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I looked at Melody who was pacing up and down in the room that we have now booked after her incident downstairs. When I got a call from mom asking me to come over Dad  and I cut our meeting short which was progressing well with the government in regards to extending our firm here and training they solider to have a tact team that I will run of cause and my father over sees. I watched her pace around trying to calm herself.

I was in the room with Mrs khumalo. My husband was in the lounge with her husband. She was sitting at the corner of the bed fidgeting with her fingers.
Me: Your daughter is a sweet soul, you raised an amazing child.
Mrs Khumalo: Thank you. She blinked tears. I moved closer to her and kneeled in front of her.
Me: If you feel like its enough now and you have had it, i can help. She looked at me confused and then the shame came through and she looked away with tears falling and she wiped them.
Mrs Khumalo: he will kill me
Me: How good is your history? I asked looking at her knowing she is an intellectual.
Mrs Khumalo: its okay
Me: Ever heard of the Mohale kingdom
Mrs Khumalo: yes Iv heard of it and the young King and Queen that took the kingdom to it great heights but they disappeared because of the kind of the child that they had.
Me: Good you know your history. She smiled.
Mrs Khumalo: Why you ask?
Me: You fear your husband and what he might do to you right? She nodded. " He can't do anything to you if you are under the Kings guard now can he?"
Mrs Mohale: How am I going to be under the kings guard, i dont know anyone in the Lesotho king dom.
Me: Not when your daughter is married to the next king of Lesotho and she is the next in line to rule. She looked at me shocked.
Mrs Khumalo: What do you mean?
Me: Your daughter married to the next king of Lesotho, she married to the son that has "special powers"
Mrs khumalo: but I thought the boy who just walked in is your son
Me: He is. She looked at me shocked and than recognition showed.
Mrs Khumalo: Oh my Gosh Queen Zamathembu? She had tears falling down her fave as he bowed and smiled and I looked at her. " she always used to tell me that one day she will do more than just nurse me when things get tough with Kumalo and here she is" she cried and making me cry in the process.

Khumalo: Who are you?
Me: I should be asking you, you the one messing with my wife and my daughter. He lost it and went extra pink, i thought it was humanly impossible.
Khumalo: your daughter? Your daughter? How the fuck is my daughter your daughter? I looked at him calmly.
Me: she married my son. I looked at him he lost it and clutched his heart as if his heart was giving out. I got up and went to him. As he was having difficulties to breathe. My guard called the ambulance and leas than 20 minute he was taken to the hospital as they saw he was having a heart attack.

We were now at the hospital and somehow my mom was as cool as a cucumber and I noticed my mother in law was close to her and they were holding hands. I turned to see Mj looking at me and I saw he sees what I was seeing. Just than my brother snd sister walked in and I could see that he was fuming when my sister was quiet more of the demeanour that my mom has. She went to sit straight next to mom and they hugged. There were always close. Yes mom loved me and treated me like a queen but my sister on the other hand always had a deeper connection with my mom and I was never jealous cause than it meant that my mother had a friend in her. My brother walked straight to me and before he could slap me, Mj held his hand.
Mj: Think carefully before you slap my wife. The shook on his face. Than anger and than rage.
Vukile: You are fucken married Melody?
Me: yes
Vukile: why the fuck would you do that? Dad already had plans. He can't go back on his word.
Me: plans to marry me off so you two can get richer?
Vukile: You stupid dumb fuck...
Mj: Little boy you need to check how you speak to my wife or ill adjust your jaws.
Vukile: who the fuck are you? Am talking to my sister. Mj closed his eyes and opened them looking deeply into his eyes.  Vukile opened his mouth to speak but no words came out of his mouth. He touched it and looked at me and him in shock.
Mj: Now, until you learn how you should speak to a woman irregardless of your entitlement of her being your sister. You will not utter a word. He moved from us and I looked at my brother panicking and I was too but I stated calm and looked at him.
Me: for years you watch dad abuse your own mother and you did and said nothing. You were always father favourite and we made peace with it. But now you have jumped the line. How can you allow your father to sell your baby sister just like that. Are you two that evil that you only care about money nothing else. How can you allow your mother and sisters to suffer under one man hands where you had the power to stop it. Are you that power hungry that you don't care about us and our emotions. My brother looked at me
Vukile: Am sorry.I looked at him shocked that he could speak again. And he touched his mouth and looked at me. My sister walked up to us and gave Vukile a big slap and than turned to her place and sat down while i looked at him shocked and he touched his face.

5 years later
I walked into the room where my grand kids were sleeping. The past 18 hours have been the most terrifying hours of my life. There they were two beautiful souls. A boy and a girl. They were born with wings which made it difficult for Melody to push. We had to get the government to agree in having a special team operate on her. 2 hours after the kids were born they wings went in and they now looked human enough. I watched them as they were peacefully sleeping and I prayed for God to guide and protect them. I knew that they possessed great power but what more power because they father could do anything everything humanly impossible. I looked at the baby boy as he looked right at me and I touched him and he smiled as I smiled at him too.

I walked in the room and saw my beautiful wife sleeping. She needed it after the last 18 hours that were most eventful I have ever had in my life. She opened her eyes and looked at me smiling.
Me: Hy beautiful
Melody: Hey
Me: you did great babe. Thank you. I know the past 11 months has been eventful but thank you for everything but mostly for your patience.
Melody: hows the babies?  I wiped the tear tolling down her face.
Me: beautiful baby. Its a girl and boy.
Melody: the wings?
Me: they not full time, am guessing they can hide them when they want. I can ask mom to bring them in
Melody: please. I nodded and was walking out. When she called out my name.
Me: yes
Melody: I love you so much. I walked back to her and kissed her.
Me: I love you too.

We were all in the room with Melody looking over the babies and admiring how beautiful they looked.
Me: Have you guys decided on names yet?
Mj: Not yet, do you have any?
Me: Ill like the boy to be named Tshiamo. I watched my son look at Melody for approval and she nodded and I smiled. I placed my hand on his forehead and prayed.
Zamathembu: The girl can be Tlali. We all turned to my wife.
Zamathembu: its means fulfilled.
Me: Tshiamo and Tlali.
I looked down and only one baby was there. I touched the bed and there was no one.
Me: Uhm... we have a problem. Mj walked to see the cot and only the baby girl was there.
Mj: where is he. Zamathembu pulled me and I looked up to see Melody holding her son and she was smiling.
Me: how did he get there?
Melody: he just appeared on top of me. I walked closer to see him smiling as he snuggled more into his mother.....

The end

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