Chapter 23

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2 months later~


"Child." I sighed at the sight of Koby and Rae.

I have even been talking to her but Shawna and Ryan is having a birthday party for ManMan. I don't wanna fuck up these people party.

"I can punch this bitch right now." I mumbled to myself and rocked Elijah to sleep.

"You good?" Bryan came and sat next to me.

"Yeah I am just gone mind my business."

"Like you always do baby." He kissed my cheek.

This no sex thing I think has pulled us closer honestly. I am still stretching it because of my insecurities. I know I never had insecurities before but it like I never had a baby before. I am more insecure about my coocoo and if it snapped back and I know the only way to know is to try but I am scared outta my mind. The long break has show me a lot about Bryan and I know that he has grown up and became a man.

"Hey sis." Koby walked up and I hugged him.

"I missed you Koby." I squeezed him and he kissed my forehead.

"I miss you too ugly." He dapped Bryan up. "You ain't been a around and I see why." He smiled at Elijah.

"Yeah I am on mommy mode." He smiled at me.

"I am so proud of you." I smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"Can I hold him?" I nodded, he put the blanket on his shoulder and picked him up. "Hey little man. I am uncle Koby. You are so tute. yes him is." I haven't seen this side of Koby since Nala was a baby.

He is such a softy with babies and puppies.

"What's up motherfu-freakers." Ryan walked over and hugged me and dapped Bryan up. "Why y'all let him hold the baby first?" Ryan whined.

"Because he came over first." I shrugged. "Where is ManMan?" I asked and Ryan pointed to the king chair and that baby was knocked out.

"I'm gone let him sleep it out before his friends come." He look at he watch. "I can't even tell the time on this motherfucka." We laughed.

"But that shit look good." Bryan dapped him up. "Patek Philippe talk to him bro."

We laughed.

"Hey y'all." Shawna walked up and hugged everybody including Ryan.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Why you give him the baby first!" She looked at me and they started laughing.

"Y'all are some fucking haters like that shit is bad." He walked away.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Bryan laughed and followed him.

"Come on don't stop my dramatic walk away." Koby yelled back.

"How you been ladybug?" Ryan day in Bryan's spot.

"I been good just being the best mom I can be and learning the love myself again." I sighed and he nodded.

"You are so beautiful Ang." Shawna squatted in front of me. "Like I wish my snap back was this fast."

I was already fat.

I started laughing like I was weak.

"What?" She chuckled.

"This bitch said I was already fat!" I laughed even harder and they started laughing.

"You stupid as shit."

The laughing died down.

"Nah but forreal I just got to get back to myself honestly and I am so glad a have bryan and you guys and becca but it's hard without my... well... yeah..." I paused to gather myself and my emotions. "I just thought my bestfriend would be here. Ryan you know I could talk to my dad for hours and hang out with him for hours and I feel like I been wanting him more because it's just like damn I lost ALL my family in the spam of a month while 7 maybe 8 to 9 months pregnant then it's like I can't feel cause I am in mommy mode which bring me unconditional happiness however I just wish that I had him here I wish I had my mom." I sighed.

"Yeah I am here we will watch him when you need a break. I would say Koby but I don't know about the Rae situation. Koby will watch the hell out of him and spoil him rotten" we laughed. "Look he not tryna give Bryan Elijah." I looked and Bryan had his hands out and Koby was looking at the ceiling acting like he can't see.

"He is a clown." I laughed softly. "I don't know why Rae is so angry with me and I don't know what my mom been telling her but it's taking a million words from god to not beat her ass for saying fuck my dad. I am not tryna to ruin my god baby's day. He is so amazing and he deserves the best." She smiled.

"Thank you so much honestly thank you." Shawna hugged me.

"Aunnie." I cheesed at the sound of LaLa voice.

"Hey baby I missed youuu so so so much." I hugged her tightly.

"Where have you been? grandpa said to tell you something last night. I owe him a sorry because he said I would see you and I called him a story teller." I looked at Ryan and he looked so freaked out.

"What did he say?"

"He said that you need to go to his house and look under-"

"Nala where are you!?" Rae called.

"Right here mommy!" She ran off.

"What the fuck was that?" Ryan asked and I shrugged.

"She always been so deep like she always been this way." I sighed.

What was she going to say? Look under what? I gotta remember to ask.

"Hey Auntie." Rockell squeaky voice blasted through my ears.

"Hey baby." Shawna hugged her.

"Angel!" She screamed and jump int my arms. " I missed you! Can you do my hair mommy did it and it don't make me feel pretty I feel ugly. Please?" I nodded.

"Of course and mommy did a great job you look so beautiful! You better go girl." She smiled and touch her head.

"Thank you." She spoke shyly and I kissed her nose and she giggled.

"Hey baby Koby put him to sleep." Bryan sat beside me and put Elijah in he stroller.

"Hey daddy." She reached for him and grabbed her and hugged her.

"You look so beautiful baby girl." She smiled and then came back to me.

"Thank you daddy."

"Hey y'all." Becca hugged everybody. "Umm... Koby and Rae are arguing and I didn't just wanna come over in a panic and cause a scene but look." She pointed

They were arguing arguing like she had her fingers in he face, pushing his head, you could tell they were yelling but that was all way across the room.

"Oh come on." Shawna got up and sighed. "It's about the fucking kids! Are they honestly gone argue in front of a bunch of 5 6 and 7 year olds!" She got up and walked over there.

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