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I got to the office and Karabo walked into my office and looked at me.
Karabo: and then?
Me: you do not want to know what happened. I removed the coat and scarf. I went to the mini closet at the far end of the office took out the skirt and shirt that I keep here and closed the blinds.
Karabo: please go check if my 8-o clock is here while I change. And also, can you please go check my files first before heading to the board room., so you can place them nicely before they come in. She nodded and closed the door. I turned and looked at my Black pencil skirt and also the shirt and bent to take the pencil heel and I took out my clothes and I was naked with just my sexy black body suite and just than the door open.
Me; are they here babe? I was wiping my armpits and I turned to find the prince by the door shocked. I quickly got into the closet and closed the door.
Bokang: am sorry the lady at the front said to come here and your front desk is empty.
"it's okay, do you mind walking to the third door on your left please" I answered from in the closet.
Bokang: sure. The door closed and I waited there for a minute than I walked out and changed to my clothes and wore my heels and fixed my hair and walked out with the iPad on my desk and made my way to the boardroom. I got there and the room was full with my seniors and of cause Bokang. i smiled and walked in.
Me:khotsong( Goodmorning) I smiled and walked to the front of the room and all eyes were on me. "I'll like you all to take the iPad in front of you and go to annexure 1 "there was some movement as the 3 ladies and 6 gentlemen shuffled. The presentation took me 2 hours and 30 minutes and they interacted to all my designs and I even took them through the rough budget that I estimated.
I looked at her as she spoke and smiled and be vibrate. Her intelligence attracted me more making me doze into a haze around her. The glow in her eyes as she spoke showed the passion she has for her job.
Zamathembu: you can keep the proposal on the folders for future reference and you can get back to me about this in 14 business working days. Everyone clapped and she smiled and they walked in with muffins with more refreshments. I mingled with a few people then walked towards her office and this time had the decency of knocking since I know she uses it as a dresser too.
Zamathembu: come in. I walked in and it was warm she was sitting on her chair and her shoes were off and wearing sleepers so she quickly hid them behind her desk as she stood and smiled.
Me: that was a mouthful.
Zamathembu: I hope we are able to work together for the people.
Me: hopefully. I just wanted to check on you before I left.
Zamathembu: thank you. There was silence as I stood there and so did, she and I felt so weird for the first time in my life.
Me: called the car insurance people yet?
Zamathembu: never had that it was just a good buy from just buys only.
Me: hmmm I see. Well it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Mthembu.
Zamathembu: pleasure was all mine my King. I smiled and left the office going to the car and driving home where I was meet by my twin nieces. My brother in law was running after them.
Msizi: You are back?
Me: yeah it was one hell of a day
Msizi: what happened was the meeting the waste of time?
Me: actually, it was the opposite. Tell me about the royal meeting that you had.
Msizi: the elders are complaining that you going to crowned a king in the next 5 months yet they haven't seen or heard anything about you getting a queen that will run with you so they cornered your father into arranging a marriage for you but your old man pulled one over on them and said if that the case than you are allowed to choose even a commoner to be queen and they agreed. His going to tell you this after dinner so this was just a heads up.
Me: okay that expected. Let me go sort out some things than ill come back and will talk things over about this project. Where is your wife?
Msizi: you know she at the woman lunch event again, I swear I don't know what these women talk about that they haven't covered Monday. I laughed and left the room going to the north wing of the house which was my house. I got in and went into the office and called the land rover offices.
Owner: King
Me: am not king yet still doing my training
Owner: you were always king even from our olden days. I laughed and looked at the Boucher on the table while taking off my shoes.
Me: ill like for you to suggest what car can I have available today for a woman?
Owner: okay, found us a queen yet?
Me; you know that I don't kiss and tell. Now which cars are available and can be delivered at 4:30pm.
Owner: we just have the new Range rover Evoque and its red with the black rims and the interior is to die for will that be okay for our queen?
Me: I think it's fine. Send me the invoice and I'll pay up and drop it off yourself so you can tell me if I made the right choice yini. Oh, and add some red and black roses and of cause a bottle of champagne. Her name is Zamathembu Mthembu.
Owner: I never though ill see this day after what happened 6 years ago.
Me: I guess it time I give my family what they need and live up to the tradition.
Owner: all the best mate. We chatted and hung up. I looked up to find my father standing by the door.
Me: dad
Dad:mora( son)
Me: o eme moo halelele hakae?( how long have you been standing there?)
Dad: nako e telele ho tseba hore o reka koloi e ncha( long enough to know that you are buying a new car) I looked at the booklet and looked at my smiling dad.
Me: yes, I am
Dad: u batla ho hohela basali? concom ha e sa u etsetsa letho?(want to charm the ladies? The convoy doesn't do it for you anymore?)
Me: dad!!
Dad: you going to be crowned king in a few months and that shall happen with a wife by your side or those old people will do it for you. You have until the end of the following month to come to me with a candidate or am going to Mafikeng and am getting Bertu daughter for you.
Me: understood. He walked in and sat right across from me.
Dad: I know you have been through a lot in your life and life haven't been that good but you are the next king and you have responsibilities. The family and your people come first than yourself. Choose a woman who can stand next to you when you have to be king and also be with you when you are you. Once she gets that and understand that than all will be good.
Me; thanks dad.
Dad; I love you son
Me; I love you too dad. He smiled and left and I Zamathembu take her gift and is she willing to overlook the whole Royal thing and just accepts me as I am...

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