Chapter 4.5

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"Please shut the fuck up like you been saying shit this whole ride like boy you are so fucking stupid." I snapped as we walked into the house.

I went upstairs in our room because he made sure I understood this wasn't our home cause I don't do shit here.

"I am gonna get in the shower."

"I don't give a fuck do what you gotta do. Shit like you said my opinion on you and your mom means nothing. So why you looking for my reassurance. The fuck?" I sat on my phone and he kissed his teeth and walked in the bathroom and I grabbed some bags and with into the closet and pulled all my clothes off the hangers into the bag as fast as a could.

I been brought a little penthouse because I was already over this relationship but he was so sweet and kind and I thought he loved me and I loved him.

Is it sad yes I been with him for 1 almost 2 years and i thought he was something I could come home to and just be happy but he is not and I never know me learn Here was a problem but I am glad he told me before my dumbass sold my penthouse.

I quietly put the bags in my trunk and went back in to pack the rest of my stuff in the closet like my shoes and my wigs and and shit and took that to the car and the last thing a had to do was the drawers but he was out the shower.

"Listen babe I wanna apologize I completely disrespected you beyond measure and I know you do way more then I give you credit for as far as stuff around the house. With out you I wouldn't even eat and the house would be a mess and I apologize." He sighed and I instantly felt like crying.

"It doesn't matter." I turned away him.

I'll be damned if I let him see me cry.

"No it does matter because I was way way way outta line."

"You said it already. You can't take it back you said what you felt for a very-" my voice cracked.


"Its fine I am fine. I don't wanna live with you anymore I am just a burden and I don't want you to feel as though you have to take care of me if you don't want to. You will never and I mean ever get a chance to throw anything in my face. This bag is everything you ever brought me down to the wigs and shoes and jewelry all of it, clothes and oh here's the keys to YOUR house."

"Baby I don't want you to go I need you."

"I am just gonna got to my parents house like you said." I lied. "I can't stay with you because honestly I would never be comfortable with you doing anything for me and I will second guess every gift and every bill you pay because I don't want you to throw it in my face. So I am just gonna get off my ass and do what I need to do because you had one time." I shrugged.

"Listen I let what my mom said the other day get to me."

"So y'all sit around and talk shit about me?" I shook my head. "You don't even know how fucked up that is. My family would never talk bad about someone if anything they are gonna make excuses for you or anyone because I don't have no negative ass family."

"Listen I didn't mean none of that shit in the car I just-"

"You just said it like you meant it." I raised an eyebrow and he signed. "Thats the first time you had balls in our relationship to call out some shit and you were saying all bullshit. I cook and I clean and I do laundry and I make sure the house is clean before we leave and before we go to sleep and I always cook dinner and even if I don't I buy food. Sorry i don't wake up a 4 in the morning to do the shit. You letting your mom run your relationship when she is the reason you dad committed suicide! She drove him insane and I will not let her or you do the same to me. You act like you don't know the facts of what the fuck is going on. Your mom is a horrible person and she is evil. You are letting the devil fuck up your life and I am a child of god and god is telling me to excuse myself and go my own way so that is what I am gonna do." I put all the stuff in my drawer in the bag and he sat quietly.

"I love you."

"Mhmm." I sighed.

All that shit he said in the car really made me grow I pit of hate in my chest for him. I act like it didn't hurt but I literally gave this man a lot of me. Almost two years and I wasn't messing around with Bryan until a year after we started dating when I caught him cheating and I did it as revenge and he didn't stop so I didn't. That should've been a sign right there that we don't belong together.

"So you don't love me." His voice cracked. "After all this time?"

"I do love you. You don't love me." I tied up the bag and he hugged me. "Please don't do this." I held my emotions in.

"Please don't go." He cried. "Don't leave me."

"Danny get off." I pushed him off me and grabbed the bag and left.

I hopped in my car and made my way to my house.

My mom actually helped me find it and I brought furniture and everything. I knew I wanted to leave him but I also wanted to work it out with him so I never slept there. It's literally around the corner from Ryan and Shawna house.

"Hello." I answered my phone.

"Yeah you cool?" Bryan voice boom through my car speaker.


"What he do?"


"Why you one wording me? I know you and he did something. What did he do?"

"Nothing bryan." I tried to sound more reassuring.

"Don't he hit you or something?"

"Who hit her?" I heard Rae's and I heard them talking and then shuffling.

"He didn't hit me. He just said some crazy shit and I had to break up with him because I can't deal with shit like that. I kept it respectful til I couldn't anymore. He had me fucked up and I let him know. Then he went into how I am not wife material and all this other shit like I ain't already tell him I wasn't wife material my damn self and I don't do this and that. Nigga I don't everything and you don't even have a job but I still cook and clean and wash." I paused to collect myself because this is so frustrating and I feel like tried to hard to be great to him and I always do this with any guy that comes in my life. "If I didnt do shit nigga you wouldn't eat and your house would be like it was when I first came there. Es tan jodidamente estúpido y me enoja mucho porque lo intenté y no lloro porque estoy triste." I cried.

* It's so fucking stupid and it makes me really mad because I tried and I not crying because I'm sad.*

* I know, but you have to calm down before you do something crazy Ang. Where are you?*
"Lo sé, pero tienes que calmarte antes de hacer algo loco Ang. ¿Dónde estás?" I heard Rae in the background

"I left I am not stay where I am not welcomed or appreciated." I sighed and wiped my face.

"Where are you going, to your house."


"Okay I am on my way."

"I can come to Ryan house it's still early."

"Okay see you."

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