Insert 25

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I woke up and felt like i was being crushed by something and i shifted than realized am sleeping on top of that guy. what was his name again. I kept quiet and didn't move out of fear that I will wake him up.
him: you up? his voice vibrated in my ear sending tingling sensations down my spine.
Me: yeah and you?
Him: yeah, you okay now? i sighed and shifted as he snuggled me closer.
Me: yeah. there was silence as i was in my thoughts thinking about what to do next and where two from here and the fact that i just slept with a guy. not intimate wise but i have just slept with a guy on a couch. i wiggled a bit checking if my down there was okay and if am still a virgin.
Him: you still a virgin, i wouldn't take without asking. i moved quickly out of him and looked at him as he slowly sat up.
Me: i never voiced that out loud, how do you know what i was thinking? I looked at him as he stretched and walked to the kitchen and took the phone on the wall and called. i never heard what he said but he mumbled and when done he went to the bathroom and came back after awhile.
him: I have a warm bath for you. come this way please. i got up as he walked me to the bathroom and showed me the things and told me to wear the clothes on the bed and he closed the door. i stood there for a while than soaked myself.

The door bell rang and I went to the door and there my father and mother stood looking at me. i walked in the house as they walked in.
Dad: if you think you will run away from this conversation young man than you have another thing coming.
Me: not now dad please
dad: I got home and found your mother in tears. the door bell rang and I walked and the food came and i tanked the guy and walked and looked at my parents.
Me:Look I don't tell you guys about thinks because your'l always panic we are a 1000 miles from the people who are after us yet here you are fretting and worrying about things. Am close to an angel if am not one yet mom treats me like a child. i have no friends other than family and you treat me like a little boy which am not and that affects me. as much as mom is affected am affected too. they both looked at me with eye full of hurt.
Mom: we just want what best for you
Me: i know that and trust me mom you doing a superb job at being a wonderful mom but i need to breathe. that all i ask from you just allow me to breathe that all and if am stuck or i need help with anything than i will let you know. i heard her footsteps and she moved around the bedroom and I saw my dad looking at me.
and I knew what he was thinking
Me: dad please. i closed my eyes in frustration and just than Melody walked in wearing my baggy black pants and hoodie and she looked amazing with her braids lose. she was breath taking and i saw my parents eye her up and down and i knew that she liked her.
Mom: hi
Melody: Hi, am sorry didn't know you had guest
Mj: they were leaving
dad: not since the food is here come sit down Melody and let eat.
Me: dad please. i watch dad nudge him
Mom: okay we leaving but don't forget our conversation
Me: Mom seriously
dad: yes seriously am to young to be a grandfather. i heard Melody choke and i ran to her and help her breathe.

i recovered from my chocking and looked at his parents,
Me: am sorry am not sure what your son told you but him and I are just friends i guess. Am a virgin and ill like to stay one or my father will butcher me alive. so yes Ma'am whatever talk you had with your son ill let him keep his word cause am keeping mines to my parents.
old guy: i like her already son. he smiled and i saw my new friend turn pink.
him: mom and dad you are doing it again. please. they all kept quiet and raised they hands as he walked to the door.
him: ill see you guys tomorrow.
old guy: at 10am and bring your friend with it will be nice for her to meet the rest of the family. i felt my heart beat faster.
Him: mom please speak to dad its not what he thinks seriously guys yourl need to go now. they laughed and walked out. he closed the door and looked at me slowly going back to his normal colour.
him: am sorry about that
me: its fine, i gather your parents has never seen your girlfriends before
him: no. i nodded and walked to the table that was full of food and sat and started eating and he followed also in silence

we got in the car and Bokang laughed and i looked at him
me: what?
bokang: your son is funny, she the one
Me: meaning?
Bokang: he is attracted to her and drawn to her and she is the one for him. and he has no idea. he is busy resentful of his life and his gifts that he rather be alone than be with people hence why he always pushes us away. hopefully this girl will show her how to be normal and to be sane with his powers.
Me: i just want him to be okay
Bokang: he will be okay don't worry about him.Now come here. I moved closer to him and he kissed me senseless and after a while he looked at me as his eyes changed to light brown.
Bokang: Thank you
me: for
Bokang the best 23 years of my life. you have loved us unconditionally and made sure that as difference as we are we are worth being loved. i felt myself cry and i smiled.
Me: thank you for loving me too and for choosing me
Bokang: we going to be grandparents soon. my heart stopped for a moment while Bokang laughed out loud and i hit him playfully as he was laughing and kissed my forehead

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