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We finished eating and I helped the helpers with the dirty dishes and walked with Bontle to the kitchen and I washed the dishes while she wiped.
Bontle: so, you and my brother? She smiled and I just looked at the dishes.
Me: I don't know how to answer that.
Bontle: I know what happened in the library. I found myself feeling extra hot and just than Bokang walked in.
Bokang: please come to the library when you done. I nodded. I washed the dishes in silence and was in my own thoughts.
Bontle: I know this is none of my business but are you aware of us? I nodded "okay and you know his next in line, right?'
Me: you mean his going to be king?
Bontle: yes
Me: oh
Bontle: a turn off
Me: am not sure what you know about us or me but I've just met your brother today and yet in the afternoon he has brought me a car. Bontle screams in excitement and the guys run over and look in to find her jumping in one place. She grabs me and we leave the guys. We were now standing by the patio.
Bontle: tell me everything. I don't know what made me feel at ease with her but I told her everything about our meeting leading up to the car. "do you like him?"
Me: at this point am not sure?
Bontle; do you feel some time of way?
Me: I like him that much I can say, his different and I can be myself with him and he doesn't feel undermined by my intelligence.
Bontle: so simply put you like him
Me; I think I do
Bonttle: all I can say is be open to everything he says or do. My brother is kind of a late bloomer in these things and frankly I liked you the moment you came in here. You have that thing about you that screams queen.
Me: thank you, I guess.
Bontle: okay let me leave you to him before he comes here and drags you to him. I walked to the library and there sat the king himself and Bokang so I sat on the other chair and looked at Bokang confused. The brother in law was standing on the far end looking at me. I got the feeling that things are tense.
King: well my child am sure you have never heard of such a conversation in your life and when you were making your way here you never thought that you will find yourself in a room with the current king and future king and his advisor.
Me: no. I searched for Bokang eyes and he looked down with his light brown eyes.
King: it's my understanding that my son will like to send us back home to your parents for your hand in marriage. I blinked quite a few times digesting what he just said and I looked at him as if his crazy and looked at Bokang.
Me: Bokang?
Msizi: you are everything that our people require in a Queen and to top it off the chemistry that you two have is beyond words. I looked at Bokang again pleading with him to stand up or inject.
Bokang: dad, Msizi please give us a moment.
King: it's would be a pleasure my child to have you as my daughter in law, I don't know the dynamics of your relationship but from observing you two throughout dinner I know you two are a match made in heaven. They left us together and we were quiet for some time with the sound of the clock. Then he got up from his chair and walked to me and bent in front of me holding both my hands in his.
Bokang; I know we meet today; I know that we don't know our past and most certainly have our future planned in many ways than the way that it is right now. But I like who you are, I see you by my side in every project that I tackle for my people and for myself. I see myself building a family with you and mostly I see myself being able to be myself with you than what people expect me to be. I won't lie and say I love you but I know it won't be impossible to love you. Am ready to bide myself to you and only you. I don't need you to give me the answer today or now and I don't want you to feel like the car is also glued up to this. He looked at me with so much certainty in his eyes and I knew right there and then that this is it.
Me: am 27 years old
Bokang: am turning 30 in a few months. We were both quiet for some time and looked at each other for some time and I found comfort in his eyes. He really is a nice guy. He was fair but not to fair. He had light brown eyes, he had a brush and his lips were pink and had a nice facial hair. He had nice shoulders and he was lean and muscular in all the right places; He was taller than me of cause and his fingers were clean and they entwined with mines.
Me: I was married once. He looked at me shocked but still kept his position
Bokang: okay, for how long?
Me: a year, my dad married me off to this family since they helped pay for my school fees and I stayed married for a yes with the guy and then parted ways civil
Bokang: that still doesn't change me wanting to marry you. I looked at him.
Me; I've never had sex. He coughed and looked at me
Him: how? I told him everything about my time with Nkosinye and my reasons not to continue the marriage and how things ended with him and how that made my family disown me especially my mother who told me that I was ungrateful. "I still want to be married to you"
Me: I don't know how my family will be when we get there, I haven't been there for two years
Him: as long you and I are okay, I really don't care about any other factor. I like you up front with me now.
Me; okay
Bokang: okay?
Me: you can send your uncles to mines but first ill need to speak to my father first. He smiled and looked at me kissing my hands.
Bokang: word is already out that you my chosen one, I think the car was a bit too much.
Me: so fast
Bokang: you will see in the morning.
Me: so now what next.
Bokang: ill have Msizi have the detail of the future Queen vetted and then you can go to your house with them but you only staying thee for a few days until I send a letter to your family and after you have to go home so we can take you from home and you come here.
Me: my job
Bokang; ill sort it out
Me: okay. we both looked at each other and then I giggled and he looked at me shyly.
Bokang: let me get Msizi to sort the detail out for you. I nodded and he got up and left me alone and I sat there and closed my eyes thinking about what have I agreed too? Will I cope being a Queen in a foreign country? How will the people want a black Zulu girl as they queen? How will Nkosinye take the news? Will my parents be open to this? I felt a tear escape my eye and I wiped it off and breathed.
"am going to be fine'

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