Chapter 18

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6 months later~


"Bryan can you see my belly through this?" He nodded.

"I can see it cause I know its there baby." I nodded. "Come on I gotta go to the room with Ryan and them." He walked me to my seat.

"I don't even know why I am here." I sighed.

"Listen baby, I understand okay but just smile for me. I don't want you to be sad okay?" I nodded. "You are so beautiful and you look amazing in that dress I love your belly okay? Stop stressing please stop." I nodded and smiled and he kissed me and then my belly. He walked off.

"Bestfriend!" I heard Chris voice.

"Rissy!" I hugged him and he hugged me carefully. "I missed you." I wiped my face.

"You saw me yesterday." He rubbed my belly.

"But yesterday was so long ago." I cried even harder.

"What's going on why you so sad."

"I don't even know why my dad wants me to be here. She got all these bitch as bridesmaids that she don't even know. I got this corny ass invitation. I don't wanna be here." I wiped my face. "She is a back stabbing bitch. She is mad because I didn't tell her I was pregnant first. I'm your sister this I'm your sister that, like girl I'm you sister you should've made me your maid of honor. Atleast a bridesmaid... Koby not even feeling her because she been acting weird. I am going out sad right now." He shook his head.

"No listen come on just stop letting these weird ass people get to you. Bryan will kill them and you know it. So don't stress it Bryan gotchu and I gotchu and Tyana got you." I nodded.

Tyana is this cool girl I met in the doctors office and we been friends ever since. She is so cool and down to earth and she lit as fuck and her boyfriend used to be friends with Bryan in high school.


The wedding was so beautiful and I can tell that Rae and Koby meant every word they said to eachother.

We are at the reception and they are having their first dance.

"Hey babygirl." My dad hugged me.

"Hey dad." He kissed my forehead and gave me a water. "Thank you."

"How you feeling?" He sat down beside me. "You dress is short." He cringed.

"Dad that is because my stomach is pulling it up." He side eyed me.

"You look beautiful." He smiled. "How my little man doing?"

"Good. 7 and a half months." I sighed and he rubbed my stomach.

"You look amazing and beautiful and I am so proud of you."

"Thank you dad." I smiled.

"What's up OG?" Bryan walked up holding A sleep Rocky and dapped my dad up.

"What's up little nigga?"

"Nothing much checking in my babies." I reached for Rocky and he gave her to me. "You?"

"Same shit, this is Rockell?" He nodded. "She is beautiful, can I hold her?"

"Yeah." Bryan nodded.

My dad took her and she snuggled up against him.

"I got her y'all go dance." Bryan put his hand out and I took it and he walked me to the dance floor.

"You know I love you right?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled. "I love you more baby."

"Then why we playing?" He asked. "Like let's do this like we know all we want is eachother all we need is eachother why we playing with eachother."

"I don't know bryan." I sighed. "I do want you. I just can't take you cheating on me again. I don't think you know how much that hurts me or affects me." He nodded.

"Baby I would never do that shit to you again. I am a grown ass man ready for a family and a happy life. I am about to be thirty.

"You are only 25." I laughed and he laughed softly.

"Still though." He shrugged. " I am ready for this and I have been waiting for you to realize this. This sex break ain't enough so I am going have to express myself AND continue to show you." I smiled.

"Damn we haven't had sex in 6 months." He sighed.

"Don't remind me I am doing good." He shook his head. "But it's all worth it. It's more than sex with you. You fulfill me without sex. You bring me to climax without sex. Sometimes you just walk pass me and I nut." We laughed.

"I don't think that what that is supposed to mean."

"Sike I'm fucking with you even though it's the truth. You bring me a happiness I Never never ever had in my life. I always felt like I was missing something and I finally found it. Yes jt took me years to realize but I did and I am ready when ever you are."

"I'm ready." I looked into his beautiful eyes and he snatched my soul.

"Then lets go baby." He kissed me.

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