Chapter 25

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"Thank you so much boss man." I smiled at the phone and he laughed.

"I love y'all man."

"I love you to pops." Bryan walked in the camera.

"I love you too."

"Okay bye bye."

"Bye." I hung up.

Boss man had stepped up so much. He has became like a father to me. He calls me EVERYDAY just to check on Bryan and the kids and I. I am so grateful for him. Him and Bryan are closer than ever. I am so grateful for where I am at by the strength of god.

"Where do you wanna go for your birthday?" Bryan asked.

"Somewhere with you and Elijah and Rocky. Like Disneyland. I just really wanna be around y'all." I got out the bed.

"Babe I don't like this pajama thing you got gonng. Why you wearing pajamas to bed now?" I laughed.

"Because that's what you supposed to do."

"Not you." He shook his head and stood up. "What happened to you wearing my favorite lace? What happed to the fenty savage? Like why you hiding from me? I wanna be skin to skin when we sleep."

"I don't know." I sighed and he walked up to me.

"Look at me baby you are so beautiful you know that?" I smiled. "I love every part of you no matter how much it changes okay? You will always be the baddest bitch I have ever known."

"Have you seen Rihanna?" He laughed.

"Yeah but I also saw you so she is out the picture." He kissed me. "Stop sleeping with cloth on that shit makes try me fucking hot." I laughed.

"Okay. You sure you won't fall victim to temptation."

"It's in gods hands baby. He got me." I took off clothes. "You out here just- god got me." He shook his head.


"So y'all are really waiting to marriage?" Shawna asked.

"Yeah she wanna do it. So why not?" I smiled at him.

"Don't you been happy as fuck walking around and you mean to tell me you ain't getting no pussy and you been acting like that." Koby laughed.

"She makes me happy." Bryan shrugged.

"This nigga is so gushy it is disgusting." Ryan fake gagged and Shawna rolled her eyes.

"Y'all are so fucking stupid." Shawna snapped and they all looked at her. "He loves her for more then her cooch do y'all not see what's going on. Y'all are just worried about if they fucking." Ryan stared at her and bust out laughing.

"Babe come on. It's a guy thing." He dapped Ryan up. "I respect you bro honestly. I am gone still clown your ass. Not Hoe ass Bryan."

We laughed.

"What you doing for your birthday." She started smiling so hard. "Girl I am so freaking excited about your birthday." Bryan kissed his teeth.

"Can't Tell her shit she about to explode already." He said and we all laughed.

"What you tell her?"

"Aye listen! How about y'all have a party!"

"We going to Orlando for Disney land and I am so excited. I only been there three time with my dad like that place just brings me so much happiness and I want Rockstar to feel that and if I go now I'll have no choice but to take Eli again." They laughed. "Y'all are welcome to come and Koby if you coming let me now do I can beat ass before we go. I ain't tryna disrespect y'all home and pull up and just cause a scene but-" there was a knock at the door and Shawna got up and went to get it. "Yeah but if I see her I am gonna beat her the fuck up and then forgive her and give it to god." He laughed and nodded.

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