Chapter 8

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"Shit just be lit as fuck." Ryan laughed at we walked in the cafe. "Especially when they drunk." He dapped Christian up.

"I know I met her in the club she was lit as hell and she was a good person like after we talk at the bar and shit."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"So are you like into one of them." Rae asked and we laughed.

"No. Y'all my people I wouldn't look at them like that." Bryan nodded.

"Plus if he was he would've gotten his ass whoop." Koby laughed. "These females don't play they would've jumped your ass."

"Facts." Me and the girls laughed.

"You cool peoples though so we got you. I am glad you came on this trip." Shawna spoked and everybody nodding in agreement.

"Y'all cool people like most motherfuckers judged first and dipped but I am a regular nigga and I like what I like that doesn't and shouldn't affects others."

"Right." Bryan agreed.


After the cafe we walk around just to get a feel of the city. Everything about Paris was beautiful like I always imagined it.

"Hello." I answered my phone and Christian hugged him and held me.

"Yeah can we talk for a second?"

"Danny I am out."

"Just let me talk for a second then you can block me and do what ever else."

"Okay what is it?"

"Listen I miss you so much baby. I need you to come home. I haven't been eating or sleeping at all. I know I was doing way to much but babe I let my mom get to me. She has been fucking with my mental and i see that now baby, I really do. I need you baby please come home."

"I am Paris and I am with somebody."

"How could you have someone so fast like you are for the fucking streets-"

"I am gonna get Bryan to beat you the fuck up." I hung and Christian rubbed my back and I wrapped my arms around him and we rock back and fourth.

"Do y'all wanna go to the gate of locks."

"I don't even have a lock." Bryan said and Selina shook her head.

"I told you to get one but no." She said sarcastically.

"We can all go and we can watch y'all and celebrate it we be so cool." I added trying take the negative energy out the air. "Come on I always wanted to see somebody lock in the love."

We all started walking to pont des arts bridge.

"Why don't you and Bryan just get together." Christian asked and I shrugged.

"I feel like for me it's way more complicated because of our past. I love him so much but it's like Im not ready for that. He is a really good guy with a bad temper not physically." He nodded. "With him I feel like I would have to get my crazy bitch back but I don't know if I can... that shit is so long gone and I think it because I have grown up and shit."

"That's a good thing."

"It really is, but I feel like now I play the pussy because I let shit slide or I get hurt over the littlest shit and it was never like this before."

"You can't look at it like that think of it as you above a lot of shit." He shrugged. "You have to soften up god is probably preparing you for shit that requires you to be soft" he used finger quotes. "You gonna have kids that want a soft loving mom." I nodded.



"You are supposed to write you initials and then lock it." I gave them the marker I stole from the cafe.

"Thank you." Shawna smiled at me sand I nodded.

I recorded them and it was so beautiful and it was Rae and Koby turn to lock and he acted like her dropped the lock over the bridge and while she was looking over he got on one knee and pulled out the ring.

"Baby we got to buy another one." She continued to look then turned around and her mouth dropped.

" Desiree Chantel rainy Rodriguez, I love you so much. You came in durning my worst time and held me down. You and Nala were my only source of happiness for a while. You are everything I ever wanted and needed. You are so beautiful and amazing inside and out. You are very intelligent and I love that. You street smart and book smart. I love your accent and the way you dance in the kitchen cooking. I love when you speak Spanish to me knowing I don't know shit you be saying." She laughed and wipe her face. "I love how you take care of Nala and I love how you are caring and nurturing and understanding and patient. I just genuinely love everything about you EVERYTHING. I can't live without you. So would you do me-"

"Yes yes... I am sorry you can finish." We laughed and she squealed in excitement. "Go head." He laughed.

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes baby yes." She put her hand out and he slide the ring on and he stood up and she jumped into his arms. "I love you so much." Random started clapping and awing

"I love you more baby." They kissed and I stopped recording.

"Oh my god bitches I am engaged!" She yelled she ran over to us and showed us the ring.

"Yes bitch." I screamed and hugged her.

"Your ring is sexy as fuck."

"Mmm it's cute." Selina shrugged.

"You are a hating bitch that's why nobody don't fucking like you-"

"Whatever." She walked away and Rae was about to follow her but I grabbed her.

"It's okay I am just gonna fuck her man for you." We laughed.

"She is such a negative spirit." Shawna shook her head. "Bryan is about to break up with her soon he told Ryan." They looked at me and i nodded.

"Good for him." The rolled their eyes and sighed.

"What?" I laughed. "We are not gonna get back together just because he breaks up with her. Being in a relationship with him takes a lot of work and toughness and I lost it." They laughed.

"Girl he will bring that shit back out you was with Danny soft ass that why you softened up."

"Plus you was getting good dick from Bryan that shit will have you on and emotional roller coaster." I nodded.

"I just don't know about-"

"Come on y'all we out." Ryan called us and I grabbed Christians hand and every walk back to the hotel."

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