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They walked us in with the soldiers pointing guys at us and the whole government was there even the president.
President: We meet again
Me: I cant say am happy about our meeting right now yet here we are. I looked around the room and just than a frantic guard ran breathing heavily and looks like he has seen a ghost.
Frantic guard: Sir
Commander: And than?
Frantic guard: am afraid I have a situation at the holding room that requires assistance.
Commander: What kind of a situation?
President : boys take it outside please. They left us and I knew that had something to do with my son.
Me: so here we are after so many years and your government is still at it. What did my family ever do to get this kind of a treatment.
President: you have something we need?
Me: What is that?
President: look we need your help in making our army stronger and your genes have been tested to show that it can do what we have in mind.
Me: let me get this right. My genes have the power to make your solider stronger yet here you are pointing guns at me knowing very well what your researchers thinks I can do, does that sums up things? I watched them look uncertain and just than the furniture in the room moved to one side of the room apart the chairs that we occupied and i knew that was my son showing off and he was in the room doing his invisible shit. I looked around the room to see them all shocked and frightened. The president body guards were next to him within a minute.
Mj: are you good dad? Everyone eyes popped out as they looked around and saw absolutely no one.
Me: Yes am good and you?
Mj: am good too and so is grandma and grandpa they safe. I nodded and looked at the president.
Me: now what did you want from me again. He was sweating and so were the big man standing next to him." You see its very difficult wanting something that you have no power of controlling nor a power to see, son show yourself"
Mj: in my full form or as how the world sees me?
Me: ill let the President decide. I looked at the old man as he looked so confused.All the men were looking at each other.
President: let start with how the world sees him. The doctors in the room shifted looking around and just like a blink of the eye my son appeared behind them and I smiled cause he loves toying with people.
Mj: am here. Everyone jumped and turned to see my perfectly human son with his grey eyes. They usually like this when his pissed but holding it in. They looked him over and the President smiled.
President: he looks normal to me
Me: so am I but its amazing what we can do with our normal bodies right? Son changed form.
Mj: Am going to need everyone to back off now. They looked at the Commander and he nodded and they backed off. He closed his eyes and I saw him touching the ground am guessing to read everyone mind than opened them and he eyes were fire red.
Guard1: his eyes
Mj: an going to need commander Jones to give me his gun please.
Commander Jones: Why?
Mj: cause you want to shoot me?
Commander Jones: how....hhhhhhow.... he stutters.
Mj: I can read everyone mind.
President: what am I thinking?
Mj: if what you see is real or you losing your mind. I laughed at him.
Me: Son. He closed removed his shirt while everyone was murmuring and closed his eyes. Than in a blink of an eye his beautiful majestic wings were showing and everyone gasped. One Indian bowed down and kissed the ground.
Me: now that you know what you dealing with I have a business proposal and you all going to sit down and listen or we can fight with you'll trying your beat to kill us or take our DNA and we do our best to preserve it. Now mr President what is it going to be? I watched as the room broke into a screaming match everyone trying to speak out they point as my son disappeared and appeared in his human form right next to me and somehow that silenced the room.
Me: Now that we have your attention this is my proposal....

I was beyond exhausted, my mother in law and I have been shopping most of the day. We walked into Sandton Hotel and went to the eating area as we took a table for two and our guards took the table next to us.
Mrs Mohale: I never thought ill have a daughter in law. I looked at her and smile to this beautiful woman who has been nothing but kind to me.
Me: I never thought ill be married this young.
Mrs Mohale: than why did you say yes? That took me off by surprise. A waiter cane and we ordered and he left. " don't get me wrong, am happy you my daughter in law but as you see, you are both young and my understanding is you two have just meet so why yes?
Me: My father wanted to marry me off to a man I have no idea how and who she is. Your son knows and he is convinced that my dad is up to no hood and I don't blame him, we are all academics at home and him marrying me off doesn't make sense. So when your son asked me to marry him I said yes. Yes because in the last24 hours that he has been with me he has treated me so good and better than the last 20 years that iv known my father. And plus somehow i feel safe with him. I looked up to see tears in her eyes and she wiped them off with her finger.
Mrs Mohale: My parents sold me off once and I stayed a whole 2 years in a marriage that never grew me. The first year I never saw my husband and the following year I took care of him as he was shot. After that I meet Bokang. I saw her smile and I knew I wanted the kind of love that she has and feels for her husband. The waitress came with our food and we ate and spoke of the future that I had no idea holds and in overall I loved my mother in law and she somehow I knew she will make this bearable.
Voice: Melody. I turned to see my mother and father standing there and my father was red with anger and my mother had tears in her eyes and I saw the bruise on her neck and I knew there was more under that make up and that made me so angry and I shot up my chair and jumped into my dad screaming and scratching and punching while the guard's tried to pull me away from him....

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