Chapter 19

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I pulled up to Ryan's house because he wanted to talk to me.

I am actually in a good ass space like I am over it I forgave them even though they didn't apologize.

I am having a daddy and daughter day with my dad today and I am so excited and nothing can ruin my day.

I knocked on the door and he opened.

"I missed you sis." He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you too." He took my purse and my coat.

"Look at that beautiful belly. It got a nigga finna cry." He rubbed my stomach.

"I am so ready for him to get here."

"Shit that shit gone get real." He laughed as we stepped in the living room and Shawna hopped up and hugged me.

"Girl I missed you so much. I am so sorry. I don't like you being mad at me." She started crying. "I am so sorry I even let that whole situation tear us apart like you are my girl. I just felt like the more I thought we'd get over it the more we grew apart and me and Rae are not the same without you like I miss you so much. This shit is not fun no more like all that whole wedding I just wished we could've all experience that together even Rae was crying in her dressing room every 5 minutes and your mom was like just don't bother you and it's too late and all this other shit. It was just a lot going on. We miss you girl like you was like glue and the leader." I nodded.

"Don't cry it is okay. I am over it and I love y'all I don't even care about the past. I am on a totally different frequency and vibration. I would never dislike y'all or anything that's why I choose to separate myself from the situation before I fucked y'all up." She laughed. "I love y'all forever y'all are my sisters." She nodded.

"I love you so much." She hugged me again and I hugged her back.

"Well that went well." Ryan smiled. "I thought I lost you sis." I laughed.

"No bro you know I am always a call away." He smiled.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello." I answered.

"Mommy shot your dad!" I heard Rae yell.

"What?" I jumped up. "Why? why did she shoot him?" I grabbed my purse and coat and raced out of their house and jumped in my car.

"She walked into his house and saw him with some women and she shot him. She said she was trying shoot the lady but the lady moved to fast"

"What the fuck!? Is he okay?" My heat fell into my ass.

She started crying harder.

"Is okay?" I asked again.

"She shot him in the head." My body stop and everything froze.

No she didn't.

"Stop playing." I laughed lightly. "He is not gone." My laughs turned to full cries it's like the more I cried the more I wanted to die.

"I am so sorry." She cried.

Somebody knocked on my window. I heard the door open.

"What is wrong Angela? Why are you crying?" I heard Ryan's voice and I looked at him.

"I want my daddy." I cried. "Why would she kill him! I want my dad! Please god please don't take him! Please bring him back!" He pulled me outta the car and hugged me.

"Oh shit." He held me.

"What's wrong?" Shawn yelled.

"Call Bryan! Tell him to come here now!" He started crying and rubbed my back. "Please calm down. Please."

"I want my dad!" I cried even harder. "No daddy no! Why!? Please!"

"He is in his way. Get her out the cold. What happened?" I couldn't move I was trapped.

Dad why would you leave me? You were my best friend. You were my everything. We were supposed to go baby shopping today. You were supposed to be here. Who is gonna walk me down the aisle. You were supposed to be the best grandpa. You were supposed be here forever. You said we would say in the same day because we can't live without eachother. Why did you leave me. I need you. Dad please. Please let this be a dream. Don't do this to me not right now.

I am at the hospital to reassure that it is my dad which I think is stupid as fuck.

They uncovered the body and I nodded.

This cant be life. He didn't leave me, he wouldn't do that.

Bryan held me as I cried. I am so damn drained.

"How could she do this!" I yelled and Bryan held me. "He did nothing but love her and she did this! Why!"

"I know baby." Bryan cried softly. "I know I am so sorry."

We left and I sat in the car.

I am never gonna hear his voice again. He will never express how proud of me he is even though I am a nobody. He will never tell me he loves me. No more daddy and daughter days. Not more phone calls late night calls just talk about god and spiritual things. No more 4 hour car rides just talk about any and everything. I don't have my bestfriend any more. I don't wanna be here anymore. I lost him forever.

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