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I woke up to hearing noises in the house and I knew that my father side of the family was already here. Ntshidi walked holding a try with tea and a few muffins. i looked at the muffins cause i knew that i never brought such.
Ntsidi: the Prince brought a few items for the day he had it delivered and ask that i wake you so you can answer your phone.
Me: I don't even know where that phone is. she took out her phone and handed it to me and i called Bokang.
Bokang: heavy sleeper
Me: thanks for the breakfast. i broke the muffin and stuffed it in my mouth. and chewed as he kept quiet and waited for me.
Bokang: how was your night?
Me: am okay and yes i still am going to marry you
Bokang: i thought am the one with super powers here.
Me: yeah but i know you
Bokang: really now
Me: what are you up to?
Bokang: just finished dressing. am now going to go have a meeting with the family than we coming to your house and you?
Me: i have no idea what next
Bokang: want me to send my sister to help? she and my mom decided to come over
Me: No its okay i think, ill have lunch with them later
Bokang: okay let me go than see you in 2 hours
Me: okay. i hung up and got out of bed and helped my family prepare for the event at hand.

i walked to the lounge and found my family sitting there and talking about what the plan and how much there are welling to give the Mthembu family.
Me: am sorry to interrupt but we are going to give that man everything and anything that he ask for. the room was silent.
Dad: have you told the young lady about your powers and the responsibility this will be to her and that the whole Mohale nation is depending on her.
Me: yes dad i have and i don't think that the elders or where ever these powers are coming from would have picked her if she wasn't the one that will carry me and the nation far.
dad: and she still agreed to marry you? did you show her any of the powers or she took your word. i walked to the center of the room.
Me:guys please close your eyes. they all did and i touch the floor that they stood at and the image of the conversation i had with Zamathembu played. when i was done i got up and looked at them as the room was filled with silence.
Dad: did you speak to her today?
Me:close your eyes and they did as i touched the floor again and made the hear the conversation that i had with her this morning and my dad smiled looking at me when i was done.
Dad: i believe we now have a Queen. they all cheered as we hugged and laughed and the mood was less tense and we left to go to her house.

I woke up from my midday nap and frustration of not being able to ping anything about the car or Zamathembu history and time in Lesotho to my phone ringing and i answered.
Voice: meet me at Mugg and bean in 30 minutes. than it hung up. i called Sanele.
Me: Bro track the number that just called me. there was silence as he was tying away and he sighed at me.
Sanele: number not registered.
Me: well i need you to have the news feeds of the CCTV of Mugg and Bean down the road i have a meeting there.
Sanele: okay i will. i hung up took a quick shower than changed to sneakers and jeans and shirt and left. i got there and saw the Alpha number plate car and i walked into the empty restaurant.There at the corner sat a guy having a latte.
me: hi
him: hi, heard that you have been looking for me so here i am. i looked at him confused and what the hell is he talking about.
Me: am sure what you are talking about?
Him: according to my IT guy you been trying to gain access to my Fiancee location and mines so i thought why don,t i come here and here your reasons for wanting to know her where about and mines. my mind went from Zero to a hundred fast and everything clicked. am guessing this is the guy that drives the car that has Alpha on it and is the one dating Zamathembu. wait did he just called her a Fiancee. He smiled and nodded as if he understands and sees my train of thought
Him: so am here ask me anything that you wanted your guys to find cause trust me you can give them a year or years and still you wont find a thing about me. he took a sip from his coffee and i knew right there and than that this guy was way beyond my league and i should have given up the moment that my dad told me to stop but i wanted her and i needed closure and now here i am looking in the eyes of what look like Lucifer himself...

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