Chapter 11

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"Bitch where the fuck have y'all been!" Shawna hugged me would like somebody mom.

"She went with me to get my new car which took way longer than expected." He dapped up Ryan and Koby.

"Why the fuck would you not take me with you?" Selina snapped and he sighed.

"I am sleepy as fuck that was a 9 hour ride and I am hungry because he didn't wanna stop for food." Rae nodded.

"Yes bitch cause you gotta tell us where y'all really went."

"You are so fucking disrespectful and then when I about to beat that bitch up you never understand."

"Awe shit." Koby sighed and I turned my happy ass right around. That dick last night probably knock my screws out that nigga fucked me like his wife and so bitch I am feeling like Jhené and I am back up on my bullshit.

"I will beat everybody ass in the house."

"Beat everybody ass The fuck Who?" We all said and Bryan looked and smiled.

He like me like this and it shows.

"Like why do you want my nigga girl he is not checking for you!"

"He told you that?" I smiled and she froze. "Okay cause I was finna say." I laughed.

"Say what bitch you always biting your tongue say it bitch." She snatch away from Bryan.

"Y'all need to let her go that shit getting her hype." I dropped my bag and walked over to her and kody grabbed me. "Stop bro don't do that because I would never wanna harm you and when I black out anything can happen so just stop please." He looked at Bryan and Bryan shook his head.

"She is not gone do shit."

"Koby let her go." Rae yelled and he let me go.

"Nigga." Bryan sighed.

"Listen here bitch if you keep trying me I will beat you the fuck up and fuck your man okay."

"Bitch stop fucking playing with me." She jumped at me and I punched that bitch dead in her face and she gasped and I punch that bitch again to show her this real life and she tried her luck a million times to many.

She grabbed my hair and I started throw blow from all my built up anger against her. For all those time I held back.

"Okay bitch okay." She yelled. "Wait let me up!"

"Let go of my hair!" I yelled.

"Get off me and I'll let go."

"Bitch let me go so I can get off. Duh bitch."

"You gone get off of me?"

"On god I am gonna get off you."

"Yo let the fuck go."

She let go and Bryan picked me up.

"Come on bitch." She got up. "Bitch square up bitch."

I took off my heels and Bryan grabbed me by my waist.

"Get off of man." I pushed him off of me and she ran up so I kicked that bitch and slapped the shit out of her.

"Yo chill the fuck out!" Bryan snapped. "Let's fucking go now!"

Selina walked over to him.

"I am not talking to you!" She stopped in her track. "Angela let's fucking go!"

"Bryan are you-"

"Let's fucking go! You hear me talking to you or do I have to come closer!"

"Bryan stop talking to me like that."

He sighed.

"Come on please." I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand and we went upstairs.

We went in the bathroom and I sat on the toilet. We sat in silence.

"You can't be mad at me because I kept letting her slide." He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead.

"That shit went way farther then it had to go." He sighed. "Now I gotta break up with this girl."

"Wait why it's not that serious."

"I told her what it was and I said if you touch her we done so that's what it is." He shrugged. "She get way outta line like you knew what it was when we started and now you all in love I don't have time for that shit."

"That sounds so messed up." I looked at him and he shrugged.

"It's not messed up it is what it is."

"What if I would've said that to you."

"I would kill you." He said seriously. "It ain't no leaving me baby."

"But I already did."

"No you paused me you didn't leave me cause trust you wouldnt be breathing."

"Yes the fuck I would. I don't know about you but I would've been alive." We laughed. "I probably would've killed you honestly once I got out my feelings I contemplated it everyday for like three months then I was like Rockstar gone need you cause her moms a fucking idiot. You are so lucky you have a kid I was gonna set your house on fire like five times." He shook his head.

"Then I would set your house on fire and then we could have been homeless together."

"Nigga i didn't have my own house."

"You do now baby." I laughed.

"What if I invited you to stay with me."

"I don't care I would've stayed til you fell asleep and set that bitch in fire."

"You are crazy."

"I'm not fucking crazy you are crazy." He scoffed and I punch him in his shoulder.

"You are a stupid ass nigga."

"You a stupid hoe." I laughed and he kissed me.


"Christian!" I yelled as he wake up.

"Wussup welcome back beautiful." He hugged me. "I missed you and I missed cuddling with you it was hard for me to sleep."

"Awe I would lie and say I missed you but baby I was getting the best dick ever and we had so much fun and we went to a castle and a waterfall and he booked us a tour and all this fun shit." I laid down on the bed. "And I maybe have fought Selina like 20 mins ago and then fucked him in the bathroom." He whipped his head in my direction.

"You did what?" He flopped on the bed.

"I beat her ass." He laughed.

"Why. I am always sleep when shit go down." He punch the bed.

"Bitch the regular the bitch always picking."

"But you did go on a three day trip with her nigga."

"Yeah but you gotta know how to pick your battle."

"What if somebody took your man and went on a three day vacation and you know they ex's and y'all flirt right in her face and if I could tell from being around y'all for a day and a half then I know she feel that shit every time you around she is actually a sweet girl but that jealousy ate her alive. We was having a conversation and she was just telling me how she thought you was so nice and beautiful and shit like that however she felt like you disrespected her everytime Bryan was around and then she said some shit about Bryan say he would never love her more then you and then she started to cry and shit and it's a whole lot deeper then you or him would ever know but that girl has been through a lot and this is not to make you feel sad but show some empathy or even sympathy for her because first of all you are a women and shit you probably been through some shit before." He shrugged and I nodded.

Maybe I was giving off a vibe I didn't know about.

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