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Me: What you mean that Mom and dad are missing?
Uncle Moesheshe: Exactly that. They are missing, your father in law and his wife were going there for dinner and they weren't there.
Me: That doesn't mean that they are missing malume.(Uncle)
Uncle: you need to come back home son, the throne is unprotected, people are crying and complaining over the changes. your father hasn't been telling you about what happening here but we are at war with kingdoms and right now if word goes out that your dad is missing.
Me: I can not just uproot myself here and come there, the government is still after me and my family.
Uncle: Since when do you fear a simple man? there was silence on the call as I was thinking.
Me: let me speak to my wife and will get back to you. I hang up and closed my eyes trying to adjust the information that I have just received from my uncle.

we signed the papers and I scanned them with my phone and sent them to court. I turned to find her looking at her ring and she had the most beautiful smile ever. I went to the kitchen and made a small dinner and when done I took out my phone and called my father.
Me: dad
Dad: Son, you good?
Me: yes am good, Uhm... am coming home tomorrow there is something I need to talk to you about.
Dad: oh okay...should I be worried?
Me: Uhm... no, just ask mom to go all out in her cooking am bringing a guest. I listen to my dad's laugh.
Dad: So you still with the girl? I turned to find her leaning in from the door looking at me with a smile fixed on her face.
Me: dad will talk when am there.
Dad: don't do what I wouldn't do and thanks for calling son. I closed the phone and walked to set the table and she sighs.
Melody: you told your dad about today's events?
Me: no but tomorrow we are going home to speak to both of them. she was quiet.
Melody: I see
Me: don't stress yourself my mom will like you so don't stress.
Melody: won't they have an issue with you bringing a person and also the fact that we are now married without their consent.
Me: you worry too much so let just eat please. I moved the chair for her to sit. and she sat down and looked at me while I served her.

Government Headquarters
Agent: so you telling me that you have no idea where your son is?
Mr. Mohale senior: I have told you this a million times already, I have no idea where my son is.
Agent: you see sir I find that very hard yo believe that your one and only child. the next king of Lesotho. And you have no idea where he is? Mr. Mohale kept quiet and looked at the agent as he sat there and looking at him. the Agent walked around trying to intermediate the Mohales as they sat there looking at each other not saying anything. The door opened and an Agent walked in with a file and gave it to the other agent.
he flipped through the pages than looked at the King.
Agent: do you know what am holding?
Mr. Mohale: how will I know what you are holding?
Agent: while these are a list of numbers that have called you the past few years and there is a number that always pops up and we are currently tracing it and am pretty sure that this will lead us to you son. The king laughed so much and looked at the Agent.
Mr mohale: You know why they sent you to interrogate me? The agent looked at the king with amused eyes.
" This is nothing but a fishing expedition and its so sad that you have no idea what and who you are dealing with and I pray that my son right now doesn't know where we are because if he does and he knows what happening you little guy and your bosses are dead."
Agent: is that a threat?
Mr Mohale: oh young man that no threat trust me, but you will be sorry. The agent looked at the old king and had shivers go down his back and he knew better than to disregard his instincts and his instincts were telling him that the King wasn't lying at all...

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