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I woke up and I was chained to a knob on the floor. My leg was chained like a dog. I sat on the mattress that was there and looked around in the dim room and my head was banging. I sat there not moving as I rubbed my head thinking about Nkosinye and where he is and why is this happening to me am only just 25 years and am a praying child. Why me?
I woke up to doctors flashing a light in my eyes and I was yet again on a hospital bed.
Me: my wife. I whispered as they looked at each other confused. That irritated me and I smacked they hands away from me.
Me: my wife?
Nurse: am sorry sir but you here alone, we can find out where your wife is.
Me; I was in our car with my wife to do a checkup here and you telling me am here alone. Am in a fucken wheelchair for god sake. I raised my voice and I saw them get frighten and move to the back and look at me shocked. My doctor walked in with SK behind him and I felt some sort of relief when I saw him walking in. I felt my left cheek wet and I wiped it and looked at the tear and I was shocked that am actually crying. Am I really crying for a woman? I swore to myself that I'll never love or care about a woman ever agin but somehow here I am losing my mind about this amazing wife that not once has she complained, not once has she pulled up her face when she helps me or when we are training or when she is massaging me or when she is making ford for me or reading the million articles on how to make my life more comfortable and get me on track.SK looked at me with an odd expression as I wiped my face in frustration and looked at him.
SK; We will find her don't worry. I nodded as the doctor came and checked me and smiled since I have made progress from the last time that I have been here.
Doctor: you have made progress
Me: thanks to my wife he been pushing me.
Doctor: she been doing good cause the food you been eating helped with muscle restoration and also with the exercising. Am pretty sure you can take a few steps alone now? He looked at me as I nodded and he took a cane and gave me. "try this" I took the cane and walked to the door and came back with it and he smiled. "this few week I want you to use the cane more than the chair okay so your body can get use to this" I nodded and we left with SK pushing me.
Me: who did this to me and who took her. I grilled him the moment we got in the car.
SK:Luthando, her ex-boyfriend ever since she was in grade 11, his father is MR Shezi the guy that your brother was in war with and this is the fighting you back for all that you took from them including your wife.
Me: all along she was with Luthando?
SK: she never spoken to him since the day she was married to you
ME: but why is he so hell bent on her?
SK: my take is that the father is the main guy pushing this since the guy is just a small time Durban thug so I doubt he has all the resources needed for this kind of a heist. I have the guys looking for any abandon houses that might be in the name. I have some snitches in that crew so am awaiting feedback from him and I have the guys driving about Soweto to see if they hear anything.
Me: I want to kill them both with my ow hands
Sk: not now boss, for now let find your wife and you focus on your health plus we have the Nigerians moving in our territory. I nodded and fasten my seatbelt and we drove to my house with my phone ringing and it was my father.
The door opened and a guy walked in and I stood there as I saw the blue sneakers that Luthando brought when we were dating. I remember because it was my first time going to gateway and we went in this shop and he brought me sandals too.
Me: Luthando?
Luthando: oh, you still remember me? I thought that you have forgotten about me since you are with the worlds most wanted crook. I kept quiet as I looked at him confused and he switched on the light and looked at me and he laughed. "you were always naïve Mazet that was your biggest downfall"
Me: it's funny how am with the biggest criminal on earth yet here I am in this room, tied with a chain and on top of that taken without my will. Makes me wonder who is the crook between you two. Maybe my mother was right about you Luthando. He moved closer to me and looked at me with the evilest eyes that I have ever seen in my life.
Luthando: did you ever love me? Now that took me off guard. So, I never answer him. I just kept quiet and looked at him. "answer me "
Me: I did
Luthando: past tense?
Me: yes, am a married woman Luthando. Am devoted to my husband
Luthando: that cripple? He laughed an evil laugh "I did that to him; he was on a date with another woman while he was married to you. I got him out of JOJO and shoot him. The aim was to kill him but instead God had great plans little did I know that you have no brains and you will stick it with him and help him, why?" he looked at me with his eyes doing crazy shit that made me so scared.
Me: since when have you become this men Luthando? I had tears in my eyes
Luthando: you haven't seen half of what am capable of, today am going to take what mines, its either you give it to me or I take it. He ripped my shirt with my buttons falling to the floor exposing my boob making me shiver and tears rolled down my face as this is not the way that I thought I will lose my virginity.....

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