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I was sitting behind my desk finalizing the drawings that I had in front of me when Karabo peaked her head in.
Karabo: you have a walk in she said smiling and I looked at her confused.
Me: are you not supposed to be home?
Karabo: I go when you go
Me: send them in. I removed my reading glasses and a tall strong built man walked in carrying flowers and chocolate and champagne. "Dumela Ntate" (greetings)
Him: she speaks Sotho too. That took me aback a bit so I smiled and stood and watch him waltz in place the champagne and chocolates on the table.
Him: this is for you. He handed me the flowers and I took them confused as ever and I could see that the people in the office were now looking in my windows. "I have a delivery for you'
Me: I never ordered anything
Him: than you have a secret admirer
Me: I doubt but I'll play along
Him: am Kenneth and I own one of the car garages here
Me: oh, the one on the outskirt of town?
Kenneth: that me
Me; cool, so how can I be of assistance?
Kenneth: mind coming with me? I nodded and wore my heels and coat and we walked out with half the office out. We got to the basement parking space and everyone was there and I looked at the red Evoque land rover and I was confused and I looked at the guy and he smiled since I looked at him confused and I looked at the number plate and it had "Ndlovukazi" as the plate and I was so confused that everyone was holding they breathe next to me and around me.
Me: okay, whose car?
Kenneth: yours
Me; what you mean mines?
Kenneth: exactly that, it's yours, told you that you have a secret admirer. I stood there confused and I didn't know what to do if to cry or just look at him with everyone looking on with smiles plastered on their faces.
Me: I don't understand. He gave me the papers and I read that the car was paid in full and it was in my name. I looked him with shock as he took a picture, gave me the car keys and I opened the car and went in and touched the interior it was beyond sexy and beautiful and I didn't know what to say.
Kenneth: well my job is done here and he turned and left and I sat there while everyone came to check the car and congratulated me. I walked back to the office and sat down and thought of today day and who knew about my car issues.
Me: The king? Nah... He wouldn't he doesn't know me. I sat there for a while and then packed up my things and went to my new car after bidding everyone bye than drove to my small house that I have on the other side of town and got there got out and locked the car and went inside and sat there not knowing what to do. So, I jumped in a shower than came out wore my long sleeve black drees and wore my white sneakers and my white fur coat and wore my white and black headwrap and took a travelling mug and got in the car and drove to the palace.
I was sitting in the dining hall with my family and we were having supper when one of the helpers walked in.
Helper: khosana ea ka (my prince) I turned and looked at her "u na le moeti( you have a guest)
Dad: ba tlise( bring them in) I looked at mom and dad and continue to have the chicken soup that was in front of me. And the next thing my senses were surrounded by lavender smells and I knew who it was I turned to find her walking in behind the maid and her head bowed down. She looked amazing in her black body-hugging dress, the sneakers and the coat not to mention the headwrap that just made her tiny eye look sexier and her lips were to die for. I got up and walked towards her before the family could attack her. I saw my mom and dad face light up. My twin sister and her husband mumbled to each other.
Dad: kena ngoan'a ka ea ratehang.( come on in my dear child) she walked in slowly and the maid placed her right next to me and I froze on the chair. Another help came with the dishes and they added more food and dished up for her.
Zamathembu: lumelang( good evening) the whole family greeted back with so much smiles and enthusiasm I felt like they should just kill me now cause am not about to hear the end of this.
Me: it's okay you can speak English. I heard her sigh. She had her hands on her lap and I held her hand under the table and she looked at me than smiled and mouthed sorry and I smiled and looked away only to find the whole family looking at us.
Bonolo: daddy don't you shout at us when we speak English? Bonolo looked at his dad.
Msizi: yes, I do but for today I won't. He looked at me
Bonolo: than who is she? She looks beautiful? Everyone turned to looked at us and Zama was beyond shy right now.
Me: this is Zamathembu, Ndlovukazi(queen) my family. Mom and dad. The king and queen of Mohale Hoek. My brother in law and advisor and then my twin sister and her rascals. Everyone smiled and mumbled a greeting.
Zamathembu: pleasure to meet you all and my apologies to come over announced without a meeting.
Me; it's okay we can eat and will go to my office to talk and she nodded.
Me: dad don't start.
Dad: am quiet, you are welcome here my child. I served up for her while the family feel back into a hum of a conversation. "Am really sorry I came unexpectedly" she whispered and I saw the ears of my family peak.
Me: it's okay will talk
Zamathembu: you kind of left me no choice... A car... a personalized car.... she exclaimed softly and I heard the clutter of spoons and I looked up and the whole family acted like they never heard a thing. I got up and looked at everyone.
Me: can we be excused. Dad nodded and I walked with her to the library.
Zamathembu: YOU GOT ME A CAR!!! She exclaimed and I knew that my noisy family were by the door outside caused I heard some shuffling when we got here.
Me: hi
Zamathembu: am sorry, I don't have manners right now but you cannot go around buying people cars just like that. A whole Range Lover. That car cost millions and you brought it cash. I stood there and watched her as she was pacing and I could see she was nervous.
"I don't need to be rude, yes my car burnt to ashes and yes I don't have a car now but you cannot, I repeat cannot buy a person a car. What am I to do with it?"
Me: drive it. She took a deep breath and looked at me with her eyes spitting fire. She took out the keys and handed them to me and I don't know what came over me but I grabbed her and kissed her. Her soft lips against mines and her tiny boobs against my chest. My hands went to her waist and she moaned making me lose my cool and placed her against the walk as she hiked up one of her legs to bring me closer and just than the door opened and we quickly detangled. My sister peaked her head in.
Mom: wants to know if our quest will stay for dessert? I could hear that she was trying not to laugh.
Me: Bontle please
Bontle: okay. She disappeared and Zamathembu adjusted herself and looked at my shoes.
Me: can we have Dessert or my family will never leave me alone and then we can talk afterwards. She nodded without a word. We walked out and found my family having a pointless conversation and we sat down. I didn't know I was holding her hand until I saw my dad looking at me and I let go of it and she smiled and looked down.
Dad: so Zama, where are you from.......

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