Chapter 28

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We are on the plane and We land in a few. I am so proud to say that both the kids have been quite. I would have hate to be that bitch on the plane with a crying ass baby. I throw his ass out the window lol psych i was playing.

"Here?" Bryan took Eli out my hand and I laughed.

I wonder if he can read minds.

"What? what's funny?" I shook my head.

"Nothing I was just thinking about something." He laughed softly.

"Little man we is almost there." He coed. "Mommy is talking to the voices in her head."

I laughed.

"Stop no I- I- well I am but don't make my baby think I am crazy."

"He gone learn it sooner or later so why not sooner than later. Say mommy it's okay cause we are all gonna be crazy together. All of us." I gasped.

"My baby will not be like you or me."

"Why not we are the shit."

"No we are pieces of shits." He laughed and the lady on the other row jumped and looked at him and started laughing. "I apologize." She nodded.

"It's fine his laugh is quite contagious." The little white lady laughed.

He continued to laugh silently.

"Babe it is not that damn funny." He continued to laughed.


We landed after about another hour and it was a car there waiting for us and it drove us to our Airbnb and it was so cool. We got one closed to Disneyworld and it was so amazing and expensive but Bryan literally brought it without me knowing child I saw that price and said nope but I guess he was using my computer or my tablet which ever one and saw that I was looking at it and he got it.

"This is so amazing." I laid a sleeping Elijah in his travel crib.

"I know." He laid rockstar on the bed.

This shit is just like a baby tent and it was so cute and I brought it. We never had a baby shower because well as y'all could see it was just too much going on and I don't wanna do shit without my dad.

Even marriage I always said I don't wanna get married without my dads approval and Bryan knows that so I feel like marriage may be off the table because that was a VERY important step for me and it saddens me but I just can't I honestly don't think I can do it with out my dads approval or presence. This is what I am saying my dad was supposed to be here like why? I am just stuck a stand still.

Even with the Disneyworld trip, me and my dad used to come here and it was the older guy that works here we would see him here everytime and him and my dad became friends and he would always call us when deals would pop up or just when he has tickets.

That's what I mean my dad was just a light. He made friends where ever he went and he always put smiles on everyone's face.

"You okay?" Bryan asked and i nodded. "Talk to me." He hugged me.

"I just miss my dad." I cried.

"I know baby." He held me tighter.

"I can't believe this I don't wanna believe it like he was so amazing. Everything is gonna be so different like." I cried and he just held me.

It's like the longer a go in without him the more I realize he is really gone. The more I forget his voice and I hate it. I don't wanna loose that.

I stopped crying and he wiped my face and kissed me.

"I am here okay?" I nodded. "I got you if things get to overwhelming just pull me to the side or stop me and let me know okay. We got this together." I nodded.

"Okay." He kissed me.

"I love you so much baby."

"I love you more." He jerked his to the side.

"Nahh!!!!!!." He mocked marlon from the marlon show.

"Boy stop yelling for you wake my kids." He shrugged. "They look wore out." We looked at them and they wore knock the fuck out.

"I guess they sleeping in here with us." I nodded. "Put Rockstar on the window bed." He got up and took out some sheets and covers.

I am sorry but I can not sleep on other people sheet I will always bring my own shit.

I got up and decided to make up this bed and fix certain things how we like them.

"You wanna go out tonight." I shook my head.

"No I wanna stay in and sleep and then tomorrow when we go we can be lit as fuck." He chuckled.

"I heard its somebody birthday tomorrow." He smiled cheeky.

"It's my birthday." I couldn't help but get super excited like super excited.

"Oh shit! You lying." He gasped.

"No I am not it is my birthday." He smiled. "I can wait to just walk around and experience that child like happiness again. I hope I see Mr. George."

"who is that?"

"My dads friend who worked here for a long time. Me and my dad met him our first time here and they instantly clicked and I go see him in the projectors room everytime. Watch a little princess movie for free. He is so nice and he is awesome and I definitely want Rockstar to meet him." He nodded.

"Your dad probably has friends all over." I nodded. "How you gonna tell him he passed?"

I never thought about that.

"I don't even know. I guess I am just gonna tell him when he asked where he is or how he is doing." I sighed and Bryan rubbed my shoulder.

"I got your back. I love you baby."

"I love you too."

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