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I walked in the office and looked at my father who then threw a glass of whiskey towards me and I ducked and it went over my head. I looked back at where the glass landed and looked at his father with fear all over my face.
Mr Shezi: what the fuck is wrong with you boy?
Me: nothing baba
Mr shezi: what do you mean nothing?
Luthando: I did what you asked baba nje. Mr shezi took the newspaper and threw it at me and I took it and right there on the front page was Zamathembu looking hotter than ever standing by the window yet looking sad. I looked at the paragraphs "It has been about 3 weeks since the shoot down at JOJO coffee shop of Mr Blose and he has been recovering at the Kempton park medic clinic, his wife who was then later on reported to came in and has never left the hospital ever since. She is a true definition of staying next to your spouse through it all. We have seen his family members and his friends come and go during visiting hours but Mrs Blose Junior has never left her husband side. Its reported that she has taken the personal task of giving him sponge baths daily and discarding off his cartilage. Today it has been reported that Nkosinye Lucian Blose has woken up from his coma that was to be 3 days but later lasted more than that" I stopped reading as I got to that part and looked at my father.
Mr shezi: not only has his brother taken business from me he also took business from us than to top it off he took the girl of your dreams and you let him live. What kind of a son did I give birth too?
Me: I will fix it baba.
Mr shezi: you better son before I take matters into my own hands. I want that bastard dead and I want that girl as my makoti.(wife) Am I clear?
Me: yes. I left his office and drove to the airport to take the flight back to Johannesburg again.
2 weeks later
I walked next to Sk who was pushing Nkosinye chair as we left the hospital at 8pm to avoid the press. He helped him into a customized chair and I sat just opposite him as he drove. We drove to this beautiful house that was at the most remote area and beautiful as he got in and helped get him out of the car to the house. I walked in admiring the view since it was my first time here and I found him also looking around.
Nkosinye: you like?
Me: yeah.
Nkosinye: we can check the house tomorrow. I nodded and put the bag on the floor and then walked to the kitchen to put in a warm cup of tea. I heard them talking and mumbling I walked to the master bedroom to go place his bag and I open it to find it unisex and neat than had the closet open to find my clothes and his clothes there. I stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. I turned to find Nkosinye there.
Nkosinye: Sk is gone to fetch some food. I ordered steers hope you okay with that.
Me: yeah am good in the meantime let me get us ready for bed and we can eat in bed.
1year later
It's been a year since my accident and thank to my wife who has been by my side since day one is finally getting there. She has been with me through training and physiotherapy and all the training that required to get me back into the person that I am. The boys have been looking for the guy responsible for my attack and Candy has disappeared from the face of the earth. The past few months this woman has been nothing but a gem. She has attended with me in every gym session that I have had. She has cooked, cleaned and made sure that am comfortable. We have gotten to a routine that works for us and she has been content with the little that I do. We drove from gym to the doctor for my check up since I have been doing progress. Today she hasn't been herself and am not sure why and I didn't want to ask her what wrong. So, I sat next to her and kept quiet.
Zamathembu: I think am nervous. She just spoke out. I turned and looked at her focusing on the road ahead.
Me: I've noticed, I think we getting there since I can move a bit you know. She nodded and we drove to the center. I had a surprise for her. The past 3 months I've been having private lessons with SK and I have been able to walk with my own two feet. Yes, am slow but it's something. We got to the parking area of the doctor's office and she stopped the car and I looked at her as she was shaking.
Me: hey. She stopped and looked at me. "stay calm okay" she smiled nervously and breathed and just than the car was knocked off and we were turned upside down and tear gas was thrown through the windows making it impossible for me to see nor breathe. Next thing I felt a strong bash on my head and it was light out to me...

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