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For the past two weeks I have been staying at the hospital basically. I eat, bath and change here. SK has been with me trying his best to make sure that am comfortable. I was now just sitting by the chair looking at him and asking myself if this is it. Is this how my life will be? Will I be stuck here forever for a man who has disrespected our vows not once but more than I can I count. The past week has been an eye opener with ladies coming and going and I have always kept my cool when they get here and talk to him and then leave and never come back again. The nurse came in for the warming bath and I walked to her and took the water and she left since they know I bath him every morning and evening. I started the process of bathing him and making him and making him comfortable. I felt his hand move. I looked at him
Me: am not sure if you moved or it's my mind playing tricks on me but .... than he opened his eyes and looked directly at me as I looked at him too for some time, we stared at each other and he said nothing and so did I. I think my brain wasn't processing what was happening and so was his.
I woke up and she was here, I kept quiet as my mind was trying to recall what was my last events. I was out and I bumped into Candy who we ended up having lunch and to my  surprised I got a call while we were at JOJO coffee shop and there was static and I couldn't hear the person and I moved outside so I can hear properly only to have multiple bullets in me. I saw the blue BMW drive away with two passengers that had the star sign on they hand. I remember Candy coming to me and holding me as I was choking in my own blood. I also remember taking my phone and pressing the panic button and now here I am and I have no idea where I was but am clear that the woman standing here looking at me is the young girl that my family wanted me to marry and I remember I married her since I was wearing the black wedding band when the bullets came in on me. I kept quiet for a second adjusting to light and closing my eyes as a headache started piercing through me and the smell of the hospital hitting me hard. I felt her move and I kept quiet and in the next minute there were doctor and nurses moving the tubes that were all over me and the pain I felt. After a few more minutes I finally gave in to the headache and I slept. I was aware to soft breathing and moving about in the room. I could sense she was nervous before I opened my eyes. I kept quiet as I listened to her walking around the room and finally, I just couldn't handle it.
Me: it's very difficult to sleep when there is a person grinding the floor you know. She stopped and turned and looked at me and I realized today she is wearing a different top and pants so making today a new day.
Zamathembu: Am sorry. She stopped and folded her hands as she stood next to the corner on the window looking outside.
Me: its fine, how long have I been sleeping?
Zamathembu: a day
Me: I see. You okay? She laughed and looked at me shocked with her eyes round. I looked at her." what?"
Zamathembu: am not the one who had 10 bullets invade my body and yet here you are asking me if am okay?
Me: you pacing and generally when people pace around because they restless, nervous or thinking. So, which are you? She looked at me a little taken aback by my question and she was quiet for a while and I thought she wasn't going to answer me but she took a deep breath and looked at me.
Zamathembu: all of the above I guess given our current situation.
Me: ours? She blushed and looked outside and just than the doctor walked in. He was smiling and that somehow made me get irritated since I have been trying to move my legs and I couldn't.
Doctor: how is our patient today? He checked the vitals with my wife looking at him closely.
Me: Good
Zamathemb: when his sleeping his BP drops by two, he doesn't move that much and I have noticed he is in pain maybe you can do something about that. I turned and looked at her as shocked as the doctor.
Doctor: I see you been observing a lot.
Zamethembu: sorry, too much time on my hand and not really a sleeper.
Doctor: can you feel that? He poked my foot and I shake my head. He asked me to move my head and I did and my arms and I did and my leg and I did in my mind but my body never obliged. I looked at him and he looked at me a he came and touched my back and told me to tell him if I feel his hands and I didn't feel it. He took a sharp object and pointed my back and I felt that but, on my legs, and thighs no.
Doctor: okay that it for now we will go for more text to see where exactly the issue is but for now ill up your morphine and will have the optometrist to come see you, your right eye is red. I nodded.
Doctor: Mrs Blose a moment please. She looked at me as she and the doctor left and went outside.
I walked to the corridor with the doctor and looked at him.
Doctor: he is paralyzed from his waist down to know the extent we need your authorization to do all the proper tests and to check on his organs too.
Me: okay
Doctor: I also suggest a psychologist for both you and him
ME; okay
Doctor: let me rush in booking that for him, is there anything else?
Me: no. He patted my back and I stood there with tears falling down my face the more I tried to hold them in the more they came. I did my breathing and after a while I stopped and wiped my eyes and made my way in wearing a fake smile. I pray and hope that he doesn't see this.
The moment she walked in I saw that she has been crying. I saw the sadness in her eyes, I saw the pain but mostly the way she looked told that this is hard.
Me: what the doctor said?
Zamathembu: they going to do more tests to check everything and he will let us know more once his done with the tests.
Me: really?
Zamathembu: yes. She couldn't even look me in the eye. She gave me her back.
Me: than why you crying? She turned with eyes full of tears and just looked at me without blinking.
Me: tell me?
Zamathembu: you might not be able to walk. I saw her blink as the tears rolled down her eyes and her lips trembling and I took a moment to adjust to that.
Me: I figured so since I couldn't move my legs. She looked at me and right than SK walked in with a Mugg and Bean bag and fresh coffee I could smell it from where I am.....

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