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I looked at him as he stood right before my eyes and looked at me with his eyes glistering like diamonds and I knew right there and than that he wasn't lying to me he really was different. I smiled at him and looked right into his eyes and watched them change into different colours and frankly it was really nice to watch and fascinating to see. we stood there for what seemed like hours with me just staring into his eyes watching them change colour.
Bokang: close your eyes. I did as he asked me and he touched my face and it was completely black and nothing
Me: don"t see anything
Bokang: what you want to see
Me: I don't know
Bokang: makes it difficult for me if you don't know what you want to see
me: how about I see ice cream.
Bokang: what kind?
me: chocolate with lots of flakes on top and slowly the image of that chocolate came to life as if am watching it being made right in front of me and I quickly looked at him.
Me: how did you do that?
Bokang: I wish I had an answer, half of the things I do just come to me on a random day than I know that I can do them its not like I train for it or anything like that.
Me: okay. my condition is that you involve me in anything and everything that happens to you. If you cry blood, you tell me. If you can fly you tell me. any changes and every changes that happen to you ,you let me know and am going to dedicate myself in finding more about this and the myth so I know what our family is getting it self into.

I looked at her and let her sentence wash over me and found it comforting. I touched her heart and felt it thud under my palm and I heard my heart change it rhythm to mines.
Me: I don't know if i heard you properly, you just said our family?
Zamathembu: You and I are now going to be a family, am a mortal and if things go from here we will eventually be parents and I want to be as knowledgeable as I can when that time comes. for now you talk to me about everything okay. small or big changes you place me in the loop.
Me: I can do that
Zamathembu: is this what the guards are for?
me: yes
Zamathembu: okay. she stood there for a minute looking at me than smiled the most warmest smile ever.
Me: What are you thinking?
Zamathembu: I never knew that ill be married to a person out of a novel fiction character. iv read about batman and superman but I think am now going to be living with one and somehow if God creates such I feel like he has also created the evil of what you are and I cant help and wonder what is that and that what am most scared off.
Me: you worry to much and we will be fine. i walked closer to her and kissed her forehead somehow that makes me feel calmer and connected to her. "thank you for agreeing to suck it up and be with me, iv been battling with this for awhile now and i thought you might reject me " just than her phone rang and she looked at it and gritted her as her mother name popped up.
Me: we need to talk about this woman.

I smiled at him and I answered the phone.
Mom: ukuphi?(where are you?)
me: am on my way home ma
MOm: okay, we need to talk so make it snappy where ever you are.
Me: Ngiyeza ma( am on my way)
Mom: okay. I hung up and looked at him.
Me: I need to go home.
Bokang: ill drive you home let me check out first.
Me: you booked?
Bokang: i thought that you will reject me so i didn't want to go home and deal with my father and his brothers dram.
Me: oh okay. my drive to my house was quiet as we got home he stopped a door away and i swear the lounge door was open and i could see my mother at the door.
Bokang: whatever happens, know that you have me and we will figure it out okay. I looked at him weirdly and nodded. he kissed my forehead and I jumped off and went in the yard and the door was opened and there was my dad hush stern voice and my mother.I walked slowly to the door.
dad: what the hell is wrong with you Nomthandazo? is it because Zamathembu is not your biological daughter? is this why you are so hell bent in making her the bad person and meddling in her affairs?is this why for years i though we are saving for her varsity days but you spent the money on your self lord knows what you were doing? and is this why you came with the idea of us selling her to the Blose for them to pay her school fees. why do you hate my daughter so much?
Mom: i don't hate her
Dad: than tell me why you do all that you do to her, why are you so hell bent in her not being happy? why do you want to control her so much. when I came with her after Zenzile gave birth and dropped her off at my work gate. I told you that she is mine and ill lay everything for her and I asked you if you are okay in mothering her and showing her affection and treat her like your own until we have our on babies. hell woman i love you but that is my blood and i owe it to myself and Zenzile that she lives and she is happy. she already had one mother abandon her due to circumstances she doesn't need another one. when she walks in, you start afresh and you show her the love you showed her before she could walk and talk. I had tears in my eyes as i walked in and i saw the fear in my father eyes and the smug look on my mother face.
Me: you not my mother?
dad: I can explain
Mom: yes am not
dad: Nomthandazo
me: no dad it fine. I never saw you as mother ever since you burnt me with a rod when i broke your vase. the day i found you sleeping with uncle Davis in my father bed while he was at work and lastly the day i heard you and uncle John talk about killing my father so you can have all that she has given you. you are evil....
dad: get the fuck out of my house Nomthandazo... ngithi phuma uphele la emehlweni wamie before i kill you with my bare hands you snake.( get the hell away from my house ) the fear on Nomthandazo face as my father went from being fair to pink within a moment.
Dad: usamile ngithe phuma satan ndini. (you still standing there, i said get out)she walked towards her room.
dad: uyaphi lapho, wafikha ungaphethe lutho phuma ngomnyango satan ungaphethe lutho. lenga njengoba wafikha.(where you going,i found you when you had nothing and now you will leave carrying nothing). In speed of light my mother was standing in front of me with her hand mid air and Bokang holding it before it could strike me and he was looking at her and his eyes were grey like a storm. His body so calm yet i could see that he was fuming.
Bokang:No one lays a hand on the Queen Of the Mohale Clan. the fear on Nomthandazo face was beyond words.
Me: am okay Bokang
Bokang: she still wants to rip your head off. i slowly moved to him and whispered " you can read her thoughts?' that got him to lower her hand and looked at me and nodded and it took him off and Nomthandazo left and i turned to him.
Me: when it happened?
Bokang: i don"t know
Me; can you read mine? i looked at him and he looked at me and we were silent for awhile until my dad cleared his throat so we turned and remembered where we were i saw Bokang turn pink. he stood behind me and looked down.
me: uhm dad sorry about that.
dad: at least now i know no harm will calm towards you.i smiled
me: uhm this is Bokang and Bokang this is my lovely dad. Bokang gave him a hand and shake hands and smiled his most charming smile and his eyes lit up and i knew that they will be best of friends.....

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