Chapter 26

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Me and Rae walk in to the visitor room.

We sat down and waited for them to bring my mom out.

"I am so nervous I haven't talk to her since before they locked her up." Rae fidgeted with her clothes.

"Girl relax and stop messing with you clothes." I lowered her hands onto her lap.

I felt another presence at the table and looked at my mom she look wore out like she was on drug or something.

"Hey mom." Rae smiled.

* Hi baby how are you? I miss you so much.*
"Hola bebé como estás? Te extraño tanto." She turned all her attention to Rae.

"We are good." Rae smiled.

* how is my granddaughter she is very beautiful. I miss her little smile.*
"como esta mi nieta ella es muy hermosa. Extraño su pequeña sonrisa." Rae smiled and they had a whole conversation like I wasn't here and my mom would look at me and give me a stink face but I don't care I am a grown ass women.

I thought we were just cool the last time we talked so I don't understand and don't care to understand.

"Okay let's go." They grabbed my mom.

"Next time bring my grand baby." Rae nodded.


I don't know why she is so hype about Nala coming she is scared shitless of my mom. Like she is scared of her. She said she is a monster at night what ever that means in her mind and she said the monster sits on her shoulder in the daylight.

We all took it as a joke but she was so scared.

"I don't think bringing a little girl here is best."

"How about you don't fucking come ever again! You backstabbing bitch! How could you come here and act like you love me and you are the reason I am in here! Your drug addicted dad and your slut ass ruined my life." She spat at me and I just sat there in disbelief.

They rushed her to the back.

"God got it." I tried to calm myself down.

"I am sorry she did that to you." Rae wipe my face carefully.

"She is gone get hers." Some lady said as they walked her in the back.


"She spit on you?" Bryan cringed.

"Yeah." I sighed. "But it's fine." He stared at me.

"That shit is not fine that shit is disgusting and disrespectful as fuck. Just say the word I would have that bitch beat up or killed its your choice. Come on! I been sitting back and motherfuckas keep trying you and I swear on me I am about to snap! I understand god got it I do but motherfucka is stretching it." He hopped.

"I know but I just don't have the energy for it and she means a lot to Rae and I don't wanna go through all that shit." I rubbed my eyes and just put my head in my hands.

She wouldn't be doing this shit if my dad was alive. She was always dismissive to me but never disrespectful. I don't even know what I did so wrong to this lady.

"Your mom is jealous of you." Bryan shrugged. "It's no other way to put it. She was jealous of you and your dads relationship and just jealous of you in general."

I shrugged.

"This is all to much and I am tired I am good by myself I don't need her." He sighed. "I am okay I just am over it like seriously that was the ultimate disrespect and I am done I don't care what she got going on." He nodded.

"I love you so much baby." He smiled at me and I laughed.

"I love you too boy." I poked my lips out and he kissed me.

"So I found tickets and shit for us. Everybody busy that weekend so it's just gone be us. Which I love better." We laughed softly. "It's always drama when everybody comes."

"Everybody cool now though." I shrugged.

"True." He shrugged.

"I am so excited like I love my birthday." I smiled.

His phone started ringing.

"Wussup pops." He smiled. "Yeah... we cool... I love you too... I know... he good... Yea she right here..." he tossed me the phone and I put it on speaker.

"Wussup babygirl."


"How you doing?"

"I am doing good, just chilling."

"That good, I was just calling to check on y'all. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I gotta come through and see my grand kids."


"Okay I'll call y'all soon."

"Okay bye bye."

"Hello I sat up answering the phone."

"Hello the is officer Mark Matthews and I am calling to unfortunately inform that your mother was involved in a brutal fight which caused her to end up in the hospital." I sighed.

"Okay are we allowed to come see her or-"

"Um not as of right now but I will call back to inform you when visitations are allowed."

"Okay thank you."

"Okay bye bye." I hung up and sighed.

"Everything okay?" Bryan look at me and I could help but smiled at Elijah sound asleep on his chest.

"Yeah my mom was fighting in jail and she in the hospital."

"Oh." Closed his eyes. "Don't dwell on that come back to bed babe." I sighed.

"I know I am tryna see why I don't give a fuck." He laughed loudly. "It's not funny." I slapped his arm.

"I know but why you say it like that." He rubbed Elijah's back.

"I didn't mean to but it's true. Like I should at least feel some type of way and I don't."

"Don't feel bad cause you don't feel bad." He sighed. "God knows what he is doing sometimes you gotta love people from far far far far far far far far-" I punched him and he laughed. "Away. Stop giving her so much power over you. She disrespected you way to much. God maybe feels as though you need to let that person go." I nodded.

Maybe it is time for me to close that door.

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