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I watched her finish up eating and her phone rang and I Looked at her as she looked at the screen and place it face down.
Me: are you not going your answer your father? she looked at me than ate her food.
Melody: am not even going to ask how you know that my father. she finished up as the phone kept on vibrating than after awhile there were multiple text.
"Melody Khumalo you better answer your phone now"
"Melody, don't make me come there and sort you out myself"
"Melody, do you want me to come drag you from there and bring you here?"
Me: Tell me about your father? i asked her as she looked up and finished chewing.
Melody: where do i even begin? His one of the mine CEO in south Africa and my mom is an Account.
Me: you come from a home of academics?
Melody: yes, am the youngest in my family of 3 kids. my brother who is an engineer and my sister who is a nurse than myself.
Me: what you doing?
Melody: cytology
Me: interesting,Human cells or plant cells?
Melody: both cause i want to know more about genetic mutation and the mysteries of animal bodies
Me: I see, do you believe in supernatural powers? And that Humans can possess such?
Melody: call me weird but yeah i do believe that somehow somewhere we have supernatural beings.
Me: like vampires and Angels?
Melody: yeps, you cant tell me all the movies are based on imagination. so yes i think we have people that posses those powers. i looked at her and saw she believed in what she was saying.
Me: what will you do if you ever find out that a person that you know has these extreme powers? she looked at me and smiled.
Melody: am afraid i don't have a wide circle of friends and that happening is very unlucky.
Me: i see. we were silent as we finished up eating and she looked at me for a while than looked at her plate.
Melody: can i ask you a question?
me: depends what you want to ask ?is it about our conversation that we just had?
Melody: Yeah
Me: than dont ask me if you not ready for the answers ill give you.

I walked to the office and looked at the government operational services
President:thank you for coming in. we have a proposal for you
Me: am listening?
President: we will like you to train the soldiers that we have selected for this program on everything that you know so we can bring in King Bokang Mosheshe Mohale. I looked at them and stood up.
Me: Am sorry i cant help you with that. my father looked at me as he remembered the state he found me in after the king came to see me.
Bokang: You have been looking for us so here i am. i looked him over and smiled.
Me: you have guts coming here and acting all brave. he smiled and looked at me.
Bokang: for a gangster sometimes you can be very slow you know. so you telling me you know nothing about me?
Me: no i don't and frankly it doesn't mater all i know is that you took someone that doesn't belong to you and you will bring her back.
Bokang: is that so? the way he asked made me hesitate but the fact that i come from one of the most prominent family ever made me gain courage.
Me: yes
Bokang: Am only going to say this today,right here and right now and am never ever going to have this conversation with you. Leave My wife alone if you know what good for you. don't track her or give her any hussles are we clear.
Me: if i dont than what.
Bokang: come closer and ill show you. that was the biggest mistake of my life cause i moved to him and he placed his palm on my back and told me to close my eyes and right there i saw the most mortifying thing ever that made me pee my pains and scream out of fear like a small boy. he moved his hand and looked at me with now red eyes.
Bokang: you get the message? i nodded and just wished that i have never meet this guy.
President: Nkosinye....Nkosinye.... i came through and looked at the president as i shivered.
Me: as i have said before am sorry i cannot help you with whatever you are planning against that man. i have a family that i need to think of so no this is suicide. we got up and left the offices and got in the house. i took out my phone and texted the king on his number.
" they after you and they have a team in training ready to take down any offers be aware" i drove home to my beautiful wife.

I watched him as he did everything in his powers to ignore me.
Me: You are different. i see your eyes change every now and than. in the few hours that i have been with you i have trusted you with my life. you saw that my dad called with my phone upside down. right now we are eating all my favorite food and i never told you what i like. you knew the kind of Milo i drink. you knew how i was cold . heck you know things that my mother doesn't even know. Who are you ?
MJ: the question is What am i?
Me: than what are you?
MJ: if i tell you will you take it in? will you still want to be around me? will you still treat me the way that you are treating me now? will you see me as being normal? i looked at him and nodded and he got up then he moved to the lounge and  moved the coffee table.
Me: what are you doing?
MJ: you wanted to know who i am and the only way i can tell you is for me to show you. he continued removing vase and things while my heart was beating so fast and i was itching know know but also getting afraid. what if he is a monster? what if he will hurt me in the process.
MJ: don't worry i wont hurt you. i looked at him as i was sure that i never spoke that out loud. he than stood in the middle of the room and looked at me.
MJ: this is who i am, i was born this way and no matter how much i try to hide from it this is me. this is what i am. after i show you ill answer any questions you might have and if you want me to stay away from you i will and never see you but if you want to keep this friendship than am okay with it. but do know you can never tell anyone about this. i stood there nodding my head like a doll and looked at him as he breathed and took his shirt off revealing the most toned body ever.
MJ: okay here it goes......

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