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Me: shoot. I looked at the guy next to me who looked at me in amusement again." am sorry can you please loan me your phone? He took out his phone and I took it and the wallpaper had a picture of beautiful two kids smiling toothless. I dialed my assistance number and waited for her to pick up.
Me: babe, you won't believe the morning that I just had, is the royal family there yet?
Karabo: No
Me: oh gosh, I need you to access my one drive and print out the folder written "dreams" print out about 5 folders of it than also take out the iPads and load them with the folder written "royal bobo" Karabo laughed.
Karabo: how far are you? I looked out the window and snow were falling and I just sighed.
Me: am not sure though, but I'll make it. If his highness comes there before me make him some coffee and muffins.
Karabo: okay, see you
Me: cool. I hung up and looked at him mumbled thank you.
Him: important meeting?
Me: yes, and am going to be late.
Him: am sure once you explain they will understand. I nodded.
Me: oh, where are my manners, Am Zamathembu Mthembu. He looked at me and gave me his hand.
Him: Bokang Mohale
Me: Nice to meet you and thank you for the ride.
Bokang: pleasure is all mine.

I looked at this vibrant young girl next to me. She was different from the girls I've seen and I liked how clumsy she was and how she had no filter and just spoke her mind. Another thing I noticed was that she is smart.
Zamathembu: wait you said your surname is Mohale. I nodded." the Mohale??" she asked with her eyes looking big.
Me: you have to be specific what you mean by "The Mohale"
Zamathembu: I mean like the Royal Mohale Mosheshe family vibes. I smiled at her facial expression.
Me: if I was? She kept quiet and looked out of the window for a moment than after a while she looked back at me.
Zamathembu: so?
Me: so? She laughed nervously.
Zamathembu; Are you? She wiggled her eyebrows making me laugh and making the driver look at me via the mirror am sure his wondering what happening since I hardly speak much yet along enjoy a conversation this much.
Me: yes, I am from the royal family. I showed her the pin on my collar of the coat. She looked at me with eyes so big
Zamathembu: so, you like the great son of King Mohale or Mosheshe? Her eyes were huge with interest. "I know they come from one house hold but divided into two since we now have old Mohale Hoek and the current one. So, whose son are you if you don't mind me asking.'
Me: you know your history well. I closed my file and she looked at it and her eyes grew bigger.
Zamathembu: you my 8-o clock appointment. I smiled at her as I nodded and she banged her head lightly on the window. "kill me now, I've never been so embarrassed in my life"
Me: we can start over when we get to your work and act like we don't know each other if that can help. She looked at me smiling and nodded as the car stopped and she thanked me and jumped out quickly running into the office building..

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