my mom screaming my name. I couldn't watch her leave me too.

Bryan hopped out the car and helped me in the car and he got in and we sat there for a minute.

"Speak to me baby." He grabbed my face. "I am here."

"I want my dad." Was all I could say and I started to cry.

I can't let myself go I can't fell but I can't help it. I just want my dad.

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