Chapter 3

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Rae and Nala in MM


* but you can't quit because of his mother's behavior*
"pero no puedes renunciar por el comportamiento de su madre" Rae said and my mom nodded.

* but it's not his mom, it's like HE is with his mom. he doesn't set limits and she violates our privacy and it's like this relationship isn't something I see in my future, so mineswell, just go now*
"pero no es su mamá, es como si ÉL estuviera con su mamá. él no pone límites y ella viola nuestra privacidad y es como si esta relación no fuera algo que vea en mi futuro, así que mineswell, solo vete ahora" I shrugged.

* baby I get it, but you think this is all a setup to get you back with bryan?*
"bebé, lo entiendo, pero ¿crees que todo esto es una trampa para que vuelvas con bryan?" I shook my head.

* Bryan and I are very happy with the current situation and I am stable with him. we know who we are and how we feel about each other. I can honestly say that I love Danny, I wouldn't have gone that far to let things slide. He would have put his mother in her place. I'm trying to impress her to be with him and make him happy, and I feel like it's a one-way street with his mother.*
"Bryan y yo estamos muy contentos con la situación actual y estoy estable con él. sabemos quiénes somos y cómo nos sentimos el uno por el otro. Honestamente puedo decir que amo a Danny, no habría ido tan lejos para dejar que las cosas se deslicen. Habría puesto a su madre en su lugar. Estoy tratando de impresionarla para que esté con él y hacerlo feliz, y siento que es una calle de un solo sentido con su madre." I sighed.

* Maybe something happened in his childhood that makes him act like this with his mom. He's a great guy from what you told us. He probably grew up in a house full of girls or something.*
"Tal vez sucedió algo en su infancia que lo hace actuar así con su mamá. Es un gran tipo por lo que nos dijiste. Probablemente creció en una casa llena de chicas o algo así." Rae said and my mom nodded.

* yes, that is very common*
"si eso es muy común." My mom agreed.

* I tried to ask him about that, but all he says is that I was always a mommy's boy and I always had her around.*
"Traté de preguntarle sobre eso, pero todo lo que dice es que siempre fui un hijo de mamá y siempre la tuve cerca." They sighed and my phone started to ring.

"Hola qué tal?"

"Baby I don't understand you." Bryan look in the camera.

"My bad what's up?"

"Nothing what you doing?" He prepped the phone up and he went back to playing the game.

"Nothing I am sitting here talking to my mom and Rae."

"Hey mommy!" He yelled and we laughed.

"Hey baby, how you doing?"

"I am doing good and yourself?"

"That's great same." He laugh at her accent as always.

"What's up sis?"

"Wussup nigga?" She took the phone.

"When you gone bring my niece down here Rockell keep asking about her."

"Whenever Rockell cute self come down here."


"Alright we'll see you tomorrow."

"Fassure now give my baby the phone back I am sick of looking at your fugly self." They laughed and she gave me the phone back. "Come over." He looked into the phone and I nodded.

"I'll see what I can do."

"No come over now." He demanded. "I am bored and I wasn't gonna call you but then I just kept thinking about you and I was like just call her so I did and I'll be damned if I put my pride aside for no reason. I don't know why you still acting mad when you the one who started the whole disagreement."

"I did not you were the one that yelled first and you know I hate when you yell at me."

"Awe I'm sorry baby I was just being mean because you were being mean." He apologized

"You are turning into a freaking simp Bryan." Rae shouted and shook her head.

"No I am just in love." He winked at me and I laughed.

"So cute and corny." My mom said smiling.

"Here I come bryan." He nodded.

"Please hurry up I need a hug I am have withdrawals. I need to touch you physically and I mean soon I feel like a crackhead."

"What?" I laughed.

"Its been four days and I am ready to get real violent and go beat up your boyfriend." He hung up and My mom and Rae laughed.

Knowing he was forreal I hopped up and said my goodbye and gave out my hugs and rushed out the door.

He has down it before. He says he is addicted to me and I honestly believe him. He gets crazy like fucking psycho. Not towards me but towards whoever I am with or around minus Ryan, koby, Rae and the rest of the gang and my parents. He okay because I am the same way about him.

"Bryan!" I yelled walking into his house and walk in to the living room and he hugged me.

"I missed you baby." He kissed me all over my face.

"I missed you too bryan." I giggled and he continued. "Okay okay." He kissed my lips and picked me up causing me to squeal.

He carried me over to the couch I kissed him and he deepened the kissed.

"Mmm" I moaned into his mouth.

His kissed found their way to my chin and his lift hand gripped my ass and the other played in my hair and he tugged my head back and licked and sucked on my neck.

"Bryan you better not." I moan already knowing what he was doing.

"I do what the fuck I want." He kissed me and in what seemed like a second he was literally ripping my panties off,

"Fuck." I moaned feelin him grind his Hard dick on my wet box.

"Get up." I did as told and he pushed me back on the couch on my knees and I arch my my back and he positioned himself at my enterance and slid In slowly.

That shit was the best thing I felt in the past week.

"Shit." I Sighed.

He grabbed my hair and find a slow pace and he pounded in me.

"Shittt." I cried out. "Bryan I can't." I reached back and he smack my hand out the way.

"Move your fucking hand." He groaned. "Take this dick."

"Fuck." I squealed as he sped up.

"You feel that shit."

"Yes yes." I moaned loudly.

He pulled me up by my ponytail and sucked on my neck and biting my ear and shoulder.

"You love me baby?" He growled in my ear

"Yes I love you so much baby."

"You love this dick?" He bit my ear.

"Yes I love this dick." I felt the ball of intensity built in my stomach,

"How this dick make you feel?" He spoke softly in my ear.

"So good baby." He smacked my ass and reached around and grabbed my stomach.

"I love you so much." He groaned in my ear.

In within seconds the sensation shot through my body.

"Bryan!" I yelled and he let go of my hair and applied pressure in my back, deepen my arch and started drilling me. "Please baby please."

It was such an amazing overwhelming feeling.

I cried from the feeling.

I felt the sensation again and it was more intense and he pulled out and I could feel the cum dripping out of me and he started eating me from the bad and I started to shake uncontrollably. He ate me to climax and I felt like was gonna pass out anytime soon.

"Shit." I sighed outta breath.

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