Chapter 15

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"Hey Becca." I hugged her and she smiled.

"Hey Angie."

"Wussup." Bryan hugged her and Rockell ran into his arm.

"Daddy!" She yelled. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

"Hey baby girl." She jumped on me and I caught her.

"Ms. Angel! I missed you so so much." She hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so so much too." I squeezed her back. "Look at your hair."

"I want to the pool yesterday."

"Can I do her hair?" I looked at Becca and she nodded.

"Of course, I was gonna ask you anyway. You know me I don't know how to do shit but pigtails and barely that." We laughed.

"Well she is gonna be done up when you come back."

"Oh shit let me go finish getting ready for my little vacation." She danced a little. "I'm lit."

"Okay you enjoy yourself and send me pictures." She nodded.

"Fassure I restocked on my fashion nova so photo shoot all day everyday."

"And Periodt."

She did the motion and I laughed softly.

"Byebye baby."

"Bye mommy."

"Let me talk to her." Bryan look at me and I nodded and took Rocky to to the living rooms

"How have you been?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I am in a school." I gasped.


"Yeah and I got friends. Bailey and Hannah and billy and Tasia."

"Oh that is so cool!" I smiled at her.

"Yeah and we are gonna have a sleep over for my birthday and I am getting and American doll that looks like me."

"Yes that is gonna be awesome." I heard Bryan start yelling. "Hey did mommy wash you up yet?" I could smell the chlorine on her and she shook her head.

Becca is a good mom her priorities are just really fucked right now. She had a kid before she actually got to explore herself and got to know herself truely and it shows but she was always guy driven.

The yelling got louder.

"Come on let's get ready to do you hair and how about we have a movie night?" I look into her eyes and it was just like staring at Bryan. She nodded.

I could see the worry in her eyes and I rushed her upstairs.

"I don't want him to hit mommy." She spoke softly.

"No he is not going hit mommy okay. Daddy would never hit mommy okay. They are just talking."

"Mr. John says if mommy is bad she needs to be whooped." I sighed.

She is dropping tea that I can't handle it is to damn hot.

"But look let's get you washed up and wash this chlorine off your body and out of your hair."

"Okay." Bryan yelled again.

Okay now he doing to much. I say her in her bed and went downstairs.

"Lower your fucking voice she is upstairs and can hear you and she is scared okay? Don't do this while she is here." I snapped and went back upstairs.

We sung songs and play in the bubbles til she was ready to get out and I washed her up and wash her hair carefully

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We sung songs and play in the bubbles til she was ready to get out and I washed her up and wash her hair carefully. I did her hair neat box braids and styled them.

She fell asleep.

"Wussup?" Bryan walked in the room like he was scared or something.

"Nothing what's wrong?" I laid her down and he let out a breathe of relief.

"Girl I thought your dumb ass was mad at me. I ain't feel like arguing." I laughed softly and he closed her window and locked them and he followed me out the room and closed the door.

Somebody knocked on the door.

He went downstairs.

"Oh shit." I heard he say and I walked downstairs.

Becca was their she look like she just got jumped.

"Oh shit."

"Please help me." She cried. "I can't take it anymore please. I didn't mean to kill him."

"Kill who?" Bryan hugged her.

"John." She pulled up out the gun and Bryan took it her. "His body is at my house and-"

"Y'all stay here I be back." He walked out the house.

"Come of lets get you cleaned up" I lead her upstairs.

I ran her a bleach bath and gave her a rag and Q tips and a two toothbrushes.

"Scrub your finger with the brushes like get deep inside of your finger nails. Clean out you ears nose and make sure you scrub you body washed up real good REAL good." She nodded and I left out the bathroom and went to check on Rocky and she was still sleep.


"Hey where she at?" Bryan walked in and I pointed to upstairs. "That nigga handled everything is handled." He looked at me and I nodded.

"Okay." I sighed. "She is upstairs sleep though." He nodded and waved for me to come on and I followed him upstairs.

Took off all his clothes and grabbed a towel and went in the bathroom.

I picked up all his clothes and pick them in the fire place and lit them bitches up. I don't care what he has to say about shit. If he goes to jail and they have no evidence they can't do shit.

Okay maybe I am being paranoid but can you blame me.

My dad always taught little things that locked in on me. Then when I did my first really bad thing that I would never speak on he helped me through it. Me and my dad were always super close. My dad is my EVERYTHING and it will never change. There is nothing I am afraid to say in front of my dad and I never second guess telling him anything.

My dad taught me everything my mom was never around. she was mostly on business trip and then one day she brought Rae here and it's shook the family in half. That was the first time my mom cheated on my dad and he was so hurt but he loved my mom so much. Rae is older then me and my moms family lived in Columbia so she would go out there and she told my dad my Abuela was sick so she stayed out there for a year a whole year and it was all a lie she was just pregnant and left Rae with Abuela and Abuelo. She brought Rae her when I was 15 and me and Rae went to the same high school and it was always like she had my moms back and I always had my dads and she can't beat me so she was getting ass whooping on the regular. But it was no denying that was my sister because we had eachother back no matter what. I killed my first person for her and we did somethings and stuff but that besides the point. That why it's hard for me to believe shawna is her RIDE OR DIE that bitch would never fight for Rae barely me but never for Rae. It's cool though.

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