Chapter 6

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Bryan in MM

1 week and 3 days later~


Me and Christian pulled up to the airport and I instantly get excited I can't believe I am going to Paris.

I always wanted to go here but it actually coming true. Even though I am not with the love of my life it is still going to be such an amazing experience whether I am by myself or with a nigga. Nobody can bring my spirits down. I am back on my bullshit I am beating ass and forgetting I am not letting Shit slide because it has more of a effect on me when I let it slide.

"Bitch!" Rae yelled and I hugged her. "I am so fucking excited."

"I know I am so fucking excited too."

Koby had ask my mom and dad and me for Rae hand in marriage and she has no clue and I can't wait til he pops the question because the news has me so excited I am trying so hard to keep it in.

"Hey bitches." Shawna yawned.

"Good morning." I hugged her

"Hey girl."

"Child I am tired that little boy had me up all fucking night. I had to drop him off to my mom this morning and he had a fit child. We go through this every-time and then my mom give him candy and then he is in heaven." She rolled her eyes. "But he loves going over there he just hates when I don't be home like what you won't be with me either way." We laughed softly.

"Chile Nala be like everytime I go over daddy house he is always talking about daddy." We laughed. "He pressed and she do not like that shit so I just took her to my mom."

"He still don't like koby for beating his ass a long ass time ago." I said and she laughed.

"Chile everytime we argue he be like tell your nigga to fight me." She mocked him. "He owe me a one." She mocked him and Shawna laughed.

Christian walk up and waved.

"Y'all this is Christian and Christian these are my sisters Shawna and Rae." He shook their hand.

"Nice to finally meet you ladies."

They shot him a smile.

"Same to you." Rae said

"You as well." Shawna smiled.

Bryan and Selina and Ryan and Koby walked up.

"Hey y'all." I greeted everybody with a hug. "Hey Selina."

"Hey." She sent me a smile.

"Okay everybody this is Christian and Christian these two are my brothers Ryan and Koby" they dapped eachother up. "This is my best friend bryan and his girl Selina." The dapped eachother up and he shot Selina a nodded and she returned it.

"Nice to meet y'all."

"Same to you."

We all sat and waited to board the plane.

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