Chapter 10

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Ang in MM


I wake up in a bed and instantly panic. Then I felt Bryan hands around me and I got up and looked at my phone and everybody was blowing me up.

"Don't answer... text them and tell them you good you with me." I nodded and did as told and I realized it was the next day.

"Damn how long was i sleep."

"Like 12 hours." He laughed a little. "Come on we got things to do today so we can do what we need today and be out by tomorrow."

We got in the shower and I let the warm water sooth my body and he started kissing me in my neck and his hands explored my body and and I turned around to meet his glare and his eyes were a green either a mixture of his regular eye color.

"You are so beautiful." He kissed me and I deepened the kiss and he slapped my ass and pulled my body against his. I felt my hair getting wet and his kissed left my lips and he took my breast into his mouth and I threw my head back feeling the water on my face and I looked him directly in his eye and he kissed me and again and I bite his lip ass his pulled away and he turned me around and I bent over and he ran his fingers through my box and with in second it filled me up with every inch.

"Fuck." I moaned loudly.

That's the best part about fucking in a place where it's just you and him. You can really feel that shit and you don't have to be quiet.

All you could hear was skin slapping and moans and groans.

"Yes I love this dick." I moaned and he lick up the middle of my back and he thrusts got longer and harder.

"How much you love this dick?" He growled in my ear.

"I love this dick so much baby." I cried out. "I am gonna cum."

"You gonna cum for me baby."

"Yes." I hissed and I squeezed my eyes shut and I cam hard and he kept going. "Bryan please."

"Please what? Nope stop running baby." He grabbed my hair and pulled me back and i slammed into him and I swear I passed out for 3 seconds.

"Bryan I can't."

"Shut the fuck up." He kissed. "This your dick baby take it."

I exploded again and I felt a rushed through my body.

"Shit baby." He smacked my ass. "You dripping baby."

"Shit Bryan."

He kissed me and I turned around and and I kissed him sloppily. I licked down his chest and and came face to face with my favorite toy in the world.

I kissed the tip and he looked me right in my eyes and I took him in my mouth and start the throat and vibrating combo. I knew he liked it and I added my hands and started throating him and he groaned loudly and his hands found their way to my head and he put my hair in a ponytail.

"Fuck." He groaned. "I am finna bust."

"Mhmm." I moaned against his dick and I felt his gripped on my hair tight and it shot down my throat.

"Fuck." He growled he pulled me up by my hair and kissed me.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more."

We washed up and we got dressed.


After a long day of sight seeing and touring with the loving Bryan Blacko. We were at this cool restaurant it was so beautiful and everything looked so nice and it was hella expensive.

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