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I looked at her and she was speechless. she closed her mouth and looked at me one last time>
Melody: I don't know what to say to you.
MJ: you can answer me and tell me if you are willing for me to help you sort out this mess with your parents? she looked at me and looked far as the sun set and i carried her and flew to the car with her in my arms. I put on the seat belt. I moved to the driver seat and drove while there was silence in the car. we got in the cabin and I set up and brought in the woods while she disappeared into the cabin. Maybe she was being nice with the whole me being an angel thing or maybe she is just thinking my proposal but who propose within the first 24 hours of knowing a person, what the fuck is wrong with me. I have been preaching being normal and right now am far from being normal.

I watched him and i saw his eyes have changed to brown. Am beginning to think that his eyes change colour based on his mood and am guessing that he is sad right now hence that why he is acting the way that he is. I watched him move about as he was building the fire and I stood there thinking of the magnitude of his proposal.Is he really serious about marrying me or is he feeling sorry for me and my situation and what if his father says no and disown him than what? oh gosh am too young to be thinking about getting married and being sold off to a man I have no idea how is, its better being with the devil that you know than the one that you don't plus so far he has been kind and good to me so why haven't I said yes yet? Maybe this is the way that God planned for me to be married. i took a deep breath than walked to him by the fire place. he looked up and looked at me with his brown eyes.
Me: can we talk please. He shifted from the fire making room for me next to him and I sat down and folded my legs.
MJ: uhm....Am sorry. now that took me by surprise I didn't really expect that from him and it also kind of confused me.
Me: I know nothing about marriage and i have no idea what its like being someone wife and also my father will have a fit and fight you with every dime that he has and there is a big possibility that i might be disowned from my family. i took a deep breathe. " in actuality am saying you marrying a person with so many baggage's and I kind of don't even have a career or a degree since i know my dad will cut me off" i took a deep breath and looked at him. he shifted and looked at me.
MJ: Am the next king of Lesotho. now that took me off my guard and i looked at him.
Me: seriously? he nodded and I stared at him. " i didn't expect that, how?'
MJ: my dad is the current king but circumstances have made us flea to here but in future i want to go back to South Africa and serve my people. i nodded.
Me: that a lot to grasp. we were both quiet for a while and we looked at each other with his eye light brown.
MJ: Look, i know this isn't much but am not really a fan of girls or woman. i never dated because i never wanted to have kids and for them to go through what i went through. we a close family with my parents. so if you worried about my parents hating you, that close to impossible and if you worried about me turning into the most evil man that also highly impossibly. Am not asking you to stop studying and to give me million kids all am asking is for you to allow me to help you through this phase in your life than you can divorce me afterwards when things settle.I watched him for a second trying to reason what his saying and the possibility of having a way out of the marriage when things get tough.
Me: okay
MJ: okay? I nodded as his eyes changed to light blue
Me: i know we don't know each other but i want us to like really try and make it work and do this right cause i really want to be only married once in my life and iv never failed anything in my life so if we are to get married this is for life through it all. he was quiet as he thought it through than he nodded. I took a deep breath and looked at him now that was not so bad. he got up and walked out and came back with the back pack and he sat down and looked at me.he was nervous and he was sweating a bit as he looked at me and i smiled and looked at him. " what is it?" he open up the back pack and took out a small black box. he sat right in front of me and i cold see that his hands were shaking and i smiled knowing that this is a big step for both of us. He opened the box and the most beautiful Blue diamond was in the box. the ring was elegant and exquisite. " wow this is so beautiful" ......

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