Chapter 34

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2 months later

Everything was perfect for all of them. Until it wasn't anymore. 

Kartik started to notice something weird about Lily's behaviour. She actually started to get upset and angry about how Kartik spent all his time with Aman. That was unlike her and Kartik knew that very well. She never had problems in the past because of him spending too much time with his boyfriend, then why now. 

"Dumbo, can we have a movie night?" Lily asked, eyes full of hope. 

"Umm... I can't. Me and Aman are going out for dinner." Kartik whispered, making Lily's eyes fill with gloom. 

"Can you reschedule? Please..." Lily softly said. 

"I-I umm want to go out with him. We haven't been out for a while now." 

Lily sighed. 

I need to tell him. She thought as she rubbed her face with her hands. 

"Kartik, we need to talk." 

Kartik knew this was going to be serious because she called him by his name. 

"Okay. About what?" 

"I am sorry. I should have told you this earlier." Lily said, her eyes filling with tears. 

"About what?" Kartik panicked a bit, he rarely sees Lily cry. 

"I-I finished m-my project and my bo-boss was ve-very happy with my w-work. So he recommended m-me to his f-friend that worked f-for a foreign multinational enterprise. They contacted me two week ago and o-offered me a job." Lily couldn't keep the sobs in anymore. 

Kartik just sat there, taking in the new information. He realized Lily might actually leave him. After all they had been through, she might have to go away. 

"Where is it?" Kartik asked with an emotionless expression. 

"I-It's i-in N-New York." Lily barely managed to say that. 

Kartik knew that was it. He knew how much Lily loved America and New York had been her dream place since they were kids. He knew Lily will leave him. 

Lily exactly knew what Kartik was thinking, "Dumbo, please don't think I am leaving you. I just...." She paused "We will talk daily. I will call you everyday and we can tell each other about our days." 

A tear slipped down Kartik's cheek, the only person who was always there for him, was leaving him. He knew if he asked her to stay, it would be very selfish of him because he knows how much this means to her. 

Lily hugged Kartik who now had tears flowing down his cheeks. Lily herself had tears in her eyes but she held Kartik, knowing he needed the comfort. 

"I know it's your dream city, Lily. I am so proud of you. And I am sad too because I don't know what I would do without you. I have spend more than half of my life with you. And now I won't be able to see you or cuddle or poke you. And it hurts me." 

Lily just held him tighter, closing her eyes as fresh tears slipped from her eyes, "I love you, Kartik." 

"I love you too. So much." 

They sat in each other's embrace for hours. In the end, Kartik did end up canceling dinner with Aman. He explained the situation to Aman. While Aman quietly listened to Kartik sobbing on the phone and said, "I don't mind you spending as much as time as you want with Lily. Just take care of yourself. Alright, love?" 

"Yeah, I love you." Kartik whispered so quietly that Aman almost didn't hear him. 

"I love you too." Then he hang up. 


Kartik started to spend most of his time with Lily. He still hasn't gotten over the fact that Lily was going in a month and he won't see her for long time. 

Currently, Kartik was sitting on the couch in the hall, waiting for Lily to return so he can talk and cuddle her. After hearing the news, Kartik started to spend every minute he can with Lily. He even started to sleep with her in her room so they could have late night conversations. 

Kartik's intense thoughts were broken by the sound of the door. He looked in the direction of the door to find Lily talking her coat off. He saw that she had a folder in her hand. 

Lily looked at Kartik gave him a weak smile. "I got the confirmation mail from them about my job." 

"That's good." Kartik whispered as Lily sat beside him and handed the folder that she was carrying to Kartik. 

"What's this?" Kartik asked, arching an eyebrow. 

"Read it." 

Kartik carefully read the papers that were inside and said, "It's written here that the ownership of this flat is transfered from you to me." His eyes widening when he repeated the same sentence in his head while Lily was smiling sweetly at him. 

"What the fuck?! What is this? I thought you were going to keep the ownership and I would continue living in here. Then why are you doing this?" Kartik yelled, the smile still remained on Lily's face. 

"I want you to have it." 

"But I don't need it, Lily. This flat is yours. I can't take it." 

"Well, I wasn't exactly asking. I am telling you. Alright?" Lily narrowed her eyes at Kartik. 

"Lily.... I can't accept this." 

"You can. And you will. That's my last wish before I leave." 

"You aren't dying." Kartik huffed, making Lily chuckle. 

"Okay. I will take it." Kartik sighed. 

Lily grinned widely at him, "Yayyyy!" 

"I will miss you so much." Kartik whispered. 

"Don't. You will make me cry." Lily frowned. 

"But I will. You know me better than I know myself. You take care of me. You handle me. You comfort me. And I really can't wrap my head around the fact that you won't be here in a month." 

"Kartik, I could ask you to come with but your life is here. And I can't ask you to leave Aman because I won't allow it myself. You both are perfect for each other. You finally found someone you can spend your life with and I can't take that away from you. And I will still take care of you, handle you, comfort you. Just virtually. I will still be here for you always."

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

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