Chapter 1

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Today, Aman was coming to give the job interview at Kartik's work place and he was nervous because this was his chance to prove to his family that he can be independent. 

After their conversation at the tea stall, Kartik and Aman exchanged numbers and told each other to stay in touch. Well they both kept their promise. Kartik talked to his boss and arranged an interview for Aman. 

It was weird for Aman as Kartik was the first friend he had made and he already knew he was attracted to the handsome lad. So he didn't want to be too obvious and scare the poor boy away. 

Aman met Kartik before the interview. 

"I am really nervous, Kartik."

"Don't be nervous.I know you will do great!" 

"But what if I get rejected?" 

"You won't! I believe in you." 

After the interview 

"Kartik! I am selected! Now we will work together!" 

"That's so great, Aman! But I am not surprised, I knew you would rock." 

Aman was to start work from next week. So Kartik and Aman went out to have a little celebration. Kartik took Aman to a place where the best Chinese food is served.

They were walking to the place. Kartik's hand brushed against Aman's. Aman shivered at the touch. He felt tingles where Kartik's hand brushed. Aman had an urge to hold Kartik's hand but dismissed it quickly. 

They reached the place and ordered. While eating, they talked about their family. 

"So you were born in Delhi, Kartik?" 

"No, I was born in Mumbai but my father couldn't understand me so I ran away"

"Oh I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked that" 

"It's Ok Aman, you didn't know. Tell me about you and your family" 

"I was born in Allahabad. My dad is a scientist and my whole family works according to him. Other people of my family don't have a say in what he decides. But he loves our whole family very much. I have been a very pampered boy. That's why I want to prove my family, I can independent"

"That sounds like a very beautiful family" 

"Yes, it is" 

"Come on now, let's walk home"

Kartik and Aman walked to Kartik and Lily's place as Kartik offered to him so that Aman wouldn't feel lonely. 

Fortunately, Aman's flat was very near to Kartik's. So they could hangout with each other very often. 

As Kartik opened the door, Lily yelled, "Welcome home, bitch!" and then she saw Aman standing next to Kartik. Lily's face lit up, realising Kartik had brought Aman home. 

"Hi Aman, how was your interview?" Lily asked with a smile on her face. 

"I got selected!" Aman beamed with joy. 

"That's so great! I hope Kartik here took proper care of you" Lily asked with a smirk. 

Kartik was about to say something so it doesn't get awkward. But Aman beat him to it and said, blushing and looking down, "Yeah, he did"

Kartik had to control his emotions because he didn't want to start squealing around in the room. 

Lily wanted them to bond more so she decided to leave them alone. 

"Well you two enjoy. I am too tired to function. I had a long day at work. Good night you two"

Just like that she left them alone. 

"How about a movie?" Kartik asked with a gorgeous smile and how could Aman say no to that smile. 

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