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I woke up on Sunday to mum knocking on my door. and I slowly woke up and unlock the door and went back to bed.
Mom; aybo Nkosazana vuka (you need to wake up) I looked at her as she walked in with a dress that looked amazingly beautiful and only than it dawned on me that there was my aunts and uncles. I could hear the voices from the dining room. And I could hear people shifting and moving and I jumped out of the bed and looked out of the window and saw a tent and décor and I saw woman cooking outside and I looked at mom with the most confused face ever.
Me: ma?
Mom: aybo don't mom me we spoke to you about this a week ago and you agreed to an open mind this is it sisi. I looked at my mom shocked and I felt my face flush and I knew I was going to cry so I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom bumping on my father.
Dad: MaMthembu? I closed the door and opened the shower and undressed and stood in the shower and let the cold-water blast on me and I cried like I've never cried in my life. I heard the knock on my door and I ignored my dad and just stood there until I started shaking than turned the water to hot than showered and finished than came out of the bathroom to have my dad and mom standing outside my door
Dad: zamathembu
Me: am fine. I walked to my room and closed the door and took my phone from the charger and saw 13 miss calls and 2 text messages.
"you the evilest girl on earth, I had to find from my mother that you are getting married and it's your traditional wedding today. Yes, I cheated on you and I have apologized and you said it fine but to do this Zama"
"I Hope you die"
I read the texts from my boyfriend confused and called him back and he answered within the first ring.
Luthando: how could you?
Me: aybo angazi ukhuluma ngani mina(I don't know what you talking about)
Luthando: really zama? You going to throw that bullshit on me. I can see the tent and the décor and everything and you have the gut to say you know nothing?
Me: Yes, I see the same things that you are seeing but it's not my wedding
Luthando: you will regret this Zama I swear you will regret making me a laughing stock of my crew. He hangs up on me and just than my mom and her sister got in and she looked at me in self-pity and more ladies got in and sat around y room talking about being a good wife and the things I need to do and all that when everyone was gone and I was left with my mom only I looked at her with tears in my eyes.
Me: you getting me married?
Mom: it was the only way
Me: I paid for my school fees with my life?
Mom: ay Zamathembu
Me: you knew I was dating Luthando and you knew I loved him and yet you go and do this to me mama.
Mom: Ngiyekhe ngaliso sgebengu Zama(leave me alone about that thief)
Me; I have never disobeyed you and dad nor brought shame to our family name. Iv been an honest and truthful child but here we are mama. Its fine do as you wish and I shall obey always.....

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