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He turned and took out his top and he stood there with his muscle back and its had a tattoo of beautiful wings inked.
MJ: don't come closer.
Me: okay. There was silence for a while than in a blink of an eye he had white wings coming out of his skin and they looked beautiful beyond words. I stood there as he turn and moved his wings to cover him making him invisible. I moved closed and in a blink of an eye he was there. I closed my eyes and looked at him he was there standing like an angel with a glow. I closed my eyes and open them again than I laughed out of shock.
Me: can I touch. He nodded as I moved closer and touched them. They looked delicate and soft and they texture was beyond words. " they beautiful, what are you?"
Mj: I don't know but my mother is normal just my father that not but he doesn't have wings like me and my powers are stronger than his. I looked at him and smiled letting the texture of his wings move through my fingers.

I watched her as she touched them sending tingling sensation through out my body, this wasn't the reaction I was waiting on.
Melody: can u fly?
Me: yes not indoors if I flap them there is a possibility of blowing away a whole wall. That got her all excited and her eyes twinkled, frankly this is not the kind of reaction I was waiting on but she blew me away. I lifted myself up and hovered making sure I don't flap my wings and she screeched in excitement.
Melody: this is so cool. What else can you do? I lowered myself and stopped my wings from being visible and looked at her.
Me: think of something. She closed her eyes and I looked at her thinking of a swish chocolate
Me: is that your favourite chocolate? She looked at me all excited.
Melody: how you do that?
Me: when am close to a person and once I focus on them I can read they body and that involves the mind too.
Melody: wow what else? I looked at her as she looked at me intrigued. I moved back and made myself invisible than walked to behind her as she went to where I was standing. I said hallow in a whisper so she can think she imagined it and she shrank and turned n I moved than did my eco voice and said hello
Melody: okay now you can show yourself. I moved closer to her and breathed while invisible and touched her as she felt it and touched where I touched. I made myself visible.
Melody: this is so cool
Me: I know. Its has it perks. I moved from her as I was feeling something strange from within.
Melody: you okay?
Me: yeah. I moved to returning the furniture the way that it was and she helped.
Melody: does your mom know?
Me: yep
Melody: how she copes raising a God? I turned and looked at her.
Me: am no God
Melody: ain't a human either. I kept quiet for awhile while I looked at her than continued doing what I was doing. Her phone rang and she looked at it and sighed.

I looked at the screen and I knew it was my father again. I have to answer.
Me: dad
Dad: don't dad me, iv been calling you what have you been doing that made you not answer my calls
Me: studying. I turned so his piercing eyes wont look at me.
Dad: oh well you might as well stop that now cause you going to marry a rich man and he wants a trophy wife not an academic. I was shocked that the phone almost slipped from me.
Me: but you said....
Dad: forget what I said before, this is important baby girl, you have to do this for us. The family.
Me: but....
Dad: no buts, am canceling your housing and allowance. Ill email you the first ticket to this side and you better be in that plane or consider yourself disowned my girl.
Me: baba....
Dad: ngithe buya Melody Jade Khumalo. He hung up and I felt like my world was coming to an end. How can my father do this to me. All my life he has trained and thought me the value of being academically inclined and now his selling me for what ever reasons. Yes I have a scholarships but its doesn't cover everything. My family has supported me and of cause my waitressing job at the coffee shop. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks and I felt strong arms holding me and I just lost it and cried as if its my last day on earth. What am I going to do? How could he do this to me. What did mama say about all of this?

I read the text a few times than walked to my wife.
Me: An army is in South Africa training to take me on
Zamathembu: why? We have stayed clear from them?
Me: they want my genes to inject they soliders  and make them stronger.
Zamathembu: but is this proven to work?
Me: I have no idea but that what happening right now.
Zamathembu: we need to warn MJ. He loves going to see his grandparents. He thinks we don't know
Me: ill talk to him. His getting stronger as he grows and his hiding his powers from us.
Zamathembu: he hates who he is and no matter how much I shower him with love he just wants to be normal
Me: he is normal just extra powers
Zamathembu: you know him if it was up to him ngabe he doesn't have those at all.i watched my wife and saw the worry on her face, this is how she is every time she talks of our son.
Me: I love you Mamthembu. She looked at me and blushed as she slowly undressed and I watched her as my body got hot from need when she was fully naked she walked to me and slowly undressed me as she looked right into my eyes and my big guy sprang out of my boxers. She saddle me as she slowly allowed the guy to enter her.
Zamathembu: tell me how much. She whispered with a husky voice.
Me: I love .... She moved making me lose my train of thoughts and boy she ride me until I exploded a million times in her as she screamed with the climax capturing her and making her as limp as rubber....

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