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I walked out of the office as the guys from Lesotho were calling and I answered my phone.

Me: yeah

Guy 1: yes boss, the lady isn't here we have been here for a while and there haven't been any movement inside and outside.

Me: does everything seem normal though?

guy 1: yes . i stood there thinking for a second then my phone buzzed and a text came through and i checked it " your ex wife just got here 2 hours ago" i smiled and returned to my call

me: sho ntwana, you can come back she is here in SA that why there isn't any activity

guy1: sho boss. i smiled as i hung up, this explains here disappearance she was prepping to come back home let me go home and shower and go offer to take her out for dinner but first let me call her and see if she is available.


I walked back to the tree and my mom looked at me with those eyes that made me scared when i was young.

Mom: I see you brought a friend and thank you for everything that you have gotten us especially the shoes.

me: my pleasure

dad: let go in the house so we you can tell us all about Lesotho. we all walked into the lounge with Ntsidi keeping her distance and giving me and my family that sense of privacy.

dad: so how Lesotho have been? he asked sitting down and i looked at him asking myself if i should ask him now or should keep quiet.

Mom: Zamathembu its been awhile am so happy you are here. I smiled shyly and looked at my mom. I never really had a relationship with her and I was okay with it but now I wish we were closer so that its makes things easier.

Me: actually I would like to speak to you guys about something important. they both looked at me and my father smiled.

Dad: when is he coming? I looked at him confused " I know you since the first day that you were born and I knew you will one day be married and your marriage will bring great joy and happiness to my soul and bring   our surname to the highest order hence I named you Zamathembu. I married you to the Blose but that was wrong of me should have let destiny do it things and now its looks like destiny has finally done it thing. so who is the guy?" I looked at my father and I just smiled because I was more closer to him and he seemed to understand me better than my mother.

Me: It King Bokang Moesheshe Mohale. My mom jumped and stood on her two feet and looked at me,

Mom: what you mean King? You mean the King king?

dad: sit down Nomthandazo

Mom: ay baba ngifuna ukuzwa kahle( i want to hear properly my husband)

dad: and somehow you cant hear when you sitting? he asked with one of his stern voices and I saw my mother sitting down slowly. " now explain to me my child. don't mind your mother and here drama look at me my angel and talk"

Me: his the next King Of Lesotho dad and he has asked me to marry him and I have said yes but he wanted your blessing first so he has asked I come speak to you to allow his elders to Come speak to you about things and see if you can have him as a son in law. his been kind to me and dad am still a virgin.My mom jumped again and clapped her hands once.

Mom: what you mean you a virgin? you were married for a year Zamathembu? I looked down and never answered my mom.

Dad: kodwa yini Nomthandazo?( what wrong with you?)

Me: yes I was but Nkosinye and I were not intimate hence it was easy for me to annul the marriage and leave with nothing.

Dad: no need to explain yourself child.

Mom: aybo Khuluma nthombazane sifuna ukwazi( talk young lady we want to know) I found myself looking at my mom and i knew why I didn't speak to her about things it was because of how she is acting right now.I calmed myself and i saw my phone vibrate and I looked at it was an unknown number. i cancelled and looked at my dad and i could feel that i had tears in my eyes.

dad: you have my blessing child. he can come anytime since your uncles are doors away to speak to me i don't mind and thank you my child for telling me this and coming home with such delights. i know i never tell you this but am happy you are my child and am happy that you have been nothing but a blessing to me and have never disappointed me. you finished your schooling without a child and went to varsity and finished that too and now you getting married to someone you like and believe in and you have always listened to me and made me the happiest father on earth.

Me: thank you for being the best father that a girl can ever ask for. i saw my mom folding her hands and look at me in a nasty way and truly speaking i had no idea what her problem is and frankly ill never understand her. my phone vibrated again and it was that number so i excused myself and walked to the kitchen.

Me: hi

voice: hey, its nkosinye. his voice was different and that took me off a bit.

Me: hey, thanks for calling me my phone had an issue and i didn't have your number.

Nkosinye: glad,you picked up. heard you in the country care to go out for dinner?

Me: sure, i was going to see you anyways i need to talk to you about something.

Nkosinye: okay.ill pick you up in an hour

Me: sure. see you than. i hung up and called Bokang and he picked up on second ring as if waiting for my call.


i walked with Msizi looking at me as i answered the call.

Me: Ndlovukazi Yami( My Queen)

Zamathembu: Bokang. she sounded down and that quickly made me alert.

me: you good?

Zamathembu: am good?

me: okay

Zamathembu: spoke to my parents and dad is okay and said you can let him know in regards to the negotiations.i gave a big sigh that i never knew am holding.

Me: okay. ill come tomorrow. the shock in her voice was too much.

Zamathembu: uhm, so fast?

me: yes, am here already ill talk to my father about coming tomorrow if that okay.

Zamathembu: ill ask dad if its okay than text you the answer.

Me; okay

Zamathembu: am eating out today and ill like Ntsidi not to accompany me. i kept quiet for a minute and looked at Msizi than breathed.

Me: only if you give me the location of where you going

Zamathembu: i don't know but i can text you when am there. they picking me up.

Me: can i pick you up than?

Zamathembu: okay bye. she hung up and i felt the tingling sensation on my back.

Msizi: what that about?

Me: she meeting Nkosinye

Msizi: how do you know?

Me: do you really want me to answer that?

Msizi: yekha( leave it)

Me: good thing tomorrow am paying Lobola for her.

Msizi: let me go speak to the elders and make funds available. i take it you will want everything done all at once?

me: yes. he left me as i stood there by the balcony thinking of the road ahead and who will she take the news am about to tell her today when i pick her up? Will she ever accept me for who and what I am?

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